By Senator Stannard: Senate bill No. 283, An act relating to the office of dairy commissioner of the state of Kansas, and amendatory of and supplemental to chapter 404 of the Session Laws of 1907, being an act entitled "An act creating the office of dairy commissioner of the state of Kansas; fixing the salary and defining the duties thereof; providing for deputies; prescribing rules and methods for the education of Kansas dairymen and producers of dairy products, for improving and advancing the value of such products; regulating the production, sale and shipment of milk, cream, butter and cheese; providing for the inspection of creameries, cheese factories, dairy barns. and utensils; providing penalties for the violation of this act, and making an appropriation for the carrying out of its proprovisions, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith." By Senator Glenn: Senate bill No. 284, An act repealing chapter 413, Laws of 1907, being an act authorizing the county treasurer of Stevens county, Kansas, to accept in payment of taxes, coupons, warrants, orders, and other evidences of. municipal indebtedness. Also, Senate bill No. 285, An act making it a misdemeanor for any state, county, township or city officer to fail to cause publication to be made of any matter or information required by law to be published by such officer, and providing punishment therefor, and repealing all acts, and parts of acts in conflict with this act. By Senator Hamilton: Senate bill No. 286, An act authorizing the boards of county commissioners to designate an official county paper, provide for publications therein, and defining the requirements of any paper that shall be designated as an official county paper, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Also, Senate bill No. 287, An act providing that all legal publications required by law to be published a certain number of weeks shall be legal publications if the same are made once a week in a daily newspaper which is authorized by law to print such legal publications, and providing that such weekly publications shall be made in the edition of such daily paper printed and published upon Thursday. Also, Senate bill No. 288, An act making appropriations for the Florence Crittenton Mission, Colored, of the state of Kansas, at Topeka, Kan., for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1909, and June 30, 1910. Also, Senate bill No. 289, An act to provide for the licensing of architects, and regulating the practice of architecture as a profession, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Senator Reed moved that the rules be suspended, an emergency declared, and that Senate bill No. 281 be placed on second reading, which motion prevailed. The bill was thereupon read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Senator Hunter moved that the rules be suspended, an emergency declared, and that Senate bill No. 277 be placed on second reading, which motion prevailed. The bill was thereupon read the second time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Assessment and Taxation, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 163, An act concerning assessment and taxation, and amending sections 4 and 46 of chapter 34, Laws of 1876, and amending also sections 18 and 39 of chapter 408, Laws of 1907, and repealing said sections 4 and 46 of chapter 34, Laws of 1876, and sections 18 and 39 of chapter 408, Laws of 1907, and repealing certain sections therein named, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be amended as follows: Insert in section 2, line 1, page 2, after the word "assessor," the words "or county clerk in counties not having a county assessor." Also, amend section 2, line 22, page 2, by inserting after the word "offer," the words "accompanied by ten per cent. of the purchaseprice as a forfeit to the owner on the failure of the proposed purchaser to make good his offer." And that with these amendments the bill be recommended for passage. Also, Senate bill No. 60, An act amending sections 7506, 7517, 7568, 7571, of the General Statutes of 1901, relating to assessment and taxation, and recommend that it be not passed. J. H. STAVELY, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Railroads, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 182, An act for the protection of health and safety of employees operating the street and interurban cars, providing closed vestibules, properly heated, and seats for the use of motormen on street and interurban cars, and providing for toilet facilities on the cars or along the right of way, and providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing chapter 172, Laws of 1879, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed, with the following amendments: In the first line of the title, after the second word "of," insert the words "passengers and." Also, add to the title, after "1897," in the last line, the words "being sections 5959 and 5960 of the General Statutes of 1901." In line 5, section 1, after the word "passenger," insert the following: "During the months of November, December, January, February, March." In line 10, section 1, after the word "cars," insert the words "at all times." In line 6, section 2, after the first word "employees," insert "and passengers," and after the second word "employees," insert the words "and passengers. In line 1, section 4, after "1897," insert "the same being sections 5959 and 5960 of the General Statutes of 1901.” GEO. H. HUNTER, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Labor, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 145, An act entitled "An act concerning child labor, prohibiting the employment in factories, workshops, theaters, elevators, packing-houses and mines of persons under fourteen years of age, and regulating the employment in other occupations or places of persons under seventeen years of age, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be amended as follows: After the word "age," in line 5 of title, insert "and repealing chapter 278, Laws of Kansas, 1905, and providing penalties for the violation thereof." In section 4, line 4, strike out the words "mines and packing-houses," and insert "workshops, theaters, elevators, packing-houses and mines, and the vocations mentioned in section 2 1 of this act." In section 3, line 1, after the word "children," insert "in any of the vocations mentioned in this act." And that it be passed as amended. P. C. HOSTRUP, Chairman. INTRODUCTION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Senate resolution No. 27, by Senator Leidy, Requesting information from the state superintendent of public instruction in relation to the Barnes high-school law, was introduced, read, and, on motion of Senator Leidy, was adopted. CONSIDERATION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. House concurrent resolution No. 15, Relating to acceptance of deed to Pawnee Rock, was, on motion of Senator Chapman, adopted. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Senator Chapman moved that the Senate go into committee of the whole for the consideration of bills on the Calendar under the head of "General Orders." A vote being had, the motion prevailed. The Senate went into committee of the whole, with Senator Chapman in the chair. After some time spent therein the committee rose, and through the chairman submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: The committee of the whole Senate have had under consideration bills on the Calendar under the head of "General Orders,' and I am directed to report as follows: Recommend that Senate bill No. 93, An act to amend sections 3, 4, 7, 10 and 11 of chapter 382 of the Session Laws of 1907, etc., be passed over and retain its place on the Calendar. Also, that Senate bill No. 96, An act to amend section 1 of chapter 129 of the Session Laws of 1897, entitled "An act to amend chapter 78 of the Session Laws of 1893, entitled 'An act to provide for the printing and. distribution of ballots at the public expense, and for the nomination of candidates for public offices; to regulate the manner of holding elections, and to enforce secrecy of the ballot, and to provide for the punishment of the violation of this act,' and repeal the same," be passed. Also, that substitute for Senate bill No. 15, An act providing for depositories in which shall be kept the funds of cities of the second and third classes, and also the school funds of the public schools in such cities, be amended as follows: In section 1, line 3, insert, after the word "education," "of cities of the second class," and in line 4 of said section 1, strike out "of such cities," and insert in lieu thereof "of any district in which there is a city of the third class." And that the bill pass as amended. Also, that Senate bill No. 194, An act amending section 8 of chapter 37 of the Session Laws of 1872, said chapter being an act entitled "An act for the encouragement of agriculture," and repealing said section 8, be passed over and retain its place on the Calendar. Also, that Senate bill No. 61, An act amending section 1, and repealing sections 1 and 2 of chapter 136 of the Laws of 1903, the same being "An act relating to cities of the second and third classes, and empowering such cities to obtain water, heat, light, power, etc.," and repealing said sections 1 and 2 of chapter 136 of the Laws of 1903, be passed over and retain its place on the Calendar. Also, that Senate bill No. 152, An act amending section 1704 of the General Statutes of Kansas of 1901, relating to county funds, and repealing original sections 1703 and 1704 of the General Statutes of Kansas of 1901, be amended as follows: In section 1, line 11, following the word "upon," insert the words "which rate of interest shall not be less than two per cent. per annum." In line 38, end of section, add: "Provided, that not more than $50,000 shall be deposited in any one bank." And that the bill be reported for passage as amended. Also, that Senate bill No. 118, An act to protect schoolhouses and school children from danger of fire, describing certain duties of public officers, and penalties for the violation of this act, be passed. Also, that Senate bill No. 148, An act making appropriation for the Kansas State Poultry Association, be passed. Also, that Senate bill No. 155, An act making an appropriation to pay for storing and properly displaying the records, relics, etc., of individuals, etc., who fought in the war for the Union, in the Grand Army museum, and to pay for publication of the reports of the department commander of the Grand Army of the Republic to the governor, be passed. Also, that Senate bill No. 53, An act relating to negotiable instruments, amending section 62 of chapter 310 of the Session Laws of 1905, and repealing said original section, be passed. Also, that Senate bill No. 68, An act to repeal section 18 of chapter 39 of the Compiled Laws of 1868, the same being section 34 of chapter 39 of the Compiled Laws of 1901, relating to the payment of jury fees in civil cases, be passed. G. L. CHAPMAN, Chairman. On motion of Senator Chapman, the report of the committee of the whole was adopted. Senator Porter moved that the Senate do now adjourn, which motion prevailed. E TWELFTH DAY. SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKa, Kan., The Senate met pursuant to adjournment, the president in the chair. The roll was called. Invocation by the chaplain. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Enrolled Bills, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 42, have compared the engrossed copy with the enrolled bill, and I am directed to report to the Senate that the same is correctly enrolled, that it has been properly signed by the president and secretary of the Senate and the speaker and chief clerk of the House, and has been presented to the governor for his approval, this 26th day of January, 1909. T. P. MURPHY, Chairman. MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, January 26, 1909. To the Senate: I respectfully advise the Senate that I have on the above date approved Senate bill No. 42. Also, on January 20, Senate bill No. 139. W. R. STUBBS, Governor. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. The following bills were introduced and read the first time: By Senator Milton (by request): Senate bill No. 290, An act relating to cities of the first class having a population of more than 50,000 and concerning the acquiring, improvement, maintenance and regulation of parks, parkways, boulevards, streets, bridges, viaducts, public buildings, grounds and places; and amendatory of and supplemental to chapter 115 of the Laws of 1907, entitled "An act relating to cities of the first class having a population of more than 50,000, and relative to the establishment, acquiring, maintenance, regulation and improvement of public parks, parkways, boulevards, streets, bridges, viaducts, public buildings, grounds and places," approved March 1, 1907, and repealing sections 2, 9, 10, 20, 22,, 23, 40, 41, 45, 47, 54 and 55 of said act. Also, Senate bill No. 291, An act granting licenses to exUnion soldiers and sailors to engage in the business of hauling or delivering goods for hire, commonly called expressmen, in any county or city within the state, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Also, Senate bill No. 292, An act empowering the county commissioners of Wyandotte county, Kansas, to improve and |