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sum shall not prejudice the claim of the city of Topeka, or its rights, if any it have, to the sums paid out by it for paving of streets abutting upon state property for any years prior to the year 1906; and to be in full payment only for demands against the state for paving during the years 1906, 1907 and 1908.

9. That the House amendment to item 57 of section 1, in line 15 from the top of page 9 of said bill, be amended by striking out the name "C. D. Wellman" and the figures "$100," and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Josiah Crosby, $50; J. J. Finley, $50."

10. That in item No. 58 of section 1 of said bill, on page 9, in line 5 of said item, change the words "March 4" in said line to read "March 6," and total at the end of item change to read "$1221.72."

11. That House amendment to item No. 59, in section 1, on page 9 of said bill, be amended so as to change the total at the end of item to read "$224.50."

12. That the House amendment to item No. 62 of section 1 of said bill, on page 10 thereof, be amended by striking out the whole paragraph of item No. 62.

13. That the House amendment to section 1, by striking out all of item 65 of said bill, on page 10 thereof, be agreed to.

14. That House amendment to item No. 66 of section 1 of said bill, on page 11, be amended by adding under the name of "J. J. Overfield" the name "Fred Partridge" and the figures "$7."

We recommend that the Senate amendments, inserting 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73, be stricken out, and that all allowances for special work for House employees be stricken out, as covered in House bill No. 1002, and that the bill be passed as amended.


On part of Senate.


On part of House.

The question being, Shall the conference report on Senate bill No. 667 be adopted? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 22, nays 0; absent or not voting, 18.

Senators voting in the affirmative were: Brewster, Brown, Caldwell, Cambern, Chapman, Cooke, Glenn, Hodges, Hostrup. Huffman, Hunter, Leidy, Lower, Murphy, Myers, Porter, Quincy, Robertson, Stannard, Stewart, Stillings, and Travis.

Senators absent or not voting were: Anderson, Avery, Bender, Brady, Carey, Denton, Fagerberg, Fowler, Ganse, Hamilton, Milligan, Milton, Overfield, Potter, Price, Reed, Smith, and Stavely.

A constitutional majority having voted in the affirmative, the report was adopted.


The following House message was received and read:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has adopted the report of the conference committee on House bill No. 1002.

Also, adopted the report of the conference committee on Senate bill No. 659.

Also, adopted the report of the conference committee on Senate bill No. 6€7.

Also, passed Senate bill No. 596, An act relating to the public health, authorizing and empowering the State Board of Health to make and pub


lish sanitary rules and regulations, and providing penalties for their violation.

Also, passed Senate bill No. 636, An act prohibiting the misrepresentation of the conditions and settlements contained in fire, life, casualty or other insurance contracts, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. W. T. BECK, Secretary.

The same are herewith transmitted.

Senator Porter moved that when the Senate adjourns, it adjourn to meet at 3:45 P. M., March 9, 1909, which motion prevailed.

Senator Porter offered the following motion:

The hour of three A. M., Tuesday, March 9, 1909, being the hour fixed by Senate concurrent resolution No. 27 to cease the consideration of all business except appropriation bills, conference reports and resolutions, I move that the Senate do now adjourn,"

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March 9, 1909—3:45 P. M.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment, the president in the chair.

The roll was called.

Absent: Senators Anderson, Avery, Bender, Brady, Carey, Denton, Fagerberg, Ganse, Milligan, Overfield, Potter, Price, Smith, and Stavely.

Senator Porter moved that the Senate do now take a recess until eleven A. M. to-morrow, which motion prevailed.

March 10, 1909-11 A. M.

The Senate met pursuant to recess, the president in the chair.


MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Enrolled Bills, to whom were referred Senate bills Nos. 595, 518, 312, 72, 658, 606, 472, 322, 666, 601, 660, substitute for 99, 580, 284, 452, 495, 293, 371, 80, and 567, have compared the engrossed copies with the enrolled bills, and I am directed to report to the Senate that the same are correctly enrolled, that they have been properly signed by the president and secretary of the Senate and the speaker and chief clerk of the House, and have been presented to the governor for his approval, this 9th day of March, 1909.

T. P. MURPHY, Chairman.



TOPEKA, March 10, 1909.

To the Senate: I respectfully advise the Senate that I have on the above date approved the Senate bills presented to me bearing the following numbers: Substitute for 99, and Nos. 567, 80, 371, 580, 284, 452, 495, 601, 660, 666, 322, 472, 606, 658, 72, 595, 312. W. R. STUBBS, Governor.

Senator Brewster moved that the Senate take a recess until eleven A. M. to-morrow, which motion prevailed.

March 11, 1909—11 A. M.

The Senate met pursuant to recess, the president in the chair.



TOPEKA, March 11, 1909.

To the Senate: I respectfully advise the Senate that I have on the above date approved the Senate bills presented to me bearing the follow

ing numbers: 6, 132, 163, 293, 303, 388, 393, 460, 487, 494, 557, 644, substitute for 40, substitute for 73, substitute for 301, substitute for 357, substitute concurrent resolution 5, substitute for 387.

W. R. STUBBS, Governor.


MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Enrolled Bills, to whom were referred Senate bills Nos. 163, 393, substitute for 357, 460, 494, 388, 487, 644, 6, substitute for concurrent resolution 5, substitute for 73, 132, and substitute for 40, have compared the engrossed copies with the enrolled bills, and I am directed to report to the Senate that the same are correctly enrolled, that they have been properly signed by the president and secretary of the Senate and the speaker and chief clerk of the House, and have been presented to the governor for his approval, this 10th day of March, 1909. T. P. MURPHY, Chairman.

MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Enrolled Bills, to whom were referred Senate bills Nos. 653, 558, 470, 670, 436, 358, 650, 346, 652, 216, substitute for 39, 506, 654, 669, 662, 594, 534, 403, 48, 406, 468, 330, have compared the engrossed copies with the enrolled bills, and I am directed to report to the Senate that the same are correctly enrolled, that they have been properly signed by the president and secretary of the Senate and the speaker and chief clerk of the House, and have been presented to the governor for his approval, this 11th day of March, 1909.

T. P. MURPHY, Chairman.

MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Enrolled Bills, to whom were referred substitute for Senate bill No. 301, substitute for 387, and Nos. 557, 247 and 303, have compared the engrossed copies with the enrolled bills, and I am directed to report to the Senate that the same are correctly enrolled, that they have been properly signed by the president and secretary of the Senate and the speaker and chief clerk of the House, and have been presented to the governor for his approval, this 10th day of March, 1909. T. P. MURPHY, Chairman.

Senate concurrent resolution No. 28, by Senator Glenn :

Be it resolved by the Senate, the House concurring therein, That the final adjournment of the Legislature be extended until six P. M., Saturday, March 13, 1909,

was introduced, read, and adopted.

Senator Glenn moved that the Senate take a recess until 11 A. M. to-morrow, which motion prevailed.


MARCH, 12, 1909-11 A. M.

The Senate met pursuant to recess, the president in the chair.



TOPEKA, March 11, 1909.

To the Senate: I respectfully advise the Senate that I have on the above date approved Senate bill No. 669.

W. R. STUBBS, Governor.


TOPEKA, March 12, 1909.

To the Senate: I respectfully advise the Senate that I have on the above date approved the Senate bills presented to me bearing the follow

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ing numbers: Substitute for No. 39, and Nos. 48, 216, 330, 346, 358, 403, 406, 436, 468, 470, 506, 534, 558, 594, 650, 652, 653, 654, 662, 670. W. R. STUBBS, Governor.

At this time the president of the Senate made the following announcement:

Inasmuch as his excellency, the governor, has approved Senate bill No. 669, Relating to the Memorial Hall Building Commission, I do now, in compliance with the instructions of the Senate, as embodied in the motion of Senator Quincy, which motion was adopted March 8, 1909, cast the entire vote of the Senate of the state of Kansas for Chas. S. Huffman, of Cherokee county, for member of the Memorial Hall Building Commission, and declare him to be duly elected to this office.


The following message was received and read:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has adopted Senate concurrent resolution No. 28, Relating to final adjournment of Legislature.

The same is herewith transmitted.

C. H. BRILHART, Assistant Chief Clerk.


MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Enrolled Bills, to whom were referred Senate bills Nos. 220, 35, 386, 366, 469, substitute for 15, 428, 345, 631, 646, 668, 231, 659, substitute for 600, 636, 532, 421, 447, substitute for 493, 399, 507, and 521, have compared the engrossed copies with the enrolled bills, and I am directed to report to the Senate that the same are correctly enrolled, that they have been properly signed by the president and secretary of the Senate and the speaker and chief clerk of the House, and have been presented to the governor for his approval, this 12th day of March, 1909. T. P. MURPHY, Chairman.

Senator Hamilton moved that the Senate take a recess until eleven A. M. to-morrow, which motion prevailed.

March 13, 1909-11 A. M.

The Senate met pursuant to recess, the president in the chair.


MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Enrolled Bills, to whom were referred Senate bills Nos. 54, 596, 248, 667, 361, 553, 61, 353, 299, 351, 290, 314, 341, 165, 643, 176, 359, 144, 135, 661, and 63, have compared the engrossed copies with the enrolled bills, and I am directed to report to the Senate that the same are correctly enrolled, that they have been properly signed by the president and secretary of the Senate and the speaker and chief clerk of the House, and have been presented to the governor for his approval, this 13th day of March, 1909. T. P. MURPHY, Chairman.

Senator Hamilton moved that the Senate take a recess until five o'clock P. M., which motion prevailed.

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