Imágenes de páginas
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No. 1. To notify the governor that the Legislature was duly organ-
.By Senator Stannard.


No. 2. Relating to the submission of a proposition to amend section 5 of the bill of rights of the constitution of the state of Kansas concerning trial by jury. .By Senator Myers. No. 3. Relating to the submission of a proposition to amend section 8 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas concerning finances and taxation. .By Senator Myers.

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No. 4. Submitting to a vote of the people the question of amending the
constitution of the state of Kansas to provide for equal suffrage.







By Senator Anderson (by request).

No. 5. Providing for the submission of a proposition to amend the
constitution of the state of Kansas in section 3 of article 2, relating to
compensation of members of the Legislature..
By Senator Glenn.

Sub. 5. Providing for the_submission of a proposition to amend the
constitution of the state of Kansas in section 3 of article 2, relating to
compensation of members of the Legislature.. By Committee on Judiciary.

No. 6. Relating to the submission of a proposition to amend sections
1 and 2 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas,_relating
to finance and taxation
.By Senator Brady.

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No. 7. Relating to the submission of a proposition to amend section 1
of article 2 of the constitution of the state of Kansas, relating to the
initiative and referendum
By Senator Cooke.

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No. 8. Relating to the submission of a proposition to amend section 1
of article 2 of the constitution of the state of Kansas, relating to the
initiative and referendum in legislation
By Senator Anderson.





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No. 9. Relating to the submission of a proposition to amend the constitution of the state of Kansas with reference to the compensation of members of the Legislature.. .By Senator Moore. No. 10. Relating to the submitting of a proposition to amend the constitution of the state of Kansas as to the legislative power of the state. By Senator Moore.

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No. 11. Relating to the restoration of John F. Lewis to the rank of a first lieutenant and his retirement. .By Senator Chapman.

No. 12. In relation to examination of the fire escapes at the State
Normal School.
By Senator Stannard.
No. 13. In relation to the securing of pensions for members of the
Kansas state militia
...By Senator Travis.
No. 14. Relating to the election of a United States senator.



By Senator Glenn.



No. 15. In relation to me acceptance of the deed to the Pawnee Rock . By Senator Porter. No. 16. In relation to the placing of ex-officers of the Civil War on the retired list. .By Senator Travis. No. 17. In relation to an expression of gratitude to the students of the Kansas State Agricultural College.. . By Senator Carey. No. 18. Relating to an invitation to the Legislature to visit the University of Kansas. By Senator Brady. No. 19 Relating to the issuance of liquor licenses by the United States government to violators of the prohibitory laws of Kansas. By Senator Robertson.

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No. 20. Relating to an amendment to the appropriation bill for the United States Department of Agriculture .....By Senator Glenn. No. 21. Providing for the submission of an amendment to the constitution of the state of Kansas with reference to the terms of state officers. By Senator Stannard.

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No. 22. Relating to raising the standard of immigration into the
United States
. By Senator Stewart.


No. 23. Relating to the consideration of bills and specifying the time of final adjournment of the Legislature. By Senator Stewart.

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No. 24. Relating to the time of final adjournment of the Legislature.
By Senator Brewster.





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No. 25. Relating to the sale of drugs and other articles by the several state institutions. .By Senator Stewart. No. 26. Relating to the rules of the next Legislature in the consideration of bills, etc. . By Senator Quincy. No. 27. Relating to the time of the final adjournment of the Legislature...... .By Senator Huffman. No. 28. Relating to the time of the final adjournment of the LegislaBy Senator Glenn. ture. No. 29. Creating a committee to wait on the governor concerning final adjournment. .By Senator Hamilton.

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No. 3. In relation to the acceptance by the governor of a deed to twenty acres of land donated by the Woman's Relief Corps as a memorial park.. . By Senator Bender. No. 4. In relation to the election of United States senators by popular vote. . By Senator Quincy. No. 5. Enabling the erection of a memorial building on the campus of the University of Kansas ..By Senator Brady.

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No. 1. Approving the application of the board of regents of the Kansas
State University to be placed upon the list of accepted institutions for the
benefits of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Learning.
By Senator Potter.

No. 2. Relating to the water supply for the Kansas School for the
.By Senator Hodges.

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No. 2. An act to establish a legislative department of the state library, and to provide for the drafting of bills for the members of the Legislature and for the gathering and imparting of information relating to legislation in this and other states; to create the office of legislative reference librarian, and to provide for the appointment of a secretary and necessary clerical force, and making appropriation for the purpose of this act. By Mr. Dolley. No. 3. An act enabling school districts to issue bonds to pay outstandng warrants .By Mr. Brown. No. 7. An act making appropriations to the State Agricultural College to restore endowment and interest lost in compromising Anthony, Harper county, railroad bonds. .By Mr. Westgate.

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No. 13. An act requiring all railway corporations, or receivers or
lessees, operating a line of railway in the state of Kansas, to equip its
locomotive engines with electric or other headlights of not less than 1500
candle-power, measured witnout the aid of a reflector, and providing a
penalty for the violation of this act.
By Mr. Louderback.

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No. 14. An act relating to cities of the second class, and regulating the granting of franchises. . By Mr. Buck.






No. 15. An act relating to cities of the second class.





By Mr. Landrey.
No. 18. An act in relation to persons hiring conveyances from livery
stables who fail and neglect to return the same to the owner thereof in
fair condition, and providing a penalty for its violation.. By Mr. Miller.

No. 29. An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled "An act amend-
ing section 1 of chapter 132 of the Laws of 1883, providing for the is-
suance of school-district bonds." approved March 7, 1883.
By Mr. Phillips.

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