By Senator Travis: Senate bill No. 154, An act making appropriations for the support of the Iola Orphans' Home, at Iola, Kan., and St. John's Allen County Hospital. By Senator Potter: Senate bill No. 155, An act making an appropriation to pay for storing and properly displaying the records, relics, etc., of individuals, etc., who fought in the war for the Union, in the Grand Army museum, and to pay for publication of the reports of the department commander of the Grand Army of the Republic to the governor. By Senator Cambern: Senate bill No. 156, An act in relation to court stenographers, fixing their salary and fees, amendatory of section 18 of chapter 39 of the General Statutes of Kansas, 1901, and repealing said original section. By Senator Myers: Senate bill No. 157, An act to amend section 271 of chapter 80 of the code of civil procedure, the same being section 271 of chapter 80 of the General Statutes of 1901, and to repeal sections 271 and 272 of chapter 80 of the General Statutes of 1901. By Senator Carey: Senate bill No. 158, An act providing for registration fee on mortgages on real property and for their exemption from taxation after being recorded, regulating the effect of non-payment of registration fee, and prohibiting the enforcement of mortgages on which a registration fee has not been paid as therein provided, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. By Senator Chapman: Senate bill No. 159, An act relating to the powers of city councils in cities of the second class. By Senator Milton: Senate bill No. 160, An act relating to banks, providing for the creation, maintenance, accumulation and disposition of a fund for the protection of depositors and creditors of banks, providing for the appointment of special deputy bank commissioners for insolvent banks, and defining their duties, and providing penalties for the violation of this act. By Senator Cooke: Senate bill No. 161, An act to amend section 5 of chapter 362 of the Session Laws of the state of Kansas for the year 1903, and to repeal said original section. By Senator Porter: Senate bill No. 162, An act to amend section 1124 of the General Statutes of 1901. By Senator Quincy: Senate bill No. 163, An act concerning assessment and taxation, and amending sections 4 and 46 of chapter 34, Laws of 1876, and amending also sections 18 and 39 of chapter 408, Laws of 1907, and repealing said sections 4 and 46 of chapter 34, Laws of 1876, and sections 18 and 39 of chapter 408, Laws of 1907, and repealing chapter 76, Laws of 1908. # SECOND READING AND REFERENCE OF BILLS. The following bills and Senate concurrent resolutions were read the second time, and referred to committees as indicated: Judiciary: Senate concurrent resolution No. 6, A proposition to amend sections 1 and 2 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas, relative to finance and taxation. Senate concurrent resolution No. 7, A proposition to amend section 1 of article 2 of the constitution of the state of Kansas, and relating to the initiative and referendum in legislation. Senate concurrent resolution No. 8, A proposition to amend section 1 of article 2 of the constitution of the state of Kansas, and relating to the initiative and referendum in legislation. Senate bill No. 100, An act to amend sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of chapter 320 of the Session Laws of 1905, and repealing sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of chapter 320 of the Session Laws of 1905. Senate bill No. 101, An act concerning the organization, powers and jurisdiction of a county court in each county, and limiting the jurisdiction of justices of the peace in all countyseats and in all townships in which county-seats are located. Senate bill No. 103, An act amending chapter 82, article 11, section 5681, of the General Statutes, 1901, relating to instructions to juries in criminal cases, entitled "An act to establish a code of criminal procedure," and repealing said original sections and all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate bill No. 104, An act amending chapter 67, section 2, Laws of 1905, relating to the admission of attorneys at law to practice in this state, and repealing said original section. Senate bill No. 105, An act amending chapter 11, section 393, paragraph 6, of the General Statutes of 1901, relating to attorneys at law, and repealing said original section and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate bill No. 106, An act amending chapter 80, article 15, paragraph 4727, General Statutes of Kansas of 1901, relating to juries and their deliberations and instructions, and repealing said original section. Senate bill No. 109, An act to make effectual section 3 of article 6 of the state constitution, and to prescribe presumptions of title to certain classes and kinds of property, and to secure for the state and county school fund (1) the property and rights of persons dying without heir or will; (2) all lost and · abandoned property and rights whether of individuals, of corporations or of members of unincorporated companies; (3) all property and rights lapsed or forfeited other than for failure of money consideration; (4) all fines levied by the supreme court, and (5) all unclaimed moneys, fees and funds in the hands of any court or public officer; and to prescribe procedure to accomplish the foregoing ends. Senate bill No. 127, An act to establish a board of commis sioners for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United States. Senate bill No. 130, An act relating to civil procedure, and amending section 4734 of the General Statutes of Kansas, 1901. Senate bill No. 133, An act to amend and repeal section 84 of chapter 25 of the General Statutes of 1868, being paragraph 1725 of the General Statutes of 1901, and to prescribe certain qualifications of probate judges. Senate bill No. 138, An act prohibiting the use of automatic tools in certain cases, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Senate bill No. 150, An act to amend sections 1 and 2 of chapter 197, Laws of 1907, entitled "An act concerning drainage.' Penal Institutions: Senate bill No. 95, An act authorizing the warden and board of directors of the Kansas State Penitentiary to build a waiting-room on the state ground at Lansing, Kan., convenient to the Penitentiary. Elections: Senate bill No. 96, An act to amend section 1 of chapter 129 of the Session Laws of 1897, entitled "An act to amend chapter 78 of the Session Laws of 1893, entitled 'An act to provide for the printing and distribution of ballots at the public expense, and for the nomination of candidates for public offices; to regulate the manner of holding elections, and to enforce secrecy of the ballot, and to provide for the punishment of the violation of this act,' and repeal the same." Senate bill No. 111, An act to provide for the election of county superintendents without reference to party politics. Assessment and Taxation: Senate bill No. 97, An act to amend section 2 of chapter 408 of the Laws of Kansas of 1907, entitled "An act concerning assessment and taxation, creating a Tax Commission." Senate bill No. 129, An act to amend section 6331 of the General Statutes of Kansas, 1901, being section 223 of chapter 92 of the General Statutes of Kansas. Senate bill No. 149, An act concerning the assessment of property in counties of this state having a population of less than 30,000. Whole Senate: Senate bill No. 135, An act to amend sections 3, 7, 8, 11 and 14 of chapter 266 of the Session Laws of 1907, entitled "An act to prevent the manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines and liquors, and to regulate traffic therein, and providing for the appointment of inspectors for carrying out its provisions, and to provide penalties for violation thereof, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith," and re pealing original sections 3, 7, 8, 11 and 14 of chapter 366 of the Session Laws of 1907. Oil and Gas: Senate bill No. 99, An act to abolish the offices of the five regular deputy oil inspectors, and amending section 4 of chapter 170 of Session Laws of 1899. Fees, Salaries, and Mileage: Senate bill No. 102, An act to amend section 18 of chapter 141 of the Session Laws of 1899, being section 3040 of the General Statutes of 1901, and repealing section 18 of chapter 141 of the Session Laws of 1899, being section 3040 of the General Statutes, 1901. Senate bill No. 144, An act to amend section 8 of chapter 141 of the Session Laws of Kansas, 1899, entitled "An act to amend sections 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 22 of chapter 131 of the Session Laws of 1897, entitled 'An act fixing the fees and salaries of certain officers and persons therein named.' Cities of the Second and Third Class: Senate bill No. 116, An act conferring upon the board of education of all cities of the first class and second class the right of eminent domain. Senate bill No. 117, An act to authorize certain school boards to make contracts of employment for limited terms of years. Senate bill No. 132, An act relating to the control and operation of water-works, power, fuel and lighting plants in cities of the third class having a population 1000 or over. Senate bill No. 142, An act to authorize cities of the second and third class to provide public parks for the inhabitants thereof, and repealing chapter 135 of the Session Laws of 1903. Cities of the First Class: Senate bill No. 147, An act to amend section 1 of chapter 122 € of the Session Laws of 1907, relating to the appointment of commissioner of elections in certain cities of the first class, and repealing the said original section. Ways and Means: Senate bill No. 128, An act making an appropriation to the Parkview Hospital and Training School, Manhattan, Kan. Senate bill No. 137, An act making an appropriation for the Salina Hospital Association, Salina, Kan., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910, and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911. Senate bill No. 148, An act making appropriation for the Kansas State Poultry Association. Banks and Banking: Senate bill No. 131, An act for the protection of depositors in banks and trust companies doing business in the state of Kansas. Temperance and Hygiene: Senate bill No. 140, An act defining grades and qualities of flour, providing for branding of wheat-flour and labeling the packages, sacks or containers of wheat-flour and filing statement with the secretary of the State Board of Health, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Claims and Accounts: Senate bill No. 143, An act making an appropriation to Edmund C. Bastin for money paid by him to the state on account of certain school-land. Labor: Senate bill No. 145, An act concerning child labor, prohibiting the employment in factories, workshops, theaters, elevators, packing-houses and mines of persons under fourteen years of age, and regulating the employment in other occupations or places of persons under seventeen years of age. State Affairs: Senate bill No. 118, An act to protect schoolhouses and school children from danger of fire, describing certain duties of public officers, and penalties for the violation of this act. Senate bill No. 134, An act concerning weights and measures and the regulations thereof, and to repeal an act entitled "An act regulating weights and measures," approved March 2, 1868, and as amended by chapter 167 of the Laws of 1886 and chapter 208 of the Laws of 1877 and chapter 280 of the Laws of 1897, and being sections 7920 to 7931, both inclusive, of chapter 116 of the General Statutes of Kansas of 1901, and to provide for damages, fines and penalties for the violation thereof, and for the inspection of weights and measures and the enforcement thereof by the State Board of Health, and to provide a rule of evidence, and to provide for certain fees and compensation. Senate bill No. 136, An act to prohibit the hiring out of inmates of the State Penitentiary or other penal institutions of the state of Kansas, providing for their employment by the state, and providing for the repeal of all acts in conflict herewith and penalties for violation of this act. Senate bill No. 146, An act to provide for better protection of people who assemble in public halls, hotels or public houses of entertainment, lodgings, tenement-houses and other public places, and appointing a state superintendent of inspection, and repealing certain laws. Education: Senate bill No. 98, An act to provide for the appointment of an honorary educational commission to investigate the cost and character of manuscript available for state publication of school text-books, and making an appropriation therefor. Senate bill No. 107, An act to amend sections 6197, 6198 and |