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visions of the Northwest occurred at had ample opportunity to ventilate their Minneapolis on Sunday, June 28, under opinions if they so desired. There were the auspices of Minnehaha Division, No. about 260 members present, representing 180, which we had the pleasure of attend-fifteen sub-Divisions, which was the ing. Leaving Cleveland Friday even- largest number they have had at any of ing, June 26, accompanied by wife and their reunions in that section of the son, we reached Minneapolis Sunday country. Sunday evening was spent .morning, and were met at the depot by very pleasantly with a number of the Brother J. B. Johnson and others, and Brothers and their families at the residriven to the West Hotel, where elegant dence of Brother J. B. Johnson, and on rooms had been secured for us. After a the following day, accompanied by brief rest we repaired to the hall, where Brother Lobdell and wife, Mrs. J. B. large numbers of the brethren had al-Johnson and Brother Everett, we had a ready assembled. At 11 o'clock Brother fine drive around the city; visiting variRamsdell, Chief of Division 180, called ous places of interest, including the rethe meeting to order and opened in regu-nowned Minnehaha Falls and the celelar form. After prayer by the Grand brated Pillsbury flour mill, one of the Chaplain, Brother Deloss Everett, who largest in the world. In the evening we was present by special invitation, Broth- were handsomely entertained at the resier Ramsdell welcomed the visiting breth-dence of Mr. Pattee, Master Mechanic of ren with appropriate remarks and then introduced the Grand Chief, who made a short address, followed by Brother Everett, who spoke at length on "Ambition and Hopes" of young men, picturing in a forcible manner how the ambition and hopes of many young men had been realized by perseverance and industry. Questions relating to the future welfare of our institution were then introduced and ably discussed by Brothers J. B. Johnson, Gallup, Phelan, Westfall and others, after which a committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions expressive of the feelings of the meeting and present them to the officers of the various railways which had furnished free transportation to the members and their families. A motion was then passed designating Madison, Wis., as the place for holding the ninth annual reunion. After prayer by the Grand Chaplain the meeting closed and the brothers formed in line and marched to the West Hotel, where they were entertained with dinner by Division 180, an act of generosity which was highly appreciated. The meeting was a decided success in every respect. All

the C., M. & St. P. shops at Minneapolis. On Tuesday, June 30, in accordance with a promise made to Brother Phelan at the last convention, we took the morning train on the Northern Pacific road for Brainerd, accompanied by Brother Everett. On reaching Crow Wing, a small station a few miles east of Brainerd, Brothers Phelan, Sherwood and Howard came aboard and greeted us with a hearty welcome. Arriving at Brainerd, we were again greeted by a number of the brethren and escorted to the Villard Hotel, where we were well cared for during our stay. After dinner, in company with a number of the Brothers, we visited the shops, and were introduced to Mr. Small, Master Mechanic, who received us cordially, and showed us around the premises. The shops are well located and supplied with the most improved machinery and tools. The equipment of the entire road is as complete as any in the country. On our return we were invited to an informal tea with Brother Phelan, who, by the way, has much to be proud of, as he has a charming wife and two little flaxen-hair children nicely en

sconced in a white painted cottage sur-struction. Thursday morning, July 2,

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rounded with a rustic fence, and all that found us on board the train for "The bespeak home and confort. In the even- Dalles," Oregon, to atterd the first union ing we met with the Division, Brother P. meeting ever held on the Pacific coast, Carney presiding. After the formal and to Columbia Division, No. 236, beopening, Brother Carney introduced the longs the credit. Arriving there Sunday Grand Chief, who gave the Brothers an morning at 5:30 o'clock, we were met by informal talk on matters pertaining to Brothers McIntosh, Perley and others, the interest of our organization, followed who gave us a hearty welcome and esby Brother Everett, who also gave the corted us to the Umatilla House. After members some wholesome advice. Re- a short rest we proceeded to the hall, marks were also made by Brothers Car- where quite a number of the members ney, Phelan and others. Division 144 is had already assembled. Brother Ranin a prosperous condition notwithstand- dall, Chief of Columbia Division, No. ing the draft made upon her membership 236, called the meeting to order, and in establishing other Divisions on the line of road. Wednesday, June 1, in the forenoon, accompanied by Brother Phelan and Mr. Taylor, an old railroad man and one of Brainerd's prominent citizens, we had a drive around the city, visited the hospital erected by the N. P. R. R. Co. for the benefit of its employes, were introduced to Dr. Biggar, the manager, who very kindly had us shown through the building, which we found to be a model of neatness, and well adapted for the purposes intended. The men speak in the highest terms of its management, and contribute cheerfully to its support. Returning to the hotel we were introduced to Mr. C. W. Cushing, superintendent of motive power, and spent a half hour very pleasantly with him. After dinner we took the train for Fargo, in response to an urgent request | of the Brothers of Division No. 202 to meet with them while enroute to "The Dalles," ariving there at 8 o'clock P. M. We were met by Brothers Allen and Knowlton and given a drive around Fargo and Moorehead before going to the Division room, as our stay with them was necessarilly short, being obliged to take the 4 o'clock train Thursday morning. We had a very pleasant meeting with the Brothers, and gave them all necessary advice, information and in

after opening in due form welcomed the visiting brethren with well chosen remarks, after which he introduced the Grand Chief, who explained to the Brothers the workings of the Order and the benefits accruing therefrom since its inception. Matters pertaining to the good of the Order were then introduced and freely discussed by Brothers McInintosh, Perley, McDonald and others. Arrangements having been made for a public meeting in the court house at 2:30 o'clock, the meeting was closed in due form and we proceeded thither in a body. Brother Perley presiding, called the meeting to order and introduced Rev. Mr. McEwan, who offered up a fervent prayer, after which Brother Perley explained that the object of holding the meeting was to give the citizens of “The Dalles" an opportunity of learning something concerning the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, a Division of which was located in their city. The following letter of regret from the Governor was then read :


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GENTS: Please accept thanks for invitation and also regrets that, owing to previous engagements, I will not be able to attend the union meeting given by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at The Dalles" on the 5th inst. Order will see that his " headlight" reflects clearly and plainly his life's tracks, so that it would be impossible to place any obstruction

I have no doubt but that each member of the

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Be for the general good."


beyond description, mountains on either far in the background stand the grand side towering hundreds of feet high, and old perpetual snow-covered ones, such as Mt. Hood, Adams, St. Helen and others. We watched and admired until the eyes

And wishing for you a pleasant meeting, I re- grew weary, and are told that we are main, your obedient servant, nearing the "Cascades."

To W. P. Sherman, Robert Hunter, J. Matheson,
committee B. L. E., "The Dalles,
"The Dalles," Oregon.

Sure enough, we are in sight of the roaring, surging, tumbling waters. We are filled with wonder and admiration, and at this point we are informed that we must leave the steamer and take the train for five miles, as the river at this point is not navigable on account of its turbulence. After leaving the train we stop and visit one of the fisheries, which to us was a great curiosity. We again take the steamer, Dixie Thompson, and are introduced, as before, to the captain, and by him invited to seats in the pilot house, and through the courtesy of these genial gentlemen all the points of interest are shown us, as both captains have navigated these waters for over twenty years, and every tree and mountain and bend in the river are as familiar to them as the nooks and crannies in their own homes. Soon our journey, like all good things, came to an end, and we find ourselves in the city of Portland, and at the wharf are met by the ever faithful Brothers, this time Brothers Sally and McDonald, and at once driven to the Es

After which the Grand Chief was introduced and delivered an address on the origin, aims and purposes of the Organization, which was listened to with marked attention by all present. Rev. Mr. McEwan was then called for and made a few remarks complimentary to the engineers and closed the meeting with a short prayer. Leaving the court house we proceeded in a body to the Umatilla House, where the visiting members and their friends were entertained with dinner by Division 236. The following Divisions were represented: Nos. 147, 13, 238, 277, 262 and 236, numbering in all fifty members, which was a large attendance, considering the distance the Divisions are located from the place of meeting, and the Brothers of Columbia Division have just cause to feel proud of their union meeting. We had the pleasure of an introduction to the mayor and a number of the prominent citizens, including Mr. Hobart, M. M., and family; Mr. De Hough, Chief En-mond Hotel. While refreshing the inner gineer of the company's steamers east of "The Dalles," and family, at whose residence we were handsomely entertained in the evening in company with Brothers McIntosh and Sherman.

By special request of Willamette Division, No. 277, Monday morning, July 6, we took the steamer Harvest Queen for Portland, in company with Brother W. J. Sherman, who, by the way, is a model guide and traveling companion. We soon found ourselves steaming down the Columbia River. The scenery is grand

man we are informed carriages are in waiting. We at once proceed to the parlor and are met by Brother McDonald and wife, who had arranged for a drive around the city and to Marquam's Hill, from the top of which a grand view of the city and surrounding country was obtained. Returning to the hotel we held an informal reception and met quite a large number of the Brothers, whom we otherwise would not have seen. Tuesday, July 7, along with Brothers McDonald, Sally and Sherman, we called


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upon the general officers of the Oregon Railway & Steam Navigation Company, and the Oregon & California Railway, who received us very cordially, extending to us the courtesies of their roads. We also visited the shops of the latter road, and were introduced to Mr. Brandt, M. M., brother of the Superintendent, the builder of the famous Brandt engines years gone by.

Bidding adieu to the Portland Brothers, we boarded the train homeward bound at 3:30 P. M., July 7, arriving there July 13, delighted with our trip.

Want of space prevents us from giving a more extended account of our trip across the continent. Suffice it to say, from the time we reached Minneapolis until we arrived in Portland, we were the recipients of the utmost kindness and forethought, for all of which we are truly grateful, and will ever cherish with grateful remembrance the personal acts of kindness we received at the hands of the brethren and the officers of the different roads we passed over.

THE LATE MASTER MECHANIC. G. W. Lowe, Master Mechanic of the C. & N.W.R. R,, at Clinton, Iowa, we are pleased to say, has been removed. Lowe is a tyrant, and believes in both child and pauper labor, and we trust the laborers and mechanics of the west will give him a dose of his own medicine--black list him. His removal checks an impending trouble, and the railroad company is to be congratulated on the fairness with which it treated the laborers in this respect.-The People's Advocate, Atlantic, Iowa, June 18.

This man, Lowe, was the most oppressive and overbearing Master Mechanic that ever occupied the position at this city, and we might safely say in this country. He has gone into retirement and obscurity at Fort Wayne, Ind., accompanied by the reproaches and opprobrium which are wont to accompany every oppressor in this land of freedom. For three years and two months he ruled with an iron hand as intelligent a body of men as ever swung a hammer, watched a lathe or twisted a wrench in any similar shops in the United States. They were men, many of them who had grown gray in the service of the great corporation that provided them employment, and whose labor had been appreciated by the seven Master Mechanics that preceded this man Lowe, and were recognized as faithful employes by the company in the several positions they filled with credit in the shops.

Lowe was a creature of another company, and came here from Crestline, Ohio, at which place he

at that city.

for a time acted as foreman of the railroad shops This man was no crimiual, nor do we charge him as such, but we do say, judging from his acts at Clinton, that there are men with shaved heads, wearing striped garments, in every penitentiary in the land, that have shown more genuine attributes of manhood than were ever possessed by this man. True, he controlled men and was clothed with brief authority. So has the tiger and the panther in the wilds of Africa, who, under almost similar circumstances, devour them as their prey, with all the ferociousness of wild beasts Not, however, as did this man, that abused his position to crush life and manhood out

of their forms and force them to seek alms from charitably disposed friends to keep starvation from their wives and families. To the uninformed reader these accusations may seem grave and harsh, but every assertion there made is susceptible of undoubted proof by any one of a hundred or more as noble workmen as ever operated together to creaie wealth in this country.

From the day that G. W. Lowe assumed charge of the shops in this city until his retirement, he was a constant oppressor of labor under his authority; and to force his edicts to success would resort to the most contempted and unmanly nature. Not satisfied with ible and despicable means known to a depravdischarging and cutting down the wages of tried and faithful employes, he would follow them in person or by letter to other places and there, outside of his jurisdiction and away where necessity compelled them to seek work from home, his iron heel of oppression would be stamped down to crush them into obedience, and by his acts force them to work at reduced wages or retire again from the places they had secured after being driven from home by his coercion. Incidents of this kind are numerous, and more than one of as good citizens as ever resided in Clinton have been forced by this man to sell out their comfortable homes, abandon their neighbors, whose long years of pleasant acquaintance formed the happiest periods of their lives, and leave with their families for other towns, among strangers, to secure that employment essentlal to keep the wolf from the door in their declining years. History tells us of kings and rulers in olden times whose necks were placed under the guillotine for less oppression than was introduced and enforced by Lowe at the shops in this city. Nor did he confine himself to the men unfortunate enough to be under his immediate charge, but attempted to have his policy of reducing labor to serfdom introduced into the manufacturing institutions of the place and in the shops of other companies in neighboring cities, He had made his brags that he would cut wages, and his sole ambition seemed to be in that direction

The cool, calm judgment of the men, and the knowledge that their oppression was nearing an end. together with the wisdom of the managers of the Northwestern Railroad in displacing the object of their hatred, is one of the pleasant features of Mr. Lowe's termination of power over those capable of being his superiors at the railroad shops at Clinton.

We must not omit telling our readers his manner of retirement, as it briefly describes and illustrates the feeling of the men, whose joy knew no bounds when the hour of his stepping down and out arrived. It was Saturday night; the whistle blew out the most delightful sound to the ears of the workmen ever before listened to; its reverberations had not

ceased until the bells of every engine in and gbout the shops were rung for joy. Passenaers on the Pacific Express, standing at the depot westward bound, raised their windows, rushed out on the platform, and looked and listened intently at the unusual demonstrations. Many thought it was a riot or a strike but no, it was in honor of the man's removal, and the settlement of what might have been a difficulty serious to contemplate. On the Sabbath morning following, the effigy of the late master mechanic was discovered suspended from a beam near the center of the large machine shop; and this was all there was left of him who for more than three long years had been trying to reduce every man under him to worse than a menial. What a contrast was this from the retirement of the seven master mechanics of the Northwestern who had preceded Lowe. Every one of them left with the good-will of their employes, and numerous substantial tokens of their esteem, bearing the kindest remembrances and good wishes for their future success in any position allotted them. This one went out with scorn and contempt, without a friend, and the only wish of the men here is that no similar body of men

will be so unfortunate as to be subjected to

his rule.

The transformation at the shops is apparent to even a newspaper man; but a short time ago the operatives went to their work with a despondent, depressed, haggard look, more mechanical than natural; now, their cheerful countenances, elastic step and energetic manner denote pleasure and satisfaction at their lot. Mr. Quayle, the new master mechanic, has already gained the confidence and respect of the men; he is of them, and although a young man for the position he holds, is capable far beyond his years. He is a product of the mechanical department of the Northwestern at Chicago, a self-made man in the truest sense of the word, and of just such character as will bring order out of chaos and happiness out of misery. The change is a most desirable one, and to the employes, as well as to the citizens of Clinton, gives unbounded satisfaction. The Advertiser is led to recite this record with no feelings of malice, but from a sense of duty as a newspaper to give facts pertaining to injustice done working-men, and to give from a home stand-point the truth as given to us relating to the career of Mr. Lowe while in this city. Other papers throughout the State have called attention to his displacement in a more disparaging manner than here given, and that justice alone shall be done is the only object of this article.— Clinton Co. Advertiser.

If the charges set forth in the article copied above are true, the Northwestern company have not removed this man a minute too soon. It is a great mistake on the part of any official to stoop to a spirit of oppression in his treatment of men under his control, hoping thereby to curry favor with his superiors; especially so with a company which, like the Northwestern, has made a record for itself as being desirous of not only meting out equal and exact justice to all, but

marking it with consideration for the welfare of its employes. Kind treatment more effectually subdues even the brute creation than does cruelty, and the official who forgets the law of kindness in his treatment of men, forfeits their respect, without which an attempt to govern and direct will sooner or later prove an utter failure.

We have received quite a number of letters asking for blanks for the annual reports. We have mailed two copies to each Division, and if they are not promptly received notice should be given that duplicates may be sent. We trust that so much has been said heretofore about

the way these reports should be made up and the computation of Grand Dues that no reference to that subject will be necessary, but we must insist on a full and complete list of the members being sent us, as without it the report is but half made.


Brother J. G. Witherby, of Lexington Division No. 35, is hereby requested to correspond with his Division at once or action will be taken.


Brother P. McQuillan, of Northern Tier Division No. 69, will save trouble by corresponding with his Division at once.

J. SENCERBOX, F. A. E. Brothers J. B. Gough, Frank Cunningham and W. T. Moore, of Bloomington Division No. 19, are requested to correspond with their Division without delay. P. J. DAGENHART,

F. A. E.

Brother Neil Smith, of Denison Division No. 177, will learn of something to his advantage J. HENRY, F. A. E. by corresponding with

Brother Matt Clark, of Roodhouse Division No. 220, has lost his traveling card. If presented to any one it should be taken up and sent to J. H. BROWN, F. A. E., Box 43, Roodhouse, Ill. Brother George Scheuing, of Put-in-Bay Division No. 208, is hereby notified that it will be to his interest to correspond with his Division

at once.


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