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No. 485. An act making appropriation to the St. Rose Hospital, of Great Bend, Kan. By Senator Chapman. No. 486. An act relating to sales of school lands, and legalizing defective sales...... By Senator Glenn. No. 487. An act for the appropriation of interest received during the fiscal years ending June 30, 1910, and June 30, 1911, from the permanent fund of the Kansas State Agricultural College.

By Senator Hostrup.

No. 488. An act relating to automobiles, providing for registration thereof, and a disposition of the fund so created.. By Senator Anderson.

No. 489. An act to amend section 8 of chapter 267 of the Session
Laws of Kansas of 1905, relating to the protection of fish and game, and
to repeal said original section 8..
By Senator Hunter.

No. 490. An act supplemental to and amendatory of chapter 397 of the Laws of 1905, as amended by chapter 333 of the Laws of 1907 and chapter 69 of the Laws of 1908, and repealing all laws in conflict with the provisions of this act.. By Senator Travis.

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No. 492. An act making counties and townships liable for defects in . By Senator Brady. bridges, culverts and highways in certain cases.... No. 493. An act amending section 5129, General Statutes of Kansas, 1901, relating to liens for labor and material, and repealing said original section . By Senator Milton (by request).

Sub. 493. An act to amend section 5129 of the General Statutes of Kansas for the year 1901, relating to bonds to discharge liens for labor and material, and repealing said original section.

By Committee on Judiciary.

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No. 494. An act to amend sections 3 and 6 of chapter 215, Session Laws of Kansas, 1905, being an act entitled “An act in relation to natural watercourses, providing for the protection, control, deepening, widening, removing obstructions from, changing, regulating, establishing and maintaining the channels thereof; the construction, maintenance and repair of levees along the same to prevent overflow, and the raising or elevation of railroad tracks and public highways that interfere with the construction and maintenance of such levees; the construction and regulation of drains and other works conducive to the public health, convenience and welfare. in districts subject to overflow; and to these ends providing for and authorizing the organization of public corporations to be known as drainage districts, and prescribing the duties and defining the powers of such public corporations," and repealing said original sections 3 and 6 of chapter 215 of the Session Laws of 1905 .By Senator Brewster.

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No. 495. An act amending section 1 of chapter 198 of the Session Laws of 1907, being an act construing the meaning of the term "resident taxpayer" and the phrase "taxpayer residing within the boundaries of any district or territory,' and repealing said original section 1 of chapter 198. By Senator Brewster.

No. 496. An act creating a State School of Mines and Metallurgy, for the purpose of teaching the scientific knowledge of mining and metallurgy in the state of Kansas, and providing for the maintenance of the same. By Senator Huffman. No. 497. An act defining abandonment, and providing penishment therefor ..By Senator Travis.

No. 498. An act to amend section 23 of chapter 140 of the Session
Laws of 1907, relating to fees of corporations.....By Senator Overfield.

No. 499. An act making appropriations for the Forestry Stations at Dodge City and Ogallah, Kan., for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1909, and June 30, 1910, and June 30, 1911.. . By Senator Price.

No. 500. An act making appropriations for legislative expenses.
By Committee on Ways and Means.
No. 501. An act to provide for normal training in certain high schools
and academies, and to provide for state aid to high schools giving such
normal training.
.By Committee on Education.

No. 502. An act relating to admission to the State Soldiers' Home, and amending section 7017 of the General Statutes of Kansas of 1901. By Senator Bender.

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No. 503. An act to amend section 1, chapter 124, Laws of 1903, by
striking out the words "in cities of the first class having a population of
over 25,000," thus making the following provision apply to all cities of 246
the first class under a population of 50,000-these larger cities having a
special law..
.By Senator. Bender.

No. 504. An act making appropriation for the Sunflower Home, lo-
cated at Lawrence, for the old and indigent negroes of Kansas, for the
fiscal years ending June, 1910 and 1911.

By Senator Milton (by request).

No. 505. An act concerning the venue of certain actions, and to amend
sections 1 and 2 of chapter 379 of the Session Laws of 1903, approved
February 6, 1903, and to repeal said sections.

By Senator Milton (by request).

No. 506. An act making appropriations for the industrial department
of the Western University, at Quindaro, Kan., for the fiscal years ending
June 30, 1910, and June 30, 1911
By Senator Milton.

No. 507. An act prohibiting business colleges or commercial depart-
ments from sending agents or representatives over the state to sell tuition
or scholarships without first obtaining permission from the state super-
intendent of public instruction, and providing a penalty for the violation
of the act..
.By Senator Quincy.

No. 508. An act providing for the printing and publishing by the
state of all blank books and record books necessary to be used by all state,
county, township and city officers within the state of Kansas, and defining
the duty of the state printer, the attorney-general and other officers of
state in relation thereto, and providing that all such blank books and rec-
ord books be sold at cost to the different counties, townships, cities within
the state, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this
.By Senator Leidy.










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No. 509. An act authorizing cities of the second and third classes to
construct and maintain systems of sewerage and drainage and to build
and cperate sewerage purification plants..

. By Senator Milligan.

No. 510. An act authorizing cities of the second class to change the
boundary lines of said cities by the addition of territory.

By Senator Brady.
No. 511. An act to provide for a bounty upon wolf scalps, and repeal-
ing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith...By Senator Brady.

No. 512. An act amending section 8 of chapter 495 of the Session
Laws of 1905, entitled "An act for the protection of domestic animals,
and repealing sections 7421 and 7423 and article 10 of chapter 105 of the
Compiled Laws of Kansas of 1901 and all acts and parts of acts in con-
flict herewith, and providing penalties for the violation thereof."

By Senator Porter.
No. 513. An act amending chapter 431 of the Session Laws of 1903,
and prescribing a minimum term for district schools and providing for
state and county aid for districts which cannot support such terms.

By Senator Leidy.
No. 514. An act to amend section 6101 of the General Statutes of
1901, relating to the duties of county superintendents.

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By Senator Leidy.
No. 515. An act relating to the assessment and taxation of the assets
and shares of stock of building and loan associations.
By Committee on Assessment and Taxation.

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No. 516. An act making appropriations for the Orphans' Home of the
Evangelical Lutheran Kansas Conference, at Cleburne, Pottawatomie
county, Kansas, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1910, and June 30,
.By Senator Fagerberg.
No. 517. An act defining peddlers, requiring them to take out a li-
cense, fixing the fee therefor, and providing penalties for the violation of
this act.
. By Senator Fagerberg.

No. 518. An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of
counties having a population of over 10,000 to levy a special tax to create
a fund for the erection of a courthouse and jail, and to invest the funds
arising from said tax.
.By Senator Price.

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No. 519. An act to prevent school-district boards, or the persons com-
posing such boards, in certain cases, from binding school districts by con-
tracts to pay any money, and to provide penalty for any attempt to so do.
By Senator Stavely.

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No. 520. An act regulating express companies, and providing for an
excise tax on the same and for the collection thereof, and repealing chap-
ter 20, Laws of 1907, and all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this
.By Committee on Assessment and Taxation.

No. 521. An act to provide for the assessment and taxation of lega-
cies and successions, and to prescribe the manner and method by which to
collect the taxes for which provision is herein made..

By Committee on Assessment and Taxation.

No. 522. An act relating to, providing for and authorizing certain tax
levies in cities of the first class having a population of more than 50,000.
By Senator Milton.

No. 523. An act to amend section 7621, General Statutes of 1901, re-
lating to the payment of taxes and penalties for nonpayment thereof.
By Senator Hunter.

No. 524. An act to provide for the payment of the state agent at
Washington, D. C., for prosecuting a certain claim against the United
By Senator Murphy.

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No. 525. An act fixing fees for county attorneys in certain cases
herein named.
.By Senator Smith.
No. 526. An act to exempt from prosecution or punishment any per-
son testifying as a witness in any prosecution or action brought under
sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of chapter 77 of the Laws of 1899, the same being
acts against dealing in futures and operating and maintaining bucket
shops, on account of any transaction or thing concerning which he may
.By Senator Smith.

No. 527. An act providing for annual conference of county superintendents of public instruction, and for the payment of actual railway fare in attending such meeting. .By Senator Leidy (by request).

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