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Messrs. Samuel and John Secor, of Brooklyn, have had a yacht 100 feet long, built at Poillon's shipyard. The motive power of this vessel is a modified motive power of this vessel is a modified form of gas engine, in which the gases resulting from the explosion of a mixture of air and petroleum vapor are made to impinge directly upon the water through suitable portholes beneath the surface. The Scientific American says: "When the motor was first started, the only results of the explosion were seen in the bubbling of the water at her stern; but as the machinery became heated, and the explosions more numerous and violent, the vessel moved forward with fairly smooth motion, and the gas came to the surface of the water in fine bubbles some distance from the stern. Considerable difficulty has been experienced in the vibrations produced when the first explosions take place and before the boat is under headway. But these have been greatly reduced, and it is not too much to hope that they can be entirely avoided when the mechanism is perfected. There is at present but very little ground upon which to calculate the probable economy of the vessel. At first sight there would appear to be good grounds for hoping desirable results, and doubtless the experiments will settle the matter.

composed almost wholly of iron, which is known as meteoric iron. It is always alloyed with nickel and a few other metals, and contains carbon free or in combination, as in steel, with frequently sulphuret and phosphuret of iron in scattered globules and grains. It is always recognizable by a single peculiarity in its structure. If we moisten a polished surface of it with an acid, we shall immediately observe the appearance of numerous straight lines, as fine and as true in their parallelism as if made with an engravers' tool, and crossing one another in a net work of regular geometrical figures. These designs, called the figures of Widmanstaetten, after the first observer of them, result from the fact that the metal is not of homogeneous constitution. It is composed of two alloys of iron and nickel, in a crystalline condition, one of which, not being affected by the acid, stands out in relief from the other, which is attacked by it. The meteorites of this group are called holosiderites, or all iron, in distinction from the others, which contain also stony matters. They are vastly more rare than those of the other groups. The stony substances of the other groups consist chiefly of silica in combination with the magnesia and peroxide of iron, as peridote or pyroxene. If these silicates are in small proportion and thinly scattered through the iron, they are syssiderites; if it is the iron that is in relatively small proportion and appearing only in isolated grains, they are sporadosiderites. In other meteorAs the meteors come to the earth with-ites, comparatively few in number, no out undergoing any change except as to metallic iron can be perceived, and they their superficial vitrification, we are able, are called asiderites. The most interby subjecting them to analysis, to derive esting specimens among them are refrom them some precise facts respecting marked by their dull-black color, and a the constitution of the bodies in space. general appearance like that of peat or The first fact, which comes out from lignite. Besides stony matters, they conhundreds of analyses, is, that they have tain carbon in combination with hydronot brought a single substance which is gen and oxygen a chemical quality foreign to our globe. About twenty-two which has led to their being examined elements, all known to the chemistry of for remains of organic beings. But no the earth, have been recognized as present trace of anything of the kind has been in them. Among these, iron, silicon, discovered. magnesium, nickel, sulphur, phosphorus, and carbon, are the most important. While they are all clad externally in a common livery, meteorites, when examined in their fractured parts, along with traits of similarity, present considerable differences. They have been classified according to their tyres, into four groups, according to the proportion of iron they contained. Those of the first group are



The microscopic determination of the different qualities of iron and steel is now regarded as one of the most valuable aids in metallurgical industries. Thus the crystals of iron are double pyramids in which the proportion of the axes to the basis varies with the quantity of the iron.

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the smallness of the crystals and the height of the pyramids composing each element are in proportion to the quality and density of the metal, which are seen also in the fineness of the surface; and as the proportion of the carbon diminishes in the steel, the pyramids have so much the less height.

In pig iron and the lower qualities of hard steel the crystals approach more closely the cubic form. Forged iron has its pyramids flattened and reduced to superposed parallel leaves, whose struct ure constitutes what is called the nerve of the steel; and the best quality of steel has all its crystals disposed in parallel lines, each crystal filling in the interstices between the angles of those adjoining, these crystals having their axes in the di rection of the percussion they undergo during the working. Practically, good steel has the appearance, microscopically, of large groups of beautiful crystals.

Dr. Widmark, a Swedish surgeon, having as a patient a young girl in whom he was unable to detect the slightest path ological changes of the right eye, but who was yet completely blind on that side, observing considerable defects in the teeth, sent her to M. Skogsborg, a dental surgeon, who found that all the upper and lower molars were completely decayed, and that in many of them the roots were inflamed. He extracted the remains of the molars on the right side, and in four days' time the sight of the right eye began to return, and on the eleventh day after the extraction of the teeth it had become quite normal. The diseased fangs of the other side were subsequently removed, lest they should cause a return of the ophthalmic affection.

According to the Canada Medical Record, Pavesi recommends a liniment composed of camphorated chloral 2 parts, pure glycerine 161⁄2 parts, and oil of sweet almonds, 10 parts. This is to be well mixed and preserved in a hermetically closed bottle. A pledget of very soft cotton is to be soaked in the liniment and then introduced as far as possible into the affected ear, two applications being made daily. Frictions may also be made each day with the preparation behind the ear. It is claimed that the pain is almost immediately relieved, and even in many cases the inflammation is subdued.

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The importance of the ability to quickly stop freight trains cannot be overestimated. The number of such trains and the rate of speed have been largely increased during the last fifteen years, and although, by careful watching, the use of the telegraph and electrical and other signals, the danger of accidents has been lessened, collisions are still of too frequent occurrence. In spite of the most careful management trains run into each other and life and property are destroyed.

If quicker stops could be made, fewer accidents on account of obstructions would happen. Every company now has a long list of claims to settle for stock killed or injured which would be lessened if engineers were able to better control their trains. The stops at stations, crossings and water tanks, consume more time because the heavy trains must slacken up when far away from the halting place. This is especially the case when on a down grade.

Freight and equipment are seriously injured by the violent shocks they receive when the trains are being made up. Besides the loss of time consumed in shunting, the locomotives and cars are bruised and injured and the brakemen exposed to greater risks, all because the unwieldy switch engines have no power brakes to control their movements.

It may be remarked here, that while the old fashioned hand-brakes are better than nothing, they are entirely inadequate for their intended purpose. Possibly they did moderately well in the old times when the freight cars were light and the locomotive small and imperfect. Now the cars are loaded twice as heavily as ten years ago and the locomotives weigh two or three times as much. In consequence of this greater power in the engines the trains are larger. But the grades on the

roads have not been reduced nor has the power of the brakes been increased. The results can be inferred.

One of the greatest defects of the hand brakes was the inability to quickly apply them in case of emergency. When the brakemen were at their posts in approaching stations stops were made with reasonable promptness but when the danger signal was given out on the road it almost invariably found the brakemen in the caboose. Hasten as they might it was several minutes before they could set any brakes at all. If the train was made up of open cars loaded with machinery or lumber, progress was slower and risk to life greater. When the brakes were ready to be applied the train was in the ditch or the cars piled up on the track.

Right here may be noted the powerlessness of the hand brakes to protect life. The brakemen have always taken their lives in their own hands. If the night was dark or stormy, or the tops of the cars slippery with ice and snow or rain, the brakemen had to crawl along the tops of the cars with the greatest caution and even then many a gallant fellow went down to death. What an idle form when an obstruction was suddenly sighted on a dark stormy night to call for brakes.

power brakes for freight locomotives and automatic brakes for freight cars have been discovered which do substantially all that is desired of them.

The advantages of these appliances are numerous and the first one is that, while comparatively inexpensive, they do their work infinitely better. The wear and tear is much less and the saving amounts to thousands of dollars annually.

The demand of the times is for fast freight trains. On the important through lines through freights make passenger time. Now recollect the deficiencies of the hand brakes and the necessities for quick stops and consider how this increase in the speed of trains increases the dangers to the crews, to passenger trains and to property of the companies generally. What chance does a heavy freight on a down grade stand of coming to a halt if an obstacle is met? What chance do the crew have for their lives when the danger whistle sounds?

road how can they halt at the stations As these heavy trains rush over the and crossings without a long preparation. At the tanks and coal chutes there is generally considerable backing and pulling before the right position is reached. this is avoided and the stops are made With the power and automatic brakes all twice as quickly and easily. It is estimated by reliable authority that, in making up trains and in switching, an engine fifty per cent. more cars than one withhaving the power brakes will handle out these appliances. The consequent

is enormous.

The damage to equipment caused by this lack of power in the brakes was and is in the aggregate enormous. Whenever an obstruction was met or a sudden stop from any reason became necessary, the engineer would reverse his engine. The effects of this were dangerous in the extreme for drawheads and bumpers broken, trucks were thrown out, train-saving in the wear and tear of equipment men killed, and the sparks and cinders believed that every time a train goes over With the hand brakes it is. in the steam chest and cylinders, cutting the road the loss of wear and breakage and roughening the smooth surfaces and and loss of link pins and couplers valves, did serious injury to the locomo- amounts to $10 or $15. With the auto tive. In making up trains and in switch-matic and power brakes this cost is re- ́ ing the same destructive defects were duced to a minimum One year's savings were noticed. If rough usage is ever to would apply the new inventions. be found it is seen in every yard and terminal station. The wonder is that equip ment is not damaged more.

The loss of time on account of these defective brakes in the aggregate amounts to hours and days. A few minutes unnecessary delay of every freight at every stopping place causes a large per cent. of additional expense.

Clear it is from these facts that some appliances were needed whereby these defects might be cured and the evils remedied. The tests and experience of the past year seems to conclusively show that

stock would be killed and fewer colliIf the trains could stop quickly, less sions would occur or derailments happen.

And what shall be said of the protection to human life to be caused by the general application of these new brakes, giving the engineer control of his train. Is this to be estimated in money? Surely for this saving, if for no other reason, the new appliances must come into universal use.

Thoughtful railway men must be con

vinced by these facts that self interest and a slight regard for economy as well as a decent respect for humanity demand the application of these power and automatic freight train brakes. When the change is made all will wonder how they ever did without them for they will be considered indispensable.

The time for this change and the adop tion of these appliances has come.-R. R. Register.


The Master Car Builders held their annual convention at Niagara Falls recently, closing June 11. The Western members were taken by a special train of four cars over the Western Division of the Grand Trunk, and a remarkable fast run was made: leaving Niagara Falls at 9:45 A. M. and arriving at Windsor, a distance of 22911⁄2 miles, at 2:55 P. M.-5 hours and 10 minutes, including stops, of which there were 13, and three of them, 17, 10 and 8 minutes respectively. Excluding stops, the run was made in 3 hours and 57 minutes—or 2291⁄2 miles in 237 minutes. With the exception of 11 miles on the Copetown grade, a uniform speed of 60 miles an hour was maintained through out, and the roadbed is in such excellent condition that the cars ran so steadily that it was observed water in a glass nearly full on the table did not spill.

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One of the recent novelties in locomotive construction is to be found in the design of M. Estrade, which he proposes to try on the southern lines in France. Estrade in fact has not confined himself to the locomotive, but has also designed a complete system of rolling stock for a passenger train, which has been exhibited in model form at the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, and will shortly be put to the practical test. Convinced of the value of large wheels, M. Estrade fits not only his locomotive, but also the tender and coaches with wheels 84 feet in diameter. His locomotive is of the outside cylinder type, with slide-valve on the top of cylinder, and all the gear carried outside, according to the general plan on the Continent. The six wheels of 814 feet diameter are coupled and placed as close together as possible, as will be seen from the following table of dimensions, which will be studied with curiosity, if not with interest:

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Weight of engine, empty
Weight of engine, loaded...

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INTRODUCTION OF RAILROADS. According to the Scientific Commercial, It is calculated that this engine will be the following are the dates of the intro- capable of maintaining speeds of 72 to duction of railways in the various coun-78 miles an hour. The tender has wheels tries from 1825 to 1860: England, September 27, 1825; Austria, September 30, 1828; France, October 1, 1828; United States, December 28, 1829; Belgium, May 3, 1835; Germany, December 7, 1835; Island of Cuba, in the year 1837; Russia, April 4, 1838; Italy, September, 1839; Switzerland, July 15, 1844; Jamaica, November 21, 1845; Spain, October 24, 1848; Canada, May, 1850; Mexico, in the year 1850; Peru, in the year 1850; Sweden, in the year 1851; Chili, January, 1852; East Indies, April 18, 1853; Norway, July, 1853; Portugal, in the year 1854; Brazil, April 30, 1854; Victoria, September 14, 1854; Colombia, January 28, 1855; New South Wales, September 25, 1855; Egypt, January, 1856; Middle Australia, April 21, 1856; Natal, June 26, 1860; Turkey, October 4, 1860.

84 feet in diameter, and is arranged to carry as much water and coal as possible, but otherwise presents no features of novelty. The coaches are peculiar in that they are carried inside iron girders, while the wheels run under the center of the longitudinal seats. Two axles, 16 feet apart, support, through elliptic springs mounted upon the oil-boxes, these longitudinal girders, which have ends curving toward the ground. Each girder carries three other elliptic springs, from which is suspended, by means of iron rods, the lower frame on which the body of the car is supported. The coach is separated into two stories, the lower of which is made in three pendent sections with doors, which may be used as baggage rooms, etc. Above is a single compartment with central passageway.


There is a tendency on the part of engineers to trust implicitly in their steam gauges. These are usually the only and last resort for determining the steam pressure under which the boiler may be working. But the best gauges are liable to err, and after long use to require re adjustment. It is fortunate that the error is usually on the safe side of indicating more than the actual pressure. But there is danger in even this, for the careless engineer, after finding out that his gauge marks too high, is apt to disregard it entirely and not know how much too high it indicates. The steam gauge should be periodically examined, tested, and adjusted, and that, too, by a gauge that is known to be correct, or, what is better still, by a mercury column that cannot go wrong. The reason why the gauge is usually neglected is probably the fact that its working parts are so entirely inc.osed that they remain somewhat of a mystery to the man whose movements they regulate.

During the recent meeting of the Mas-
ter Mechanics, the question of the hold-
ing power of boiler tubes when beaded
and unbeaded, was indirectly brought up,
and as a recent case of boiler experience
has quite a bearing on that point, as well
as being of general interest, we give the
account as it has been given to us, know-
ing the statement, so far as the impor-
tant facts are concerned, to be correct.

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showing 150 pounds. Further investigation showed an astonishing state of affairs. The ends of the boiler above the flues had been forced out, tearing the stays loose from the head and the boiler forced out of shape in other respects, and yet the flues set in the ordinary way held the boiler head securely, even after the stays had given way.

Just what pressure was reached has not as yet been definitely determined, but the cylinder oil, for which a fire test of 600° is claimed, was completely burned up, and the babbitt bushing in the valve rod stuffing-box was absolutely melted by the heat of the steam in the steam chest. It is proposed to ascertain if possible the melting point of this same piece of babbitt metal and so get the actual pressure.


The mechanical department of the New York Elevated Railroad have recently designed a new locomotive for service on the road. This engine is intended as the heaviest standard, and was designed with a view of handling the five-car trains now run during commission hours. A modification of the Belpaire fire-box is. used, but the outside shell, while kept flat, is not sloped in a way that might restrict the steam space. The only woodwork used about this engine is the boilerlagging and the cab window linings, Steel is used for every piece and casting where its application could reduce the weight. Steam chest casings and dome casings are steel castings, and the diamond truck castings are mostly of steel. The fire-box and grate area have been increased, and the boiler has got 154 tubes 11⁄2 inch diameter, that being 22 more than the other boilers.

A new engine and boiler of modern design and best construction had recently been erected and ran with promising satisfaction for some days. The first indication of anything being wrong was a leak The cylinders have one inch more diage around the valve stem of the engine. ameter than the other engines, and in It was the aim of the proprietor to run working order the engine is one ton at from 80 to 100 pounds boiler pressure, heavier. One engine of this type was built but the safety-valve lever was only grad- at the company's shops at Ninety-eighth uated to 90 pounds, and in order to deter- street, New York, lately, and is now in mine the action of the engine at 100 service. A very close record of her perpounds extra weights were ordered to be formance has been kept. She is doing placed upon it. The pressure gauge in- the work on 29 pounds of coal to the dicating but 80 pounds, and the safety-train-mile, and is evaporating 74 pounds valve still continuing to blow, more weights were added until the idea occurred to some one that perhaps the pressure gauge pipe was clogged. This was found to be the case, and after being cleaned out and the gauge replaced, the hand immediately went round to the pin

of water to the pound of coal. The link motion is new, and was designed by Mr. John D. Campbell, general foreman of the shops, who schemed it to give as nearly as possible equal distribution of steam for forward and back gear.-National Car and Locomotive Builder.

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