State Affairs: Senate bill No. 488, An act relating to automobiles, providing for registration thereof and the disposition of the fund so created. Senate bill No. 489, An act to amend section 8 of chapter 267 of the Session Laws of Kansas of 1905, relating to the protection of fish and game, and to repeal said original section 8. Education: Senate bill No. 490, An act supplemental to and amendatory of chapter 397 of the Laws of 1905, as amended by chapter 363 of the Laws of 1907, and chapter 69 of the Laws of 1905, and repealing all laws in conflict with the provisions of this act. Senate bill No. 496, An act creating a State School of Mines and Metallurgy for the purpose of teaching the scientific knowledge of mining and metallurgy in the state of Kansas, and providing for the maintenance of the same. Whole Senate: Substitute for Senate bill No. 187, An act providing for the sprinkling and removal of dust and other inflammable ingredients from roadways, airways, rooms, cross-cuts or other openings in mines, for the protection of health, life and safety of employees, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Judiciary: Senate bill No. 492, An act making counties and townships liable for defects in bridges, culverts and highways in certain cases. Senate bill No. 493, An act amending section 5129, General Statutes of Kansas, 1901, relating to liens for labor and material, and repealing said original section. Senate bill No. 494, An act to amend sections 3 and 6 of chapter 215, Session Laws of Kansas, 1905, being an act entitled "An act in relation to natural watercourses, providing for the protection, control, deepening, widening, removing obstructions from, changing, regulating, establishing and maintaining the channels thereof; the construction, maintenance and repair of levees along the same to prevent overflow and the raising or elevation of railroad tracks and public highways that interfere with the construction and maintenance of such levees; the construction and regulation of drains and other works conducive to the public health, convenience and welfare in districts subject to overflow; and to these ends providing for and authorizing the organization of public corporations to be known as drainage districts, and prescribing the duties and defining the powers of such public corporations," and repealing said original sections 3 and 6 of chapter 215 of the Session Laws of 1905. Senate bill No. 495, An act amending section 1 of chapter 198 of the Session Laws of 1907, being an act construing the mean ing of the term "resident taxpayer" and the phrase "taxpayer residing within the boundaries of any district or territory,' and repealing said original section 1 of chapter 198. Senate bill No. 498, An act to amend section 23 of chapter 140 of the Session Laws of 1907, relating to fees of corporations. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS. Senate petition No. 29, by Senator Glenn, Relating to the erection of a memorial to ex-Union soldiers, signed by William U. Ogden et al., was introduced, read, and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Senate petition No. 30, by Senator Ganse, Relating to assessment of property of fraternal orders, signed by J. A. Holloway et al., was introduced, read, and referred to Committee on Insurance. On motion of Senator Quincy, the correction and approval of the Journal of the preceding day was dispensed with. INTRODUCTION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Senator Price moved that substitute for House bill No. 259 be made a special order in the Senate for 2:30 P. M., February 11, 1909, which motion prevailed. MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, TOPEKA, KAN., February 10, 1909. To the Senate: I respectfully advise the Senate that I have on the above date approved Senate bill No. 93. W. R. STUBBS, Governor. Upon request, Senator Myers was excused for the afternoon. Senator Porter moved that the Senate extend an invitation to the Student Glee Club of Quindaro Institute to be present in the Senate Chamber at eight P. M., February 11, 1909, which motion prevailed. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred House bill No. 196, An act prohibiting the sale or giving away of cigarettes and cigarette papers, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be amended by substituting the following for sections 1 and 2: SECTION 1. Every person under the age of eighteen years, and every minor pupil in any school, college or university, who shall smoke or use cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form on any public road, street, alley, park or other lands used for public purposes, or in any public place of business, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished for each offense by a fine of not more than ten dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than five days; and every person who shall furnish any cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form to such minor person, or who shall permit such minor person to frequent any premises owned, held or managed by him, for the purpose of indulging in the use of cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding thirty days for each offense. Also, that section 3 be numbered section 2 and section 4 be numbered section 3, and that the bill be passed as amended. The committee also recommends that the title of the act be changed, at the proper time, to conform to these amendments. Also, Senate bill No. 314, An act to amend article 8 of chapter 36 of the General Statutes of Kansas, the same being section 2692 of the General Statutes of Kansas, 1901, and recommend that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 79, An act amending section 13 of chapter 35 of the Laws of 1867, as amended by section 2 of chapter 76 of the Laws of 1879, being section 575 of the General Statutes of 1901, and repealing said section 2 of chapter 76 of the Laws of 1879 and chapter 75 of the Laws of 1879, and recommend that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 408, An act amending paragraph 2900 of the General Statutes of Kansas of 1901, relating to the taking of depositions in probate court, and recommend that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 24, An act relating to taxation, providing for the compromise and assignment of tax-sale certificates upon lands bid in by any county in this state, for the foreclosure of tax-sale certificates by the holders thereof, and repealing paragraphs 7672 and 7673 of the General Statutes of 1901, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 23, An act providing a remedy for holders of tax deeds and their grantees by suit to quiet title, and providing for the recovery of liens against the real estate described in such deeds by the plaintiffs in such actions, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 3, An act providing for the sale of school-lands, and repealing certain laws therein contained, and recommend that the following bill be substituted and passed. Also, Senate bill No. 2, An act relating to improvements on schoollands, and providing for the collection of rent for such land, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 109, An act to make effectual section 3 of article 6 of the state constitution, and to prescribe presumption of title to certain classes and kinds of property; and to secure for the state and county school fund (1) the property and rights of persons dying without heir or will; (2) all lost and abandoned property and rights, whether of individuals or corporations, or of members of unincorporated companies; (3) all property and rights lapsed or forfeited other than for failure of money consideration; (4) all fines levied by the supreme court, and (5) all unclaimed moneys, fees and funds in the hands of any court or public officer, and to prescribe procedure to accomplish the foregoing ends, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 298, An act to prohibit the corrupt use of money and corrupt practices in the registration of voters and at primary elections and elections, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 398, An act providing for the recovery of excessive fees collected by a public officer, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 432, An act to define the rights of owners and proprietors of land in respect to surface waters, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 224, An act to amend sections 6 and 8, chapter 271, Session Laws of 1901, entitled "An act defining pedlers, requiring them to take out a license, fixing the fee therefor, and providing penalties for the violation of this act," and repealing said original sections, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 315, An act relating to the adoption of persons. past the age of majority, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 304, An act to amend sections 1 and 7 of chapter 392 of the Laws of Kansas of the year 1901, entitled "An act in relation to the collection of delinquent taxes on real estate, and providing a remedy for sale thereof by decree and order of court," and repealing said sections 1 and 7, and recommend that it be referred to Committee on Cities of the First Class, for the reason that bills covering the same subject-matter have been referred to that committee. Also, Senate bill No. 368, An act to establish a hospital for dependent and semidependent people of Kansas on grounds belonging to the board of regents of the University of Kansas at Rosedale, Kan.; to provide for the management thereof; to appropriate money for the erection and equipment thereof, and to authorize boards of county commissioners to send certain persons to the same and to defray their expenses, and recommend that it be referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Also, Senate bill No. 486, An act relating to sales of school-lands, and legalizing defective sales, and recommend that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 497, An act defining abandonment, and providing punishment therefor, and recommend that it be passed. FRANCIS C. PRICE, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 446, An act relating to roads, highways and bridges; creating the office of state engineer, and providing for his appointment and defining his duties; establishing the office of county engineer, and defining duties of such office; creating the office of township highway commissioners; providing for the appointment of road overseers, and providing a svstem for the making and improvement of permanent roads, providing revenues therefor, and amendatory to existing laws pertaining to roads and highways, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed with the following amendment: Strike out all of sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. OSCAR FAGERBERG, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Labor, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 438, An act providing for the registering of farm names, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. P. C. HOSTRUP, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Assessment and Taxation, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 337, An act to amend certain sections of chapter 408 of the Session Laws of 1907, so as to provide for the election of certain taxing officers by popular vote, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 369, An act to amend section 1 of chapter 141 of the Laws of 1907, and repealing said original section, and recommend that it be not passed. J. H. STAVELY, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Education, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 341, An act relating to disorganizing certain school districts and annexing the same to other districts in certain cases, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be amended by inserting after the last word "districts," in section 1, the words "providing, that this act shall not apply to districts that have made proper levies for the tutition and transportation of its pupils to other schools," and passed as amended. Also, Senate bill No. 399, An act to amend sections 6436 and 6437 of the General Statutes of Kansas, 1901, relating to county high schools, and to repeal said original sections and all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and recommend that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 122, An act to amend chapter 318 of the Session Laws of 1907, relating to the power of district meetings, and recommend that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 126, An act to amend section 6186 of the General Statutes of 1901, relating to, the suspension of pupils, and recommend that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 115, An act relating to the reports of teachers and school officers, and amending sections 6202 and 6166 of the General Statutes of 1901, and recommend that section 3 be amended by striking out the words "between July 1 and July 15 of each year" and inserting in lieu thereof, after the word "shall," "within ten days after the annual school meeting," and passed as amended.. Also, Senate bill No. 108, An act to promote the attendance and good behavior of pupils in school; to prevent truancy; to provide for the appointment of truant officers; to define the rights and duties and compensation of such officers; to provide for the taking of the school census; to prescribe the penalties for violation of this act, and to repeal chapter 423 of the Session Laws of 1903 and chapter 317 of the Session Laws of 1907, and recommend that it be passed. FREMONT LEIDY, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Insurance, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 12, An act relating to fire insurance companies, prohibiting agreements and combinations to establish uniformity of rates, and providing penalties for violation thereof, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be not passed. G. L. CHAPMAN, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Federal Relations, to whom was referred House concurrent resolution No. 7, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the resolution back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be not passed. JOHN T. DENTON, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Engrossed Bills, to whom was referred Senate bills Nos. 189, 10, 163, 232, 207, and 274, have compared the engrossed copies with the original bills, and instruct me to report the bills back to the Senate correctly engrossed. R. T. FOWLER, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Fees, Salaries, and Mileage, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 81, An act authorizing an annual conference of the state and local boards of health, providing for appointment of delegates' and the payment of their expenses for attendance thereon, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be not passed. Also, Senate bill No. 421, An act amending section 11, chapter 488, of the Session Laws of Kansas of 1905, and repealing said original section, and recommend that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 293, An act fixing the salaries of county surveyors of counties of the state of Kansas having a population of 100,000 or more, and providing for the appointment and salaries of deputies, and recommend that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 374, An act providing for the appointment of a stenographer by the director of the Free Employment Bureau of the state of Kansas, and providing for the compensation of such stenographer, and recommend that it be not passed. W. P. BROWN, Chairman. Substitute for Senate bill No. 3 was read the first time. In accordance with the recommendation of the Committee on Judiciary, Senate bill No. 368 was referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senator Milligan moved that Senate bill No. 81 be placed on the Calendar under the head of "Bills Adversely Reported." Senator Glenn moved to amend the motion of Senator Milligan by referring the bill to the Committee on State Affairs, which motion prevailed. The motion as amended prevailed. THIRD READING OF BILLS. Senate bill No. 163, An act concerning assessment and taxation, and amending sections 4 and 46 of chapter 34, Laws of 1876, and amending also sections 18 and 39 of chapter 408, Laws of 1907, and repealing said sections 4 and 46 of chapter 34, Laws of 1876, and sections 18 and 39 of chapter 408, Laws |