Imágenes de páginas

and the Emir, they chose the former. This, diverting the attention of the senAbd-er-Rhaman, the Emperor, had for tinels and alarming the whole camp, Abd-el-Kader few feelings of love, but gave time for the rapid approach and on the contrary, plenty of hatred, defi- charge of the Emir. But however sucance, and distrust. Although of that cessful he might be in his stratagem, faith which obliges all its believers to the attack failed, he was overpowered fight against the Christians till they are by numbers, and after fighting bravely exterminated, the two had no one other he was obliged to recross the river bond between them. Abd-er-Rhaman Malonina, on the banks of which the had an empire to lose; Abd-el-Kader Emperor had encamped, and to seek one to conquer. One was safely seated safety in the plains of Triffna. Placing on his throne, the other had just been the wives and children of his comdriven from it; nay, even if the Em- panions in the midst of his devoted peror had wished to carry on the war, band, the Emir succeeded in making all the glory would have redounded to the passage without losing a mule, the man who was equally with himself passed over to the territory of the descended from the Prophet, and who French, and followed by what few of had for so long a time borne a reputa- his men remained, sought safety with a tion as a saint not inferior to his fame as a leader.

remnant of the friendly tribe of BéniSnassen, which alone remained faithful to his cause.

Under these circumstances it is not to be wondered at, that a misunder- He remained with this tribe for a standing soon arose between Abd-er- short time, and thence hoped to gain Rhaman and his guest, and the latter the South, but the vigilance of General endeavoured, first by negotiation and Lamoricière prevented him. The Genethen by force, to accomplish one of those revolutions, which are not unfrequent amongst the Mahommedans, and which would dethrone the Emperor, and place himself at the head of the Moors. Thus, alone and without resources, in the midst of a hostile people, in open quarrel with the recognised head of his religion, wandering from place to place, like a lion tracked by hunters, with no seat but his horse, no shelter but his tent, no kingdom but the desert, the indomitable Emir yet inspired terror in the hearts of his enemies, and obliged them to keep on foot an army of 24,000 men for the sole purpose of watching him. He resolved upon a night attack upon the Emperor of Morocco, which he trusted would at once overthrow him, and leave the throne vacant for himself. Having gathered together the remains of his shattered army, he laid his plans and waited for the night. His intention being to throw the camp of the Emperor into confusion, he made use of the following cruel but ingenious stratagem. He caused some horses to be covered over with pitch and to be loaded with tow, dry grass, and other combustible materials. They were then led, on the night of the 11th of December, 1843, to the camp of the Emperor by picked men, who had been well paid for the enterprise beforehand. The tow, &c., was then fired, and the frightened and tortured animals driven into the camp.

ral thus relates the capture of the celebrated Arab Chief.

"I had been informed that the Emir had gained the country of the BéniSnassen, and that he was desirous of escaping thence, for the faction of the tribe the best disposed towards him, was precisely that whose territory approached nearest to our own. The pass which opens on the plain of the BéniSnassen, has its issue about a league and a half from the frontier. I determined to watch his passage, and I was decided in this by a letter from the brother of the Kaid d'Ouchda, which had been written that very evening to tell us to keep close watch in that direction, for by it the Emir would, without doubt, endeavour to pass. It was necessary to take this step quietly, so as not to awaken the suspicions of the tribes who were encamped on the route.


For this end, two detachments of picked spahis, clothed in white bournous, were sent forward. The first took up its position at the pass itself, the second, at one intermediate point between that and our camp."*

Besides taking these precautions, Lamoricière had the whole of his men under arms at two o'clock in the morning, and having calculated the probable route of the Emir, held the troops in readiness to march on the frontier. These precau

* Moniteur. 2 January, 1848.


tions were successful. Abd-el-Kader, 1848, he was transferred from Pau to finding that escape was impossible, sent the Chateau d'Amboise, near Blois. forward two of his most devoted adher- His family and himself were treated ents to apprise the general that he would with great attention, but the Desert submit to him. The lieutenant who Chieftain was evidently sinking under commanded the first detachment of his confinement, when he was released spahis, spoke with the Emir himself, by the present Emperor of France, when who delivered to him a piece of paper President, on his return from a tour with his seal attached to it, but the through France, in October of last year. wind, the rain, and the darkness of the night had prevented him from writing anything upon it. He demanded a letter of safe conduct from the General, for himself and for his companions, but the reasons which prevented the Emir from writing also prevented Lamoriciere, the General therefore sent him his sabre and a seal, as a token that his request was granted.

This prince, we are told, had promised the Marquis of Londonderry that he would at an early period liberate the ex-Emir, and had actually said to him, "Tôt ou tard, je le mettrai en liberté;" he kept his word. The Moniteur of Oct. 17th, 1852, thus records the act:

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The Prince has marked the end of his tour by an act of justice and natural generosity, he has restored Abd-el-Kader to liberty. In returning to Paris, the Prince stopped at the Chateau d'Amboise, and having seen Abd-el-Kader, informed him of the end of his captivity in the following terms:

"Abd-el-Kader,-I come to inform you of your liberation. You are to be taken to Broussa, in the states of the Sultan, as soon as the necessary preparations shall have been made, and you will receive there, from the French government, an allowance worthy of your former rank. You are aware that for a length of time your captivity has caused me real affliction, for it incessantly reminded me that the government which preceded me had not observed the engagements entered into towards an unfortunate enemy, and nothing in my eyes is more humiliating for the govern ment of a great nation than to misum

Such is the account of the surrender of Abd-el-Kader, from the general who effected his capture. On the 23rd of December, the Emir personally yielded himself and family to the "generosity of France." On the 24th he was received at the Marabout of Sidi Brahim, by Colonel Montauban, who was soon afterwards joined by the Generals La moricière and Cavaignac. He was then taken to Djemma-Gazouat, where he was presented to the Governor-general of Algeria, the Duc d'Aumale. The Governor-general ratified the promise of safe conduct given him by Lamoricière; a promise which declared that Abd-el-Kader should be conducted to Alexandria or to St. Jean d'Acre," with the firm hope that the French Govern ment would sanction that promise." On the 25th of February, Abd-el-Kader embarked at Oran; from Oran he pro-derstand its force to such a point as to ceeded on board a French ship of war fail in its promise. Generosity is always to Toulon, where he arrived on the 29th the best counsellor, and I am convinced with his family and suite. On his ar- that your residence in Turkey will not rival at Toulon, the pain of captivity prove injurious to the tranquillity of was increased by being kept for some our possessions in Africa. Your religion, time in quarantine. When landed he was like ours, enjoins submission to the transferred to Fort Lamalgue, whence he decrees of Providence. But if France was sent for some time (with his suite) is mistress of Algeria, the reason is, to the castle of Pau, and although he that God willed it to be so, and the supplicated the Government to remem- French nation will never give up that ber the promise of the Duc d'Aumale, conquest. You have been the enemy he was confined without hope of release. of France, but I am not the less willing On the revolution of February he re-to do justice to your courage, your cha minded the new Government of the promise made at the time of his submission, and of the conditions upon which he did so; but the answer he received was, that all they could do at the time was to make his captivity as little rigorous as possible. November,

racter, and to your resignation in mis-
fortune. This is the reason why I
consider it a point of honour to put an
end to your captivity, having full con-
fidence in your word.
"These noble words deeply moved
the Emir. After having expressed to


Beginning of Redjib, year 1267. "This is written according to my intentions, "ABD-EL-KADER BEN MAKHI EDDIN." The above will give some idea of the style of the Emir's conversation, which, like that of all those of Eastern origin, is ornamented, and abounds in imagery, parable, and metaphorical expressions. You perhaps suffer from cold?” said the prefect who received him. no," said the Emir, "the warmth of your friendship has dispersed the cold."

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his Highness his respectful and eternal May God reward you! and also his gratitude, he swore on the Koran that happy Lordship, the President of the he never would attempt to disturb our Republic, and his Lordship the Minisrule in Africa, and that he would sub-ter of War, whose generosity procured mit, without any ulterior design, to the me the honour of your visit and the will of France. Abd-el-Kader added, favour of your letter. that it would be quite to mistake the spirit and the letter of the law of the Prophet, to imagine that it allowed any violation of engagements towards Christians, and he pointed out to the prince averse in the Koran which formally condemns, without any exception or reservation, who ever violates sworn faith, even with unbelievers. In the opinion of all intelligent Arabs, the conquest of Africa is a fait accompli; they see in the constant superiority of our arms a marked manifestation of the will of God. A royal and generous policy is the only one that befits a great nation, and France will be thankful to the prince for having followed it. Abdel-Kader will remain at the Chateau d'Amboise until all the necessary measures have been taken connected with his removal, and his residence at Broussa." The liberation of Abd-el-Kader pleased the French nation, and not less so because the President had, by his secrecy, rendered it almost another coup d'état. It was only a few moments before the interview at Amboise that Louis Napoleon had communicated to General St. Arnaud, minister of war, that he was going to set Abd-el Kader at liberty on the spot. The long confinement of the Emir had aroused sympathy in England, and one noble Marquis had often pleaded with the President for his liberation.

The following is the copy of a letter addressed by Abd-el-Kader to the Marquis of Londonderry, who had interested himself particularly in endeavouring to

obtain his release.


After his release from Amboise, and pending the negotiations which were to transfer him to the dominions of the Sultan, he visited Paris, where his presence created quite a furore. The ladies of Paris, as we learn from the newspapers, vied with each other in sending to the Arab chief, various little presents and billets doux. He visited the opera, saw many reviews got up in his honour, received presents from the Emperor elect, and was the lion of the day. In return for his liberation he acted a somewhat theatrical part in claiming the right to vote, and in throwing his "oui," into the electoral urn. Probably some thought the part was too ridiculous and dramatic, but Abd-el-Kader, an absolute monarch himself, would certainly look upon the acts of the present Emperor with a very different eye than we do. In him, with his peculiar notions of French manners and customs, the act should perhaps be regarded as a token of gratitude. .Be it as it may, it clashed with preconceived opinions

of the stern desert chieftain.

He is now forty-five years of age, and in personal appearance is somewhat re"To his Lordship the Cid, General Mar-markable. His countenance is pale, quis of Londonderry! Irishman by and of a handsome regularity of feabirth, dwelling in England,-greet-ture, and is habitually clothed with a ing! grave and melancholy aspect. The dark "I have received a copy of the letter stain which he wears upon the edges written to you by his happy Lordship, of his eye-lids, gives his eyes an expresthe source of good, his Lordship the sion of fatigue and suffering. Small and President, chief of the French Republic, thin moustaches, and a black beard, orand also a copy of that which you for-nament his face, which is surrounded merly wrote to him.

"Our brother, the Cid Captain Boissonet, has also communicated to me the letter which transmitted your greetings.

by a silken veil depending from his turban, which is made of a large kerchief rolled, and twisted three times round his head. His outward garment is a

long kaik of brown serge, which allows his bare arms to be visible.

chieftain passed the rest of the time in reading or in meditation.


The zmala (family and suite) of the Such is Abd-el Kader. In releasing Emir, on his arrival in France, num- him Louis Napoleon acted wisely. bered ninety-six persons, that is thirty- drew a marked contrast, which the nafour men, thirty-two women, and thirty tion felt, between the conduct of the children. The whole suite had to ob- English towards Napoleon, and his own serve the greatest economy, having but towards his captive. Set at liberty in their own clothes and a few livres. The the manner he has been, and arrived in Emir brought with him into France a Broussa, on friendly terms with the few thousand francs, the produce of Sultan, he may probably forward the the sale of his horses. Yet from this designs of the Emperor, or he may lead small sum he gave on quitting Pau the armies of the Sultan against Russia, three hundred francs to be distributed should a disturbance between those amongst the poor of the town. Each powers ensue. But these are mere speday at three o'clock, his suite and him- culations; certain it is, that he is less self performed their devotions in com- dangerous when free and on parole, mon, the prayer is followed by a portion than when incarcerated at Amboise. of the Koran being read aloud. The


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In the earlier half of the fourteenth cen- | both interested and vindictive, than by tury the condition of Italy presented genuine patriotic feeling, we need not one of those anomalous phenomena marvel that the whole country became which sometimes arise in the history of a prey to all the horrors of intestine nations. While it was the wealthiest, warfare. So much was this the case, the most commercial, and the most en- that the roads and rivers throughout lightened of all the kingdoms of Europe, the entire peninsula were impassable it was at the same time the most dis- to travellers who should venture to traturbed and the most distracted, inter- verse them without a powerful military nally, of any. A prey to two contend- escort. The castles of the powerful ing factions, the Guelphs and the barons who fought on either side, inGhibellines (terms Italianized from the stead of being garrisoned by disciplined German words Wolf," and "Waiblin- soldiers, in regular pay, were in the gen,") it had become the arena of every hands of a savage banditti, who as the species of dissension and violence. The sole recompense for their services in Guelphs, in some degree, zealous for the war, were permitted to levy contribuindependence of their country, fought tions upon all, of whatever party or prounder the papal standard, while the fession, who were so unfortunate as to Ghibellines flocked round the German fall into their hands. Violence, rapine, eagle, the imperialists having usurped and murder passed unpunished and the titles and prerogatives of the empire unjudged, unless indeed the victim of of Charlemagne, which the French, outrage had friends or partisans suffithrough their weakness and pusillani- ciently powerful to avenge his wrongs, mity, had been unable to retain. Per- because both the judicial and executive haps, had the patriotism of either party powers were at the disposal of the very been sincere, the conflict would have parties against whom they ought in been brought to a decisive issue, and the justice to have been directed. Even in power of the various states might have Rome itself the barons had fortified been permanently consolidated under all the strong places and castles of the one rule-whether papal or imperial it ecclesiastical states, and had taken forwould have signified but little to the cible possession of all the palaces beharassed population. As it is plain, how-longing to the popes. The papal court, ever, that the adverse factions were sway it will be remembered, was, by Clement ed infinitely more by personal motives, the fifth, removed to Avignon in 1309,

a step to which the poet Petrarch and the nobles at first derided him as a many other writers of the day, attri- political quack, and sneered at the buted the aggravated miseries which possibility of effecting a change in had long afflicted Italy and at length government by the means of pictures consummated the downfall of her an- and allegories; many of them, nevercient glory. theless, came away from his orations seriously impressed with the truths he proclaimed.

tears at his appeal; but he reanimated their courage with assurances that it rested with them alone to restore the Roman government and reduce the rebels. He told them that the Pope sanctioned his proceedings; and he administered an oath upon the Evangelists that they would concur with him in endeavouring to restore their ancient freedom.

It was in the spring of the year 1347, when the rival houses of the Colonna and the Orsini divided the whole of the Rienzo steadily adhered to his project, aristocracy of Rome into two raging and on the first day of Lent, 1347, he factions, whose assassinations, rob- affixed on a church door the following beries, and conflagrations spread havoc announcement, "In a few days the and dismay among the peaceful citizens, Romans will return to their ancient that Nicholas Rienzi Gabrini, or, as he Good Establishment." He then colwas named by his cotemporaries, COLA lected his partisans on the Mount DI RIENZO, made his first effectual Aventine, and implored them as true appeal to the Roman people. This Romans to assist him in saving their remarkable man, the son of a tavern- country. His audience were moved to keeper and a laundress, but well-educated, handsome, and naturally eloquent, had conceived a strong desire of reforming the government of Rome, and nourished an implacable hatred of her lawless oppressors. He had already been chosen as one of a deputation to the Pope at Avignon, before whom he had boldly accused the barons as the authors of all the evils which oppressed the city. Upon his return he found But the time for action was now at himself in possession of the respect of hand, and he resolved to seize the first his fellow-citizens through the fearless favourable moment for depriving the integrity he had shewn, for which, more-lawless nobles of their authority. Acover, he was persecuted by the Cardinal Colonna. His first step was to form a party upon whom he thought he could depend; but he soon found that he must have recourse to the people themselves in order to redeem the city from anarchy, and restore that equal reign of justice and law which he emphatically called the "Good Establishment." Being a notary by profession, his functions called him continually to the Capitol. Having there assembled the multitudes, he caused a painting to be exhibited, in which the city of Rome was represented as a woman overcome with fear and anguish, seated upon the deck of a vessel in distress and fast going to pieces; around her were the wrecks of four other vessels, on each of which was the corpse of a female, representing Babylon, Carthage, Troy, and Jerusalem. With this picture as a text, Rienzo declaimed with eloquence against the nobles who had brought the vessel of the state to such a pass.

By these and similar means he succeeded in arousing the resolution of the populace to be free; and though

cordingly, on the 19th of May, during the absence of the senator, old Stefano Colonna, from Rome, he having departed with a number of his followers to superintend a convoy of grain to Corneto, Rienzo proclaimed by sound of trumpet that every Roman was to meet him on the morrow to take measures for the "Good Establishment." Having passed the night in the performance of thirty masses, he appeared on the following morning, escorted by a hundred men-atarms, at the head of a huge procession which directed its course towards the Capitol. Arrived at the foot of the grand staircase, Cola turned towards the people, and demanded their approval of the laws which he had laid down, and caused them to be read in a loud voice. They provided for the public security in general: a guard of both horse and foot was to be quartered in that part of the city for the protection of the citizens, and cruisers were to be stationed in the Tiber to protect the shipping and commerce. The right of the nobles to keep fortresses was abolished; all places of defence were to be delivered to the delegates of the people;

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