Imágenes de páginas

and the members take great pride in having the workings of the institution, Brother everything in order. Nothing has been done for

long to be remembered by all lovers of the fraternity.

show, the utility of actual models and the beauty F. P. Clark, C. E. of Division 23, presidof substantial finish being relied upon to produce ing. Thus terminated the labors of a day as much of the beautiful as will serve the purpose for which the Lodge is established. The nucleus of a library has already been collected, and it is the aim of the Lodge to enlarge this until the members shall have not only the advantages of real models of everything their avocation requires them to handle and use, but also all the substantial and technical literature bearing upon their profession, together with as much literature of a general nature as the means of the Lodge will justify.

In fitting up the Lodge it is noticed that several public-spirited people have kindly remembered the Brotherhood. A centre-table in the arteroom is the gift of J. H. Barkley & Co.; another, in the reception-room, is from C. E. Taylor, of Bloomington; a handsome heating stove is from Mann, Keeble & Co.; a water-cooler from G. W. Bolinger; and a complete set of time-tables, printed on silk and mounted on roller hangings, from the Journal Printing Company. Altogether the Brotherhood is to be congratulated on the prosperity of the Organization, and the substanial and useful character of the home it has estabished for itself.

I. Passenger engineers to be paid at the rate
of 3 cents per mile run.

[blocks in formation]

II. Freight engineers to be paid as follows:
Cincinnati to Lexington.
Lexington to Somerset
Somerset to Oakdale .........
Oakdale to Chattanooga
A. G. S, Freight Engineers..
N. 0.& N. E. Freight Engin'rs
V. & M. FIeight Engineers...
V. S. & P. Freight Engineers-
Delta to Monroe

.04 per mile.

.04 .04

8.50 per trip 3.60

Monroe to Shreveport ... III. Both passenger and freight engineers will be paid thirty cents per hour for all time beyond schedule time they are laid out on the line of the road. Nothing, however, shall be paid unless such laying out results in their being more than two hours late; but when more to each of the two hours. than two hours late the thirty cents shall apply

IV. Engineers running short time on trains,

such as material, mineral, or such runs, shall be paid $4.00 per day of twelve hours or less; be paid at the rate of thirty cents per hour. and for each hour over twelve hours they shall $3.00 per day of twelve hours or less; and for V. Construction engineers shall be paid each hour over twelve hours they shall be paid at the rate of twenty-five cents per hour. VI. Switch engineers shall be paid $90 per month, and twelve hours shall constitute a maximum day's work; all over twelve hours being paid at the rate of twenty-five cents per


We regret that we are unable to give the addresses of the Hon. Messrs. Linegan and Graham, as they were both exceedingly interesting and instructive. It was one of the largest gatherings we have ever attended, over 400 delegates being present from six different states. Upon reaching the hall it was found that nearly every seat was taken on the floor of the house as well as in both galleries, and it was with difficulty we could get into the body of the hall. The principal rooms of the State House were kept open during the day for the benefit of the visiting members and their friends, which certainly was an act of kindness on the part of the representatives of the state worthy of our highest appreciation. The Broth-swer given within ten days. ers of Springfield Division have every reason to feel proud of their first union meeting, and the compliments paid their hall.

Much credit is due the Committee of Arrangements for the smoothness with which everything passed off. Brother Randall made a good presiding officer, discharging the duties in an easy, graceful The members repaired to the hall of Division 23, where a couple of hours were spent in listening to an interchange of views and opinions relative to


VII. Engineers shall be paid thirty cents for every hour that they remain on duty after arrival at the terminal point. They shall not be paid for fractional parts of the first hour, but if kept on duty over one hour then shall the first

hour be paid for.

VIII. All engineers held off and suspended for any charge shall have a speedy hearing, and if it be shown that he is not to blame shall made against him to be investigated and anreceive full pay of $4.00 per day; the charge

IX. In the case of promoted engineers any one of their number may, after the expiration of twelve months, demand, in writing, to be tried and examined as to his proficiency as a first-class engineer. His proficiency shall be class men working on the division on which determined upon the average working of firsttried, and if found proficient he shall then be promoted to the rank and pay of a first-class engineer.

any breakage of cars or engines; but if such X. No engineer shall be made to pay for do occur, he shall have a fair and impartial trial, and if it be found that he has carelessly or wantonly damaged the company's property, he shall be discharged or suspended, as shall

be deemed necessary.

XI. When engineers are deadheading to any point on the company's business to take up an engine or train they shall receive half

the pay they would get for working over the same section according to the class of service to be performed. If they make less than half the section, they shall be paid nothing; but if they make more than half of the section, they shall then be paid half of the full section pay for such section; and when on court business they shall be paid for the number of trips they lose, as determined by the number of trips made by their engines.

XII. Firemen shall be paid one-half of all

the above rates.

XIII. No engineer shall be discharged for serving on this or any other committee, nor for signing this or any other petition, nor for having to do with the presentation of this or any other petition.


Genl. Manager.

J. J. STROBEL, Chair'n,






April 13, 1885.

Polish Co., a compound that is in high favor with engineers and firemen, and has met with a ready sale on its merits. Not content with the profits of a legitimate agency, this man, W. F. Button, has concocted a vile compound which he is palming off upon those whom he can delude into buying, as the genuine Matchless Polish, to their infinite disgust upon using.

Our only purpose in this notice is to expose the fraud upon the manufacturers of the genuine article, and the libel Committee. upon our profession, and hope thereby to head him off and bring him to the contempt he merits. By reference to the “ad.” which may be found on page 438, The above agreement was made by the of this issue, it will be found that the committee without calling upon upon the packages of the genuine article have disGrand Chief, and shows what can be ac-tinctive marks, and a little observation complished by concert of action on the part of the men. Since the agreement was made the General Manager, Mr. John Scott, has resigned and Mr. John C. Gault has been appointed in his place; but we do not think the agreement will be affected in the least by the change, as Mr. Gault has the reputation of being an hon- sion No. 113, is requested to correspond with orable, high-minded man.

NOTE-An account of the union meetings held at Nashville, Toledo and Minneapolis will appear in the August number.


Nearly every day we learn of some party too indolent to earn an honest living by the labor of his hands, who is traveling about the country and with smooth talk dead-beating his way, and by an unwarranted use of someone's name, or a worthless imitation of something that has proven itself of value seeking to benefit himself at the expense of the purchaser and to the detriment of those whose purpose it is to furnish such goods only as will make good their recommendation. The latest case is that of an ex-Pan Handle engineer, who was for a time an agent of the Matchless Metal

will enable all to avoid this palpable fraud. We note that the Matchless has taken the first premium at the New Orleans Exposition.


Brother Thomas Gibney, of Des Moines Divi

his Division.

D. A. DOBINSON, F. A. E. Brothers G. M. Myers and C. Carmody, of Little Miami Division No. 34, are requested to correspond with their Division at once.

W. E. FISHER, F. A. E.

Brothers John McCoy and Walter Winnie, of Decatur Division No. 155, are requested to corspond with their Division. I would also like to know the address of Brother J. Whitcomb.

WM. FELTON, F. A. E. NEWARK, O., June 8, 1885. MESSRS. EDITORS: We are informed that there is a party traveling in the South by the name of Alonzo Hawn, claiming to be an honorary member of Newark Division No. 36, and as such obtaining assistance. He is not a member of this Division, and all are warned to be on their guard against him; he is a fraud, and unworthy of either recognition or assistance. He was expelled from this Division ten years ago for general worthlessness.


Brother Peter McQuillen, formerly a member of Rochester Division No. 18, but later of Northern Tier Division No. 69, has been absent

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40 Gorham street, Rochester, N. Y. Brother F. D. O'Connell, of Paducah Division No. 125, has lost his traveling card. If found or presented to any one it should be taken up and sent to F. R. MILLS,

L. Box 574 Paducah, Ky. Wanted to know the whereabouts of Thomas Connors, a locomotive engineer. If any one can give his address they will confer a favor by informing JOHN F. STALEY, F. A. E. Omaha, Neb.

Brothers R. H. Allen, R. H. Barkholder and Frank Carr, of Birmingham Division No. 156,

are hereby requested to correspond with their

Division without delay.


If the withdrawal card of Brother Alfred E. Lewis, from Division No. 169, granted April 6, 1885, to join elsewhere, is presented to any Division for membership, it should be taken up and forwarded to me at once. By order of Di. vision No. 169. WM. M. FRAZIER, F. A. E.,

93 Seymour St., Syracuse, N. Y. Brother A. A. Fickle, of Marshall Pass Division No. 199, is hereby notified to correspond with his Division at once.

B. AMBERSON, F. A. E., Box 56. Brothers E. W. Housington and James Halstead, of Rocky Mountain Division No. 103, are hereby requested to correspond with their Division. P. MATHISON, F. A. E. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, May 30, 1885. One John M. Buckley, formerly an engineer on the A. T. & S. F. R. R.. later, a saloon keeper, has left a worthy wife and two fine children in California, in destitute circumstances; has bilked everyone he possibly could, and betrayed all trust reposed in him; has used Masonry and the B. of L. E. to accomplish his ends. He is a villain and a liar of the deepest dye. Please post him in the JOURNAL for the good of all. W. J. RIBLEY, Div. 264, San Marcial.

CORRECTION. For Henry M. Wilson, expelled, in June JOURNAL, for drunkenness read for non-payment of dues.


CINCINNATI, O., June 3, 1885. To the Officers and Members of the Locomotive Engineers' Mutual Life Insurance Association: GENTLEMEN: I have this day received from Mr. John Cassell, Secretary of Little Miami

Division No. 34, a draft for the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000), the full amount due me on the insurance policy held by my late husband.

Words cannot express the gratitude and thanks that I feel in my heart, personally, and for my family, to the members of the Insurance for the sum received, and I also wish to express, through the JOURNAL, the same to the friends of dear Will, as I know he would wish it, for their kindness to him in his last hours of life,

and to me and my fatherless children, But such kind attention should misfortune befall any of is the will of God. May you all have the same you; and may you have God's promised grace to sustain, comfort and direct you in all the ways of life, will ever be the prayer of your humble servant. May God be ever with you in everything you undertake, and always be with your noble Organization, which has brought so many blessings to those who are connected with the same. I would never think it any trouble to do a favor for any of you should you ever need one. I am Respectfully yours,


ERIE, PA., June 4, 1885.

To the Officers and Members of the Locomotive En

gineers' Mutual Life Insurance Association: GENTLEMEN: This is to certify that I have this day received from Mr C. C. Haskins, Secretary and Treasurer of Collinwood Division No. 3, a check for the amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000), in payment of policy held by my late husband, Frank Durban.

MRS. F. H. DURBAN. SYRACUSE, June 3, 1885. To the Officers and Members of the Locomotive Engineers' Mutual Life Insurance Association : GENTLEMEN: I have this day received from Sidney Watkins, Secretary and Treasurer of Syracuse Division No. 169, a draft for the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000), the full amount due me on the insurance policy held by my late husband.

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the same, and wishing the Association every success, I am Respectfully yours,

MRS. CHARLES MILLER. COLUMBUS, O., June 3, 1885. To the Officers and Members of the Locomotive Engineers' Mutual Life Insurance Association: GENTLEMEN: I have this day received, from Mr. J. Cassell, Secretary and Treasurer of Little Miami Division No. 34, a draft for the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000), the full amount due me on the policy held by my late husband, George G. Barbee.

Please accept my sincere thanks. I also wish to tender the Brotherhood, and particularly the

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Please accept thanks for the same, and wish- notice, and the Secretaries to the General Secreing the Association every success, I am

Respectfully yours,


To the Officers and Members of the Locomotive Engineers' Mutual Life Insurance Association:

LA FAYETTE, IND., May 12, 1885. GENTLEMEN: I desire to acknowledge the receipt of three thousand dollars ($3,000), due me on the policy of insurance held by my late husband, C. A. Smith, who met his death on December 11, 1884, while on duty.

I wish to express my thanks to the members of Division No. 207, for their sympathy and kindness to me when death and bereavement came so suddenly. I especially want to thank Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Berry, of Atlanta, Ga.; also, Mr. James D. Harris, of Atlanta, and Mr. Ed. Long, of La Fayette, Ind., Division No. 7, for the great kindness I received from them, and which shall never be forgotten by me. May the Brotherhood continue to prosper in the future as in the past, and may God bless each and all with his love. I am Very respectfully,


tary within ten days thereafter, on penalty of forfeiting their membership, failing to do so. Yours, etc.,

T. S. INGRAHAM, Gen'l Sec.

P. M. ARTHUR, President.


Brother James McGuire, of LaFayette Division No. 7, died recently.

Lucretia, wife of Brother T. O. Bailey, of Bloomington Division No. 29, died at Rawlins, Wyoming Territory, May 12, 1885.

Brother Gilbert Slocum, of Manhattan Division No. 131, died of consumption, May 20, 1885. Brother John Sexton, of Louisville Division No. 78, died June 1, 1885.

Appropriate resolutions were adopted in each of the above instances.

At a regular meeting of Clinton Div. 135, B. of L. E., the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, It has pleased the divine will of our Heavenly Creator to remove from our midst our respected brother engineer, John Mooney, who died from injuries received by his engine LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS' MUTUAL LIFE leaving the track near Anamosa, on the Iowa


CLEVELAND, June 30, 1885. ASSESSMENT NOTICES Nos. 654, 655 AND 656. To the Secretary and Treasurer of Division No.You are hereby notified of the death of the following members of this Association, and ordered to collect an assessment of one dollar for the payment of each of the following claims from all who were members of this Association at the time these deaths occurred.


June 3, 1885. Brother ROBERT DUDLEY, of West Philadelphia Div. No. 45. Admitted July 21, 1868. Died of Bright's disease of the kidneys. Insurance payable to MRS. ELIZA DUD



June 5, 1885. Brother WILLIAM BRYAN, of Chillicothe Division No. 65. Admitted July 27

Midland branch of the C. & N. W. Railway, on April 2, 1885; therefore be it

Resolved, That we, his brother engineers, deeply deplore the calamity that has overtaken and cut down our Brother in the full vigor of manhood, and spread desolation both in his own home and that of his widowed mother.

Resolved, That we extend to his bereaved widow and relatives our heartfelt sympathy in the sorrow they are called upon to bear, assuring them that his name will be ever cherished in kind remembrance by the members of Division No 125.

Resolved, As a further token of respect we will cause our hall to be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days.

Resolved, That Clinton Division 125, extend their sincere thanks to Mr. S. J. Mills for his kindness in furnishing a special train to convey the remains of our departed Brother to his home in Clinton, and to all others who kindly assisted in making Brother Mooney's injuries as bearable as possible.


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COLUMBUS, OHIO, June 5, 1885. MESSRS. EDITORS: The wives, mothers, sis

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to his widow, to his mother, and also published in the Clinton daily papers and a copy sent to the ENGINEERS' JOURNAL for publica-ters, daughters, and lady friends of the members of L. M. Division No. 34, having read in the JOURNAL of the good times the several Divisions throughout the land were having at their socials, came to the conclusion that Division 34 could have a pleasant time also. So on May 18th, a meeting was called at the residence of Brother John Cassell. Mrs. John Cassell, Mrs. Wm. Harkness and Mrs. S. S. Colburn were appointed a committee to make arrangements for holding a social on the evening of June 3d, at Division Hall. When the time arrived, our Division room never before witnessed such an array of beauty, and I assure you that the members who were so fortunate as to be present were very highly entertained.

SYRACUSE, June 1, 1885. MESSRS. EDITORS: The following lines are respectfully dedicated to Wm. F. Frazier, F. A. E. of Division No. 169, on the death of his last paternal cousin, a lady of great intellectual ability and an earnest Christian, dearly beloved by all who knew her.

Thou messenger of good and ill,
Go tell to those I love,
To all who in my suffering hours
Their constancy did prove—
The father dear, the mother good,
Tell them, that though the rod
Falls heavy on their aged heads
To trust the "Living God.”
He chasteneth whom He loveth.

So husband kind, mourn not,
Remember He will give you cheer,
Though lonely be your lot.
Mourn not for me as lost to you,
But only "gone before."
Rejoice that suffering for me
Is passed forever more.

I almost felt to murmur
That I could not be spared,

That for those darling children

I might tenderly have cared;

To teach them now while in their youth
On Jesus to rely,

And believe His blessed promise
That we'll see Him by and by.

But I looked within His book and read,
"Remember I am God;"

I bowed my head submissive then
To tread the path He trod.

I know He will protect them,

My Saviour good and just;

And we'll dwell with Him in spirit
When our bodies turn to dust.

Bear to my friends so far away
Kind messages of love.

Oh, shed o'er me no bitter tears,

But trust the God I love.

I'll wait the coming of you all,
When from earth's chains you're free,
And united in our heavenly home,
We'll praise the Trinity.


MRS. I. C. A.


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At the First Reformed Church, Bayone, N. J., Miss Nellie Small, daughter of Mr. R. G. Small, was married to Mr. A. Stillwell VanBuskirk. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. W. Knox. The bride wore a traveling suit of costly material. Mr. J. H. Platt, of New York City, acted as groomsman. Messrs. G. S. Stitt, H. Winchester, DeWitt Van Buskirk and J. Groendyke, acted as ushers. The church was handsomely decorated with flowers, and as the bridal party entered, the bridal march from "Lohengrin" was played. was played. While they were leaving the sacred edifice Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" was played.

After a time spent in general conversation. the band struck up a lively air, and those who wished to indulge did so; and, Messrs. Editors, the way some of those old bald-headed members tripped the light fantastic was a caution to us younger Brothers.

About ten o'clock the assemblage was called to order by our F. A. E., who in the name of Mrs. John Cassell presented to the Division a beautiful hand-painted velvet banner, bearing the inscription "Division No. 34, B. of L. E., and the motto of our Organization, the work of her own hand.

The committee then presented to Bro. B. D. Goodell, our worthy Chief Engineer, a massive gold-headed cane from the ladies of the Division. Bro. G. not being able to be present on account of sickness, his daughter, Miss Belle, received the cane in his name, with very appropriate remarks.

Refreshments were then served, after which dancing was resumed, and continued until midnight, when all departed for their homes feeling that it was good to have been there, and wishing many returns.



W. E. F.

CLIFTON FORGE, May 24, 1885.

At a regular meeting of Division No. 38, B. of L. E., at Clifton Forge, May 17th, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the members of Division No. 38 tender their sincere thanks to our General Manager, C. W. Smith, of the C. & O. R. R., for courtesies extended to us by him, in granting our request to carry Brotherhood men over our road in search of positions.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
sent to Mr. C. W. Smith, also be sent to the EN-
GINEERS JOURNAL for publication.



NORTH PLATTE, NEB., May 15, 1885.

B. of L. E., May 15, 1885, the following resoluAt a regular meeting of Grand Island Div. 88, tions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the thanks of this Division are due and are hereby tendered to S. R. Callaway,

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