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tion "there is nothing certain, nothing noble," says the holy Bishop, whose practical works must always lead the van in this province of sacred literature; "but he that follows the work of God-that is, labours to gain souls, not to a sect or subdivision, but to the Christian religion, that is, to the faith and obedience of the Lord Jesus-hath a promise to be assisted and rewarded; and all those that go to heaven are the purchase of such undertakings, the fruit of such culture and labours; for it is only a holy life that leads us there. . . . . Theology is rather a divine life than a divine knowledge."

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The Sources of Spiritual Life-Foretastes of the Dispensation of the Spirit-
The Spirit will convince the World-The Threefold Conviction-The
Conviction of Sin-The Conviction of Righteousness-The Conviction
of Judgment Our Spiritual History-Gradual Growth in Grace-De-
clension in Grace The Soul's Second Spring-Sinning against the Spirit
-Grieving the Spirit-The Promise of the Holy Ghost-The Paraclete
is the Comforter-"Take not Thy Holy Spirit from us"


The Sinfulness of the Heart-Foster on "Moods" and "Frames"-Light and
Happy Thoughts-Unhappy Thoughts-Depressing Effect of Poverty-
Unholy Imaginations-Wicked and Vain Thoughts-The Heart left to
itself Perils within and without-Vice caricatures Virtue-Open and
Secret Sin-The Blessedness of the Pure in Heart



The Improvement of Time-"Diem perdidi"-How short our Time is-The
Last Words of Grotius-Divisions of Time-Redeeming the Time-No
Time at the Last-The Flight of Time

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