6298 of the General Statutes of 1901, relating to the school month, a school day, free schools, and regulation of the time of entering school. Senate bill No. 108, An act to promote attendance and good behavior of pupils in school, to prevent truancy, to provide for the appointment of truant officers, to define the rights and duties and compensation of such officers, to provide for the taking of the school census, to prescribe the penalties for the violation of this act, and to repeal chapter 425 of the Session Laws of 1903 and chapter 317 of the Session Laws of 1907. Senate bill No. 110, An act to amend chapter 327 of the Session Laws of 1907, providing for the conveyance of pupils to and from school. Senate bill No. 112, An act defining the terms graded and ungraded schools, and repealing chapter 122 of the Session Laws of 1876 and chapter 331 of the Session Laws of 1907. Senate bill No. 113, An act to amend chapter 380 of the Session Laws of 1905, relating to annual and special school meetings, and repealing section 6156 of the General Statutes of 1901 and section 331 of the Session Laws of 1907. Senate bill No. 114, An act to amend section 1, chapter 386, of the Session Laws of 1905, relating to the discontinuing of schools and education of the pupils in other schools. Senate bill No. 115, An act relating to the reports of teachers and school officers, and amending sections 6202 and 6166 of the General Statutes of 1901. Senate bill No. 119, An act amending section 6104 of the General Statutes of 1901, relating to the report of the county superintendent of public instruction. Senate bill No. 120, An act providing for an educational commission, defining its duties, and making an appropriation therefor. Senate bill No. 121, An act to amend section 6120 of the General Statutes of 1901, relating to division of property when a new school district is formed. Senate bill No. 122, An act to amend chapter 318 of the Session Laws of 1907, relating to the power of district meetings. Senate bill No. 123, An act amending section 6103 of the General Statutes of 1901, relating to school district boundaries. Senate bill No. 124, An act to amend chapter 435 of the Session Laws of 1903, relating to instruction in public schools. Senate bill No. 125, An act to amend section 6240 of the General Statutes, 1901, relating to the employment of relatives. Senate bill No. 126, An act to amend section 6186 of the General Statutes of 1901, relating to the suspension of pupils. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on State Affairs, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 42, An act to amend section 3 of chapter 471 of the Session Laws of 1905, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. EMERSON CAREY, Chairman. INTRODUCTION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. The following resolutions were introduced and read the first time: By Senator Moore: Senate concurrent resolution No. 9, Relating to a proposition to amend the constitution of the state of Kansas, relating to the compensation of members of the Legislature. Also, Senate concurrent resolution No. 10, Relating to a proposition to amend the constitution of the state of Kansas, relating to the Legislative power of the state. Upon motion of Senator Hamilton, Senator Price was excused until tomorrow morning. CORRECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL. The reading and correction of the Journal was proceeded with until, on motion of Senator Huffman, the rules were suspended and the further reading of the Journal at this time dispensed with. Senator Glenn moved that the Senate do now adjourn, which motion prevailed. AFTERNOON SESSION. SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, Kan., The Senate met pursuant to adjournment, the president in the chair. The roll was called. Absent: Senator Leidy. Absent by leave: Senator Price. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. The following bills were introduced and read the first time: By Senator Carey: Senate bill No. 164, An act to establish a state department of forestry, providing for the appointment of a state forester, his term of office, duties and compensation. Also, Senate bill No. 165, An act to authorize cities to purchase land and establish and maintain city parks thereon, providing for the issuance of bonds for such purpose and the levy of a park tax. By Senator Robertson: Senate bill No. 166, An act in regard to the state public park on the Fort Hays, Kan., reservation, appointing commissioners, and repealing chapter 479, Session Laws of 1905. By Senator Anderson: Senate bill No. 167, An act to regulate the maintenance of railway roadbed and tract within the state of Kansas, and to insure the safety of railway travelers and employees. Also, Senate bill No. 168, An act providing for the building of roads in Scott township and the city of Fort Scott, in Bourbon county, Kansas, and providing revenue for paying for the same. By Senator Stavely: Senate bill No. 169, An act to prohibit foreign insurance companies and associations from removing actions commenced against them in this state to federal courts. Committee on Claims and Accounts: Senate bill No. 170, An act relating to legislative committees on claims and accounts, conferring certain powers and duties thereon, and prescribing punishment for violation of this act. By Senator Smith: Senate bill No. 171, An act conferring upon the board of county commissioners, the county clerks of each of the several counties in this state power to supervise and equalize the assessment of property, and defining their duties in such regard, and providing for the election of township and appointment of city assessors, and defining their duties, and repealing sections 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31 and 39 of chapter 408 of the Session Laws of 1907, the same being an act creating a Tax Commission, and for other purposes. Also, Senate bill No. 172, An act to regulate contracts and releases between corporations and persons who have sustained personal injuries by the negligent acts of such corporations. By Senator Hamilton: Senate bill No. 173, An act providing for the inspection of steam-boilers, generators, superheaters, and creating the office of state boiler inspector, defining his duties thereunder, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Announcements of committee clerks were made as follows: I hereby appoint J. E. House as the committee clerk for the Committee on Fees, Salaries and Mileage. W. P. BROWN, Chairman. The chairman of the Committee on Assessment and Taxation respectfully announces the appointment of W. M. Copeland, of Quenemo, Kan., as clerk of said committee. · J. H. STAVELY, Chairman. I hereby appoint Howard Beaver as committee clerk for the Committee on State Affairs. EMERSON CAREY, Chairman. I hereby respectfully resign the position of clerk of the Committee on Railroads. C. J. GARVER. I hereby appoint Z. G. Hopkins as clerk to the committee on Railroads, vice Garver, resigned. GEO. H. HUNTER, Chairman I hereby appoint Ethel Wilkerson as clerk of the Committee on Federal Relations, vice Burrell Dickie, who failed to qualify for the place. JOHN T. DENTON, Chairman. I hereby appoint Mrs. Estelle Ingles as clerk of the Senate Judiciary Committee. FRANCIS C. PRICE, Chairman. Senator Stewart moved that the rules be suspended and an emergency declared, and Senate bill No. 170 be placed on second reading, which motion prevailed. The bill was thereupon read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.. Senator Stavely, on behalf of the Committee on Employees; made the following request: January 19, 1909. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Employees respectfully ask that each senator who would be willing to dispense with the service of any employee recommended by him, that he present the name of such person to the chairman of the committee not later than to-morrow. J. H. STAVELY, J. A. MILLIGAN, L. S. CAMBERN, J. B. LOWER, G. L. CHAPMAN, INTRODUCTION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. The following resolution was introduced by Senator Chapman and read the first time: Senate concurrent resolution No. 11, Concerning John F. Lewis and relating to his retirement. Referred to Committee on Federal Relations. Senator Stewart moved that the Senate do now adjourn, which motion prevailed. SEVENTH DAY. MORNING SESSION. SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, Kan., The Senate met pursuant to adjournment, the president in the chair. The roll was called. Absent: Senators Ganse and Leidy. Absent by leave: Senator Price. Invocation by chaplain. On motion of Senator Stannard, Senator Leidy was indefinitely excused on account of sickness. MESSAGE. FROM THE HOUSE. MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has passed Senate bill No. 139, An act making appropriation for legislative purposes. Also, adopted House concurrent resolution No. 9, Relating to restoration of John F. Lewis to rank in United States army. The same is transmitted herewith. C. H. BRILHART, Assistant Chief Clerk. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS. Senate petition No. 4, by Senator Cooke, In relation to the State University and the State Agricultural College, was introduced, read, and referred to the Committee on Educational Institutions. Senator Cooke moved that 500 copies of Senate petition No. 4 be ordered printed, which motion prevailed. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. The following bills were introduced and read the first time: By Senator Milton: Senate bill No. 174, An act to prevent corruption at election, punish vagrancy, and disqualify vagrants from voting while under conviction. Also, Senate bill No. 175, An act relative to and providing for the disposition of lands wrongfully reclaimed from the channels of navigable streams. By Senator Chapman: Senate bill No. 176, An act to amend section 1, chapter 318, of the Session Laws of 1907, and section 6191 of the General Statutes of 1901. By Senator Stewart: Senate bill No. 177, An act concerning live wild game and game birds and fowl, and supplemental to chapter 267 of the Session Laws of Kansas of the year 1905. By Senator Bender: Senate bill No. 178, An act for the ap |