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January 12, 1909-12 o'clock M.

In accordance with the provisions of the constitution, the members elect of the Senate were called to order at twelve o'clock noon by Lieut.-gov. W. J. Fitzgerald, who, by virtue of his office, is president of the Senate.

Prayer was offered by Rev. Edwin Locke, of Topeka.

The president of the Senate laid before the members elect there assembled the following certified list of persons as having been duly elected members of the Senate at the last general election, held on the 3d day of November, A. D. 1908:

I, C. E. Denton, secretary of state of the state of Kansas, do hereby certify that the returns of the election held on the 3d day of November, A. D. 1908, now on record in my office, show that the following-named persons were elected as members of the Senate of the state of Kansas:

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The president of the Senate then called the roll of the Senate by districts, and all members as they answered to their names came forward and subscribed to the oath of office as administered by Justice Henry F. Mason.

On motion of Senator Brady, Senator Ganse was made temporary secretary.

The roll was thereupon called.

Those present were: Senators Anderson, Avery, Bender, Brady, Brewster, Brown, Cambern, Carey, Chapman, Cooke, Denton, Fagerberg, Fowler, Ganse, Glenn, Hamilton, Hodges, Hostrup, Huffman, Hunter, Leidy, Lower, Milligan, Milton, Moore, Murphy, Myers, Overfield, Porter, Potter, Price, Quincy, Reed, Robertson, Smith, Stannard, Stavely, Stewart, Stillings, and Travis.

On motion of Senator Lower, it was ordered that the rules of the last regular session of the Senate be adopted for the government of the present body, with the exception of rule No. 22, relating to the standing committees of the Senate, which rule should be suspended until otherwise ordered.

On motion of Senator Stewart, the Senate proceeded to the election of officers, said motion providing that the secretary of the Senate be first elected.

Senator Quincy placed in nomination Z. E. Wyant, of Coffey county, for the secretary of the Senate. There being no other nominations, on motion of Senator Porter, the rules were suspended and Mr. Wyant was elected by acclamation, who thereupon took and subscribed to the oath of office.

The election of president pro tem. of the Senate being in order, Senator E. F. Porter, of Crawford county, was nominated by Senator Ganse, and Senator A. S. Cooke, of Mitchell, was placed in nomination by Senator Robertson.

There being two nominations, the roll was called.

Those voting for Senator Porter were: Senators Avery, Bender, Brady, Brewster, Brown, Cambern, Carey, Chapman, Cooke, Denton, Fagerberg, Fowler, Ganse, Glenn, Hamilton, Hostrup, Huffman, Hunter, Leidy, Lower, Milligan, Murphy, Myers, Overfield, Potter, Price, Quincy, Reed, Smith, Stannard, Stavely, Stewart, Stillings, and Travis.

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Those voting for Senator Cooke were: Senators Anderson, Hodges, Milton, Moore, and Robertson.

Absent or not voting: Senator Porter.
Result of vote: Porter, 34; Cooke, 5.

Senator Porter, having received a constitutional majority, was declared elected president pro tem. of the Senate.

Senator Quincy placed in nomination G. A. Swallow, of Jefferson county, for sergeant-at-arms. There being no other nominations, upon motion the rules were suspended and Mr. Swallow was elected by acclamation.

Senator Stewart nominated George Mohler, of Wabaunsee county, for chief doorkeeper. There being no other nominations, the rules were suspended and Mr. Mohler was elected by acclamation.

Senator Huffman nominated A. G. Hanback, of Cherokee county, for postmaster of the Senate. There being no other nominations, the rules were suspended and Mr. Hanback was elected by acclamation.

Senator Avery placed in nomination Rev. W. H. Underwood, of Clay county, for chaplain of the Senate. There being no other nominations, the rules were suspended and Rev. Underwood was elected by acclamation.

All the above officers thereupon took and subscribed to the oath of office.


Senate resolution No. 1 was introduced by Senator Stewart: Resolved, That the secretary of the Senate notify the House of Repre sentatives that the Senate is now organized, with Lieut.-gov. W. J. Fitzgerald, president; E. F. Porter, president pro tem.; Z. E. Wyant, secretary; G. A. Swallow, sergeant-at-arms; and awaits the pleasure of the House of Representatives.

The resolution was adopted.

Senate concurrent resolution No. 1 was introduced by Senator Stewart:

Resolved by the Senate, the House concurring therein, That a committee of two members from the Senate and three members from the House be appointed to wait upon the governor and inform him that the two houses of the Legislature are duly organized and are ready to receive any communication that he may have to present.

The resolution was adopted, and the chair appointed Senators Stannard and Lower as the committee on the part of the Senate.

Senate resolution No. 2 was introduced by Senator Brady: Resolved, That the sergeant-at-arms be instructed to have a Bell telephone and one Independent telephone installed in the Senate chamber. The resolution was adopted.

Senator Glenn introduced Senate resolution No. 3:

Resolved, That the senior members of this Senate be permitted to make their first selections of the seats of this Senate, and that the minority members make their selection together on the north side of the Senate chamber, and that the remaining seats be selected by lot.

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