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gardless of the ultimate success of the Organization. Yet Division 100 is located here, and, though I do not claim it is perfection itself, I am free to say it will hold its own among the many others. There are many subjects relative to our Organization which could be advanced which might result for the general good, and I am free to say we rarely see or hear an expression from the more studious or discerning minds among our membership. That we have those among us no one doubts.

had 12,000 or more insured instead of the 4,000 or more which you now have, your assessments would be about the same as they are now and have been. Then why advocate making it general? From the fact that a part of the members comprising your association, as it now stands, are aged, and subject to those vital maladies brought on by hardships and exposures incidental to their calling; another portion are employed on the fastest and most hazardous runs, or where risk of life is greatest; hence the reason why the insurance at present costs so much, but by making it universal we take in the young men, who have longer leases of life, and who are not so exposed by nature of the difference in runs, and thus we lessen the cost. So, by having the insurance general, we bring the cost down from an average of $42, as now, to $29. To those members who are not insured and who ought to belong to this best of insurance, I particularly address myself. Attend to your interests, and see that your delegates are instructed for general insurance, thereby obtaining the most beneficial reYours, etc..

Much is being said and written about our insurance, and I do not intend to wear the subject clear out, but there must be something to write and talk about. There may be a change made at the next convention, and if such change be made let us ask, will it result for the public good? Anything that would benefit the whole, without injuring any, would certainly be beneficial. If 4,000 or more are benefited, as now, would it not be better that 16,000 or more members were benefited, and this not affect those who are now insured, nor yet materially change the system? All writers on this question|sults. seem to think that they, individually, have struck the idea of ideas that would make this association perfect, yet it is an evident fact, not far-seeing, that there is need of something being done.

You would ask, what would this sage propose to benefit all? Make your insurance general, and if the disabled and unhealthy are excluded it would be a matter of conventional legislation. Then you will ask, where and how will this make it better, and what benefits will accrue therefrom? Firstly, it will benefit all; secondly, it will benefit those who now insured by lessening their assessments, and all acknowledge it is costing too much. Many members labor under the mistaken idea that if there were a larger number insured it would lessen the cost; yet such is not the case, for if you


J. C., Div. 100.

JERSEY CITY, N. J., June 7, 1885. MESSRS EDITORS: I am not accustomed to corresponding for the columns of the JOURNAL, but when perusing its pages I find a valuable article attracting my attention and the attention of many others. In speaking of this article I am free to confess I have not read one founded on a greater principle than the subject of it, and emanating from its author, whose name bears the reverence of the entire craft, and commands the greatest respect from all his associates through life. The honorable name inscribed to the article appearing in the June number of the JOURNAL is Brother Delos Everett, Grand Chaplain. His definition of unity was something grand,

and I am glad to learn that there is one er of his conquest, than does Brother who appreciates a well delivered ad- Puffenberger of his ability in striving to dress. I was very sadly disappointed in make a success of this Order where it is reading the account of the Union meet-weak, in which he has been successful. ing in the April JOURNAL that the ad- My humble prayer is that we may have dress of welcome by Brother Puffenber- a few more like him. The saying may ger was not mentioned therin. His ad- seem very much exaggerated when we dress to the visiting brothers went di- compare him or his address to ministers, rectly home to the hearts of his hearers, mayors of cities, or any able speaker, but his reception to the Grand Chief will but, nevertheless, it is a fact, and I am long be remembered, and the language happy to hear, through the columns of used never forgotten, by the writer. the JOURNAL, that the Brothers are From it we learn a lesson, that there are awakening to a sense of realization, and some in the ranks of this Brotherhood appreciate a Brother's good words of adwho are fitted for public oration, and vice that were given on this occasion by his heart is full of this brotherly feeling, Brother Puffenberger. Of course, we and a Brother qualified to meet with us do not intend to say that the remarks on all such occasions. Brother Puffen- made by the rest of the Brothers were berger's address of welcome to the Grand not appropriate and well directed. I Chief was masterly and significant; it wish I could do them justice by trying to astonished the assemblage, and frequent- pen them. If we only could understand ly brought the tears of human kindness. one another, or learn to express our There was no burst of enthusiasm; it ideas in Union meetings, we might learn was too affective. He certainly defined that more of us are able to give instructhe feelings in unity in a manner calm, tion and advice to Brothers who lack indeliberate and logical, and it placed the terest. It sometimes occurs to my mind orator in the warm corners of the hearts that the only time we want a Union of his auditors. The occasion was one meeting is when we get in trouble. Then calculated to leave a deep impression on Oh how we flock to our Divisions. If a the minds of the Brothers, and was full visitor should happen in at that time he of significance for the immediate future. would conclude there was a Union meetBrother Everett says, young and gifted ing in progress, but at Brother PuffenChieftain. We believe that he is among berger's and Division 235 meeting there they oung in our Order, and we have none was nothing of this order. No one had so young, that we can call to our mind, a complaint to enter; it was simply unity that can excel him; and if there were in every sense of the word, and I don't more like our young Chief, the organi- wonder at it that the friendly feeling zation of Brotherhood of Locomotive that grew out of this meeting is so often Engineers would fast increase in strength spoken of, which is the result when they and grow in wisdom. He is a true work- have a general at the head like Brothers er in the cause, never leaving a stone un- P. M. Arthur and Puffenberger. They turned until he accomplishes all of his were ably assisted by Brothers Everett, undertakings. It would be heartless of Royal, McCarty, McGuire and Keenan, the members of his Division not to feel which made the list complete. Thank proud of him, and feel as though he is a God that we have men like them, and Brother of no little ability. No soldier Puffenberger boldly and fearlessly standon battle field, no hero ever led his men ing at the helm of this Brotherhood, ever to victory, no conqueror ever felt proud-ready to cope with his adversaries. His

[blocks in formation]

One had eyes like the pebble.
That lies in some mossy nook,
Where sunshine, water and shadow,
In some way make up the brook.
The other, eyes like the grape,

Purple in sunset's light,
Just when the edge of the day
Is dipping down into night.

One was dimpling, rippling,

All over with childish glee,

Of thought or reck for the morrow,
As birdling careless and free.

The other, dreamy and gentle,
Soft pattering to and fro,
Cooing, kissing and wooing,
All the little life through.

Their voices! Who can tell

The charm, the music, the grace, Warming the coldest heart,

In a little child's voice and face?

[blocks in formation]

The Journal.



Agreeably to promise made to Rock City Division, No. 129, we left Cleveland on Monday evening. June 8, for Nashville, to attend a union meeting and picnic held under the auspices of the above named Division on Wednesday, June 10. On reaching Louisville we were joined by Brothers Gifford, Dalton, Pettibone and O'Neil, of Division 78. Arriving at Nashville Tuesday evening, we were greeted with a hearty welcome by a large number of brethren and escorted to the Maxwell House. On Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock, we assembled at the hall of Division No. 129. Brother J. C. Adcock being called to the chair, opened the meeting in regular form, after which he welcomed the visiting members and then introduced the Grand Chief, who made a brief address, followed by Brothers Hackney, O'Neil, Minto, Pettibone, Ridley, Stout and others, all of whom gave very encouraging reports of the progress made since the Divisions have been established throughout the South. The following Divisions were represented: Numbers 78, 154, 140, 198, 156, 216, 210, 207, 223, 239, 266 and 95, numbering in all seventy-five members, which was a very good attendance considering the day and the distance the brethren had to come. the close of the meeting we repaired to the Maxwell House, where dinner was served to the visiting members and invited guests, including His Excellency Governor Bate, Hon. M. T. Bryan, State Senator, and Rev. Mr. Overton. After dinner, accompanied by the above named gentlemen, we were driven in a carriage to Spring Park, where large numbers had already congregated. The day was clear and the sun shone brightly. The park


ple were on the grounds at the park at night to attend the picnic and dance. The enjoyment continued until a late hour, when all dispersed to their homes. It was also our privilege to attend a social gathering held under the auspices of Corn City Division, No. 4, at Toledo, June 14, which was largely attended, over three hundred delegates being present from different sections of the country. Meetings for the benefit of the members were held morning and evening at the hall of Division No. 4, and a number of important questions relating to the Brotherhood ably discussed. The public meeting occurred at 3 P. M., at Wheeler's Opera House. The house was well filled, and upon the stage were the Hon. William Beatty, Hon. Jacob Romies, Mayor Pringle, of Jackson, Mich., Rev. J. W. Torrence, Editor J. M. Bloomer, Brother J. C. Barnard, chairman of the reception committee, and several other members of the Order.

presented a lovely appearance, and be- tertainment. About eight hundred peoneath the cool green trees the breeze sported gaily, breathing an air of peace and quiet. A fine string band was in at tendance and discoursed strains of lively music until 3 o'clock, when the stand was occupied by the officers of the Divisions and speakers, and the ceremonies began by prayer, offered by Rev. Mr. Overton. The Grand Chief was then introduced by Brother J. H. Hevey, chairman of the committee of arrangements, and gave a brief account of the history of the Order, followed by Hon, M. T. Bryan, who gave a short and interesting address, full of happy incidents, and evinced a warm appreciation of the Order. His remarks were received with hearty applause at the close. At the conclusion of Mr. Bryan's address Governor Bate was presented to the audience. He was received with marked enthusiasm. In his remarks he made a number of happy hits with well rounded sentences that drew forth applause from all along the line of his speech, which was interlarded with some bold and striking figures, showing the responsibility and hazard peculiar to railroading and the duties of locomotive engineers. He heroized them in a beautiful and descriptive style which seemed to charm the listeners, and certainly made every man who was accustomed to handle the lever and the throttle valve feel that he was a character that had much to do with the preservation of human life and increasing the benefits of those who had property investments in railroad companies. He spoke nearly half an hour in that racy, enthusiastic and winsome manner peculiar to him, and concluded amid rounds | ly gratifying to see a goodly number of of applause from the entire crowd.

Then the ceremonies closed for the time, except the congratulations and hand-shaking on all sides. The young and gay dispersed through the beautiful grounds preparatory to the evening's en

The exercises were opened by the singing of "America" by a choir composed of the members of the choirs of the Broadway Methodist and Oliver Street Baptist churches. After the singing Hon. William Beatty was introduced. In a few words he welcomed the members of the Brotherhood to Toledo, assuring them that everything possible would be done to make their stay a pleasant one. As a member of similar organizations, he expressed his hearty sympathy in the work of the Brotherhood, and hoped their meeting had been both a pleasant and a profitable one. In the course of his remarks he said that it was peculiar

persons, members and others, present at such a meeting, in order that the objects of such organizations should be impressed upon the minds of those who know nothing of them. In a few words he showed the benefits which arise from

labor organizations. We are hopeful, he said, that "the visit of these gentlemen will give an impetus to similar organizations in this city. In union there is strength; lack of union, there is confusion, disorder. It is the place of workingmen not now in such organizations to join them, as the aims are all honest and for the best, and they cannot but be elevated by so doing. It is our duty to so place ourselves that the troubles arising between employers and employes may be smoothed over and arbitrated for the best interests of both. This is the aim of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; this the aim of all similar organizations. It is the duty of the labor ing men to band together and to do all in their power to elevate themselves and their calling. This work is one in which everybody should be interested. I am heartily glad to see that so many residents of our city do take an interest in it, and again I welcome you, Mr. Arthur, and your bretheren to our midst." After prayer by Rev. Mr. Torrence, and the singing by the choir of "Praise the Lord, O My Soul," Brother Barnard introduced the Grand Chief, who delivered an address on the origin, aims and objects of the Brotherhood, which was listened to with marked attention. Hon. Jacob Romies, ex-mayor of Toledo, was then introduced and spoke as follows: He thanked the brethren for the opportunity to say a few words, and regretted that he had not the power of speech to express all that he felt. He expressed hearty sympathy with their work, saying that his contact with them, while a coemploye of a railroad company, had taught him to respect them most highly.

He was followed by Mayor Pringle, of Jackson, Mich., who, in a few well chosen words, expressed his great admiration of the railroad engineer for his fearlessness and heroism, characterizing him as the product of our modern civilization. He

highly approved of their organization and their action of upholding their own rights, but warned them against infringing, in any way, upon the rights of others. He was very glad of an opportunity to talk with them, and felt that it had done him good to be present.

Rev. Mr. Torrence was next called upon. He expressed himself as warmly in sympathy with the work of the engineers. He devoted quite a good deal of time to the subject of work on Sunday, saying that he had spent a good deal of time studying the question with a view to ascertaining the thoughts of different people upon the question. He had found railroad engineers and railroad employes in general almost invariably averse to being compelled to work on the Sabbath. He urged upon all his hearers the necessity of concerted action in this regard. He argued that upon the observation of the Sabbath by the promulgation of principles of Christianity and morality, depends safety. It is essential, therefore, that the Sabbath should be a day of rest, and that men should not be compelled to labor on that day.

Brother Humphrey, one of the "boys" from Columbus, said a few words touching upon the sobriety of the men and how the motto of the Order is, as a rule, borne out by their lives. He corroborated the speaker who had just preceded as to the reluctance of engineers to work on Sunday, and gave a number of illustrations of the good done by the Order in its insurance feature. Some of the latter were touching in the extreme, and were additional proofs of the grand work which this Brotherhood is occupied in doing.

There being no responses to Mr. Barnard's call for voluntary remarks, the benediction was pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Torrence and the meeting was at an end.

The eighth annual reunion of the Di

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