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President Harding

Urges Road Maintenance. He says—


"I KNOW of nothing more shocking than

the millions of public funds wasted in improved highways, wasted because there is no policy of maintenance. The neglect is not universal, but it is very near it. There is nothing the Congress can do more effectively to end this shocking waste than condition all Federal Aid on provisions for maintenance. Highways, no matter how generous the outlay for construction, cannot be maintained without patrol and constant repairs.

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Rutherford B. Hayes

N this issue of The Outlook Dr. Lyman Abbott gives us another one of his unusual snap-shots - this time of President Hayes.

Discuss the aptness of beginning a paper on President Hayes by commenting upon the Administrations of Johnson and Grant. How do the statements made by Dr. Abbott about these two Administrations help the reader to a better understanding of the policies of President Hayes?

What was the problem of reconstruction? One author speaks of the "crime of reconstruction." How was the problem handled? Was there a crime of reconstruction? If so, who was responsible for it?

What is your explanation of Dr. Abbott's statement: "By the second term of Grant's Administration the Republican party existed in two bitterly hostile factions"? What did each faction wish? Which one do you consider was in the right? Did Grant sympathize with either?

What specific illustrations and proofs can you give upholding Dr. Abbott in his belief that the most corrupt period in our National history was that which followed the Civil War?

Was there during this time a reform movement? If so, tell about its rise and growth.

What is your opinion of President Hayes's principles in selecting his Cabinet? Has, or has not, President HarIding acted in accordance with these principles?

Define the following terms: Carpetbag government, Crédit Mobilier, "Old Guard," paramount, rider to a bill, political cabal, parsimony, boomerang.

Among the most interesting and valuable accounts of the period covered by this article and study are Chapters I through VII of "United States in Our Own Times," by P. L. Haworth (Scribner); Chapter XV of "History of the United States," by Charles and Mary Beard (Macmillan); "American History," by D. S. Muzzey (Ginn & Co.), Chapter XVII; "Lectures on the Civil War," by James Ford Rhodes (Macmillan).

Senator Davenport in Overalls

If you were the manager of a factory, on what basis would you select your foremen? What instructions would you give to them? Does the efficiency of a factory depend to a large extent upon the kind of men who are selected to manage the employees?

Senator Davenport gives us some causes of "soldiering." Can you supple

1 These questions and comments are designed not only for the use of current events classes and clubs, debating societies, teachers of history and English, and the like, but also for discussion in the home and for suggestions to any


ment the list by citing actual illustrations? How would you make clear to a wage-earner that "soldiering" against his own economic interest? Discuss the cure for "soldiering."

Is it true that all the capitalist-employer does is to "exploit" labor? Can you illustrate your answer?

What is the difference between the division of labor and specialization in industry?

Explain these words: Manhandle, hornswoggle, distraught, dilettante, talisman, impugn, kowtow, labor turnover.

The following references will help answer a number of the questions asked in this study, as well as suggest numerous other questions: "Materials for the Study of Elementary Economics," by Marshall, Wright, and Field (University of Chicago Press); "Great American Issues," by Hammond and Jenks (Scribner); "Economics for the General Reader," by Henry Clay (Macmillan); "Humanizing Industry," by R. C. Feld (Dutton).

The Pledge to South America

In its issue of April 27, 1921, The Outlook said that "Bolivar was more than a mere liberator." Was he? Reasons.

In his address President Harding also said: "It is an interesting thing to compare the careers of the two great fathers of American liberty-Bolivar and Washington." Can you make as many as six comparisons?

In delivering his address, President Harding declared that we stood ever ready to fight, if necessary, for the defense of the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine has been called an ancient shibboleth. Which of the two attitudes do you consider the right one? Is the Monroe Doctrine worth fighting for?

Bringing Germany to Terms

In your opinion, did President Harding act wisely and justly in refusing

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the German proposal that the United "NO NIGHT THERE

States act as mediator between herself and the Allies as to the reparations question?

If Germany does not pay by May 1 the amount demanded from her by the Allies, what course of action toward her do you think ought to be taken?

Did Secretary Hughes break with international traditions in dealing with the German appeal? Was the exchange of communications between Germany and the United States diplomatic negotiation?

A book which claims to interpret the problems that confront the world to-day is entitled "Problems of the New World," by J. A. Hobson (Macmillan). President Wilson's policy in dealing with foreign relations from 1913 to 1917 may be found in "The Foreign Policy of Woodrow Wilson," by Robinson and West

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conspicuous of these Presidents, though one of the wisest and most useful of public servants, that Dr. Abbott has chosen for the subject of his "Snap-Shot" in this week's issue. During the Civil War Dr. Abbott was the minister of a Congregational church in Terre Haute, Indiana. The conflict between the Northern and Southern ideas was acute in such a place. In 1865 he resigned his pastorate to become Corresponding Secretary of what was known as the Union Commission to co-operate with the Government in the work of Reconstruction. In March of that year he went South. That was at a time when it was necessary to have a pass in order to go to Nashville, much as one needs a passport to-day to go to Europe. For the four years of political anarchy known as the Reconstruction Period Dr. Abbott endeavored to promote pacific measures for moral reconstruction and for the recementing of North and South. His purpose was to offer co-operation with Southerners who had the same aim. It was this experience that perhaps enabled him to understand particularly the difficulties with which President Hayes had to deal and the measure of President Hayes's success. DAVENPORT has


Law and Politics at Hamilton College, Clinton, New York. He is a graduate of Wesleyan University, Connecticut, and received his degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Columbia in 1905. At various times when partisan feeling has run high he has contributed to The Outlook political correspondence distinguished by its judicial temper and accuracy of observation. Both as a public servant and as a college teacher he has been interested in industrial questions and has brought to the legislative hall and to the lecture-room knowledge attained, not only from books, but also from men. His portrait as he appeared in the factory of which he writes is reproduced on the cover. He can be identified by his blue jumper and his red necktie.


quent contributor of verse to The

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A letter from Ras Priest, which we printed with a few words of comment in our issue of April 13, has stimulated some of our readers to make some comments of their own. Ras Priest, who told us he had named his only boy Lyman, recommended to the editors of The Outlook the prayer of the Psalmist

Create in me a clean heart, O God: And renew a right spirit within me; averring that The Outlook was spiritually dead and didn't know it, that for partisan reasons the editors had "become the yokefellows and the flaming evangels of the most reactionary and sinister group in our politics" and had "stood by and held the garments of those who stoned to death the prophet." While these faithful wounds are fresh we print the three letters of comment which follow. - THE EDITORS.

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T would be strange if your mail did

I not contain remonstrances against

the undue strictures cast upon The Outlook by Ras Priest in his letter, appearing in the issue of April 13, wherein he somewhat illogically concludes that The Outlook is "spiritually dead." Yet that letter has encouraged me to offer a word on the subject which I had not the temerity, perhaps, to offer in competition for your Constructive Criticism Prize.

Mr. Priest's premises, in my humble opinion, are principally founded on fact, and, albeit with more or less unseemly overstatement and rancor, he has described tersely the general impression I have gained of The Outlook's attitude toward Woodrow Wilson.

I have long liked to think of Charles W. Eliot, Lyman Abbott, and Woodrow Wilson as the three most potent moral teachers and leaders of our time, Dr. Eliot's field having been primarily the youth and universities of the country; Dr. Abbott's, The Outlook readers and his numerous audiences; and Woodrow Wilson's, the citizenry of the civilized world.

Now of course great minds honestly differ on economic, political, financial, industrial, social, theological, and like questions. Being a lawyer, I understand how jurists honestly differ on points of law. It is often hard to know the right and wrong of a question of policy, or expediency, or diplomacy. But on a question of ethics-a moral issue the line of demarcation between right and wrong should not be so difficult of definition, and we like to feel that when the performance of a moral obligation is in issue we may know upon which side to find most right-minded men arrayed. And the question of our joining the League of Nations involved the acknowledgment and discharge of moral obligations, and hence presented an issue essentially moral. (If this be not conceded, I can best cite an article by Dr. Eliot in the "Atlantic Monthly" for October or November, 1920.)

The state of extraordinary moral exaltation to which during the war we were elevated-and in the creation of which Dr. Abbott and Dr. Eliot, as well as Woodrow Wilson, played no small

part-was insidiously assailed and eventually degraded to what now resembles an obsession of National selfinterest. Responsibility for this cannot, in my judgment, be wholly avoided by the materialistic or anti-idealistic element of the Senate.

Quite naturally, we looked to our great moral teachers and leaders to champion the ideals upon which our exalted moral condition was founded, to strive to maintain that state, and accordingly to be governed first and foremost by the moral consideration in taking their stand on the League issue.

Dr. Eliot did so. He forsook his political party and, I feel sure, a large part of his constituency, and vigorously defended those ideals, recognizing the moral aspect of the League issue and insisting upon the fulfillment of our moral obligation before considering matters of apparent National self-interest or diplomacy.

Woodrow Wilson did so. Although subjected to incalculable pressure, he refused to look away from the moral aspect of the situation, and, while he made mistakes-blunders, if you willand was unfortunately tactless in dealing with the Senate, he exhausted his body and almost his mind (but not his spirit) in striving to prevent our country from shirking a moral duty.


Dr. Abbott did not do so. to my surprise, he did not see the moral aspect of the question as the others saw it. And, to my dismay, his organ apparently chose "to disfigure itself with partisanship rather than to transfigure itself with patriotism," to use the happy (rather, unhappy) phrase of Leila Sellers, whose letter you reproduced in The Outlook of March 30.

For this I am not so presumptuous as to heckle Dr. Abbott or The Outlook. And please do not feel slighted if I do not hold you accountable for the defeat of the League of Nations. It merely happens to strike me as more or less inconsistent for America's most highminded editor and most moral lay periodical to have espoused the cause of expediency, diplomacy, practicability, patriotism, safety, Americanism-call it what you will-when a fundamentally moral question confronted them.

If I seem unduly to prolong discussion of a question no longer mooted, permit me to suggest that the League issue is not dead, and cannot die until the discard European Powers the League or America, upon some footing, becomes a member thereof.

Yes, I am a Democrat. I became one because of Woodrow Wilson.

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a long period of years, according to the Mortality Statistics of the United States government. For instance, according to latest available figures Seattle's death rate was 8.6 per 1,000, Spokane's 9.5, Los Angeles' 12.9, Cincinnati's 14.2, St. Paul's 14.3, Philadelphia's 14.5, Boston's 14.9, San Francisco's 15.1, Baltimore's 15.5, Washington's 15.6, New Orleans' 19.7, and Trenton's 20.1. Your expectancy of life will be materially increased by living in Seattle.

Seattle is in a class by itself in respect to the low rate of infant mortality, 55 per 1000. In other words, the infant born in Seattle has approximately 95 chances out of 100 of surviving and several times more chances of attaining adult life than the baby born in the East or the Middle West. It will also be a sturdier and stronger person. Seattle is a paradise for children-infantile complaints are practically unknown.

Seattle's health record is due to an entire absence of extremes of heat and cold, of cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes and severe electrical storms-a climate soothing to nervous troubles and that invites one out of doors the year round, an abundance of pure water, an altogether exceptional milk supply, perfect drainage and a scenic environment whose beauty and sublimity tend to lift one above the petty trials of life.

The climate gives a 20 per cent. margin in manufacturing costs due to increased efficiency of labor, a fact well demonstrated in competition.

Seattle is the center of the richest area on the continent in basic resources -timber, agriculture, horticulture, dairying, mining, coal, fisheries, etc.-is by far the nearest Pacific Coast port to the Orient and the chief railroad center on the Pacific Coast.

Seattle's harbor is classed by shipping men as the best in the world and her docks and cargo handling equipment are superior to anything on the coast. Seattle is a wonder city-grown from 4,000 to 350,000 during the writer's business life. The big opportunities are still ahead. Whether you simply want to enjoy life and live long, or have an industry to establish or a branch to locate, send for Seattle's inspiring story, "Seattle, the Seaport of Success."

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