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The Journal.



In obedience to a call from the Grievence Committee on the Atlantic System of the Southern Pacific Railway, we left Cleveland for New Orleans on Monday noon, May 18, arriving there Wednesday, the 20th, at 10:30 A. M. We met the com

by an engineer. To hold his position at the head of the Michigan Central machinery department for seven years he must have had some point in his favor. He commenced his administration by declaring war on the Brotherhood, and it reached such a point that men who did not maintain a judicious silence and remain away from the Division room, either left the road or were discharged on any trivial excuse. A young engineer joining the Brotherhood was cause for instant dismissal without further ex-mittee, composed of Brothers B. A. Pickcuse. For a time there the men did not ren, C. H. Burk, Division 197; W. A. dare enter a Division room, and "old Sam" was like Don Quixote fighting wind-mills, or men of straw. Never did a body of men show poorer spirit, or allow principle to go begging in more flimsy rags, at the bidding of a tyrant. Still old Sam had his day and was finally checked; his reign of terror ceased, and before his successor was appointed the Organization had gained again and counted in its ranks a majority of the engineers. J. E. PHELAN.

LIVINGSTON, Mon, Ter., June 10, 1885. MESSRS. EDITORS: There seems to be an unusual interest of late and many plans are advanced to cheapen the cost of our Insurance without impairing its usefulness, and as I have an interest in its perpetuity I propose to enter the field and point out what I consider to be the plan of all others to lessen the expense of membership and at the same time render the aid to the families of all members of the Brotherhood that its originators designed it to be. The plan is a simple one, viz: make all members of the Brotherhood members of the Insurance Association. At first thought it would appear that as only one fourth of the present membership is insured it would multiply the expense by four, but such is not the case. Suppose there are one hundred and fifty deaths and each is paid $3,000, it will be found that with 16000 members to assess the expense will be $25 for each member. Is any other argument needed in favor of a general Insurance? VERITAS.

Gunn, J. F. Hemphill, Division 192;
Robert Jainkes, A. M. Engles and J. J.
Martin, of Division 139, at the City Hotel.
After securing from them a statement of
what they had endeavored to do, we
sought and obtained an audience with Mr.
A. C. Hutchinson, General Manager, and
E. G. Thompson, Superintendent, who
received us very cordially.
cordially. After a
friendly discussion of the claims of the
men, the following schedule of rates and
rules was agreed upon, which we regard
as a good settlement:

It is agreed and understood between the en-
gineers of the Southern Pacific Company, in
service on the road between Lafayette and El
Paso, and A. C. Hutchinson, General Manager,
1, 1885:
the following agreement is to go into effect Juné

ARTICLE I.-The following to be the schedule of trip rates:

[blocks in formation]

careful investigation by division officers; but where such settlement can not be thus amicably effected, the General Manager is to give such his personal attention.

ARTICLE IV-We agree to pay thirty-five (35) cents per hour for all delays over three (3) hours, and when such detention exceeds three hours such three hours to be paid for at same rate. The average schedule time of trains of the same class, on the division where such delay occurs, to be the basis upon which to determine length of delay.

ARTICLE V.-Engineers who live within reasonable distance of round house shall be called one hour before leaving time of train they are to pull. (This does not apply to regular trains due to leave between 7 A. M. and 9:30 P. M.) And delays of over one hour under this article shall be paid for at the rate of 35 cents per hour. Should an engineer thus delayed, however, reach the terminus of his run on time no delay claim to be recognized.

ARTICLE VI. We make it the duty of engineers to see that their engines are provided with necessary tools, etc., before starting out on any trip, and hence consider it very requisite that they take and deliver their engines on turn-table, or such other track at terminal stations as may be designated by division officers; it being made the duty of such division officers to see that no unnecessary delays occur in the movements of engines between their trains and such designated tracks; it being understood that where we have no switch engine, but have hostlers, that they, the hostlers, shall do the necessary switching.

ARTICLE VII -We will provide callers at all terminal stations, whose duty it shall be to call engineers living within reasonable distance of round-house for all trains due to leave between the hours of 9:30 P. M. and 7 A. M.; such callers to be provided with books in which engineers shall register their names and the time called. The round-house register to be accepted as authority in preference to register in Dispatcher's office.

ARTICLE VIII.—We will not require engineers

to do any more work on their engines than is required of them on other well regulated roads similarly situated.

ARTICLE IX —Engineers held off their runs, as witnesses and otherwise, shall be paid four dollars ($4.00) per day and necessary expenses.

[blocks in formation]

In all our intercourse with railway managers, we have never met a more liberal-minded man than Mr. Hutchinson. He expressed a willingness to do all in his power to promote the welfare and interests of his employees. We feel assured, so long as he is General Manager, the Brothers will have no occasion to send for the Grand Chief to assist them in adjusting any grievances they may have in the future. During our stay in New Orleans we visited Division 193, and gave the Brothers all necessary instructions and advice. They have appointed their Committee on Arrangements, who are planning and arranging for the coming convention, notice of which will appear in the JOURNAL in ample time for the information of the delegates.

On Friday, May 22, we took the train on the Illinois Central road for Springfield, Ill., to attend the re-union of Division 23. On reaching Centralia we were met by a number of the Brothers of Division 24, who informed us there was no train over ARTICLE X.-Firemen will be provided on switch engines in yards where tracks are, and in the main line from Centralia Saturday cross streets, and where there are many persons evening, but fortunately for us the comand teams crossing; it being considere i by this management necessary for common safety.pany had placed at their disposal a special Where there are no streets to cross, and in yards where there is but little work, commor safety train for Sunday morning, and they very does not, in our opinion, nor does the service, au

thorize firemen on switch engines.

kindly invited us to remain over and accompany them, which invitation we gladly accepted, as it gave us an opportunity of spending a very pleasant evening with the Centralia Brothers.

ARTICLE XI.—In view of a company contract covering hospital service, the General Manager is powerless to take positive steps, but recommends acceptance of a uniform tax of fifty cents per capita, which he promises to use his best efforts to secure; with a further promise to give this hospital service his immediate attention, with a view On Sunday morning, at 6:30 o'clock, to securing to all employes of this company a fuller satisfaction out of it. This is to be effected the special backed down to the depot with through an investigation into the details of the hospital service and expense by a committee of engine No. 116, tastefully decorated with employes, they to be selected from each depart-evergreens, ribbons and shields, the letter ment of our service by the employes in such department. "B" having a prominent position on a

some of the greatest soldiers and statemen of our nation; living and dead. The white marble of the tomb of Lincoln casts its shadow almost against the walls of the building in which you are now gathered; the capitol building of the premier railroad state; for Illinois has more miles of railroad than any other state in the Union-the wonderful growth of only a little more than a third part of a century.

It is very clear in my early recollection of railroads, when cars were drawn by mules from old Meredosia, on the Illinois river, to this city, over what is now the great Wabash sytem.

But, gentlemen, I will not detain you. In the name of our people-and voicing their wishes-I bid you a cordial welcome to Springfield. We desire your stay among us may be pleasant to you, and helpful to the Brotherhood. Come again, and stay longer.

shield in front of the engine, while the letters "B. of L. E.", in bright, silvery looking letters, lay encrusted on a back ground of evergreen on each side of the cab which contained engineer Brother Hugh Bailey and John Coleman fireman, who could in no language express their satisfaction and pride of the looks of their engine better than by the expression of happiness their countenances displayed. The two coaches were rapidly filled, when Conductor Holt gave the signal and we At the conclusion of the welcome address, Mr. were soon speeding at a lively rate to- P. M. Arthur, of Cleveland, O., Grand Chief Enward the capitol. Among the number on gineers of the United States and Canada, was ingineer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Enthe train was Master Mechanic David Ox- troduced and made a very entertaining and instructive address. By way of apology he stated leg and family, our old tutor of thirty that after he had promised to deliver an address years ago. At Clinton another car, con- adjust some differences between the engineers and to this meeting he was called to New Orleans to taining the engineers and their friends of the officers of the Atlantic System of the Souththat place, was attached to the train, when ern Pacific Railroad, and that he had not time to prepare an address such as he would like to deBrother Oddy took charge of the throttle, liver. He proceeded briefly to give a history of the organization of the Association, and the oband in a short time landed us safely in jects and purposes of the Brotherhood. He said: Springfield, where we were met by a large gineers employed by the Michigan Central Raildelegation of the Brothers and driven to road conceived the idea of forming an association for the purpose of promoting the welfare the Leland Hotel. A full account of and interests of locomotive engineers, and to what occurred afterward appeared in the elevate their standing and character in society as men. At that time very little was known of endaily Illinois State Journal, which we re-gineers. They were not appreciated in their position as they ought to be, and many of them print for the benefit of our readers: were responsible for that condition of things. But we find that on the 5th day of April, 1863, five engineers met at the house of one of their number in the city of Marshall, and the result of their deliberations was the issuing of an invitation to the engineers employed on the adjoining roads to send a delegate to the city of Detroit for the purpose of forming the first Division of the Brotherhood.


Twenty-two years ago last month a few en

The assemblage was called to order by Mr. Stephen A. Randall, Past Chief Engineer of the Springfield Division, who briefly stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of harmonizing the Brotherhood to a greater extent, and to On the 5th day of the next month twelve enafford the members of it an opportunity of meet-gineers assembled in Detroit, and there and then ing together with their wives and children, and to joined hands and hearts, pledging themselves to hear addresses from the highest officials of their maintain the right and resist the wrong. Thus order. we find Detroit Division No. 1, standing forth as the pioneer in the great work-elevation of the locomotive engineers on this continent. Something more than a mere promise was found to be necessary, and an obligation as a bond of union was introduced and adopted; a constitution and by-laws were prepared, submitted, and finally adopted-a copy of which I hold in my hand-embodying the principles of our present Brotherhood In a short time sub-divisions were formed, some twelve in number. Pursuant to previous arrangements these twelve Divisions were invited to send delegates to the city of Detroit for the purpose of forming what we called the Grand National Division. So that on the 17th day of August the Grand National Division of the Brotherhood was formed, taking for its motto "Sobriety, truth, justice and morality," and the rule to do unto others as you would they should do unto you.

He explained that the reason that the meeting was held on Sunday was that their vocation would not admit of their leaving their posts of duty on any other day; hence in order to have a good attendance, which was desirable, they selected Sunday; and in consideration of the day it was thought proper to open the exercises with prayer, He concluded by introducing Rev. D. S. Johnson, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, of this city, who delivered a short prayer appropriate to the occasion.

The Mayor was introduced and welcomed the Brotherhood to the city in the following brief address, which was received with applause:

GENTLEMEN OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF LocoMOTIVE ENGINEERS: We meet here on this quiet afternoon, and it is my pleasant privilege, as the chief executive officer of this city, to bid you welcome to our homes, our hearts, and to our hospitalities.

We have here a beautiful city-surrounded with many hallowed memories as the home of

Our first convention was held in the city of Indianapolis on the 17th day of August, 1864. At that time the name and title of our Organization

Mr. Arthur then proceeded to give a brief history of the strikes, and referring to the disastrous strikes of 1877, he said:

was changed to its present form, which is known waited upon him he would not receive them. His as the Grand International Brotherhood of Loco-reply to the chairman of our committee was: motive Engineers. That was done for the pur- "Gentlemen, I will neither receive the committee pose of making it international in character, so nor recognize the Brotherhood." There were just that engineers employed in the British Dominion two things left for those engineers to do-one was might become members of it. We find in that to go quietly back to work and submit, or enconvention some forty-four Sub-Divisions repre- deavor by concerted action to compel the comsented. We call them divisions because that term pany to submit to them. We chose the latter, is better known to railroad men than lodges, and called upon him and told him unless he acbranches or unions. At the end of the first year ceeded to our propositions we would stop work. we had forty-four Sub-Division, and we have His reply was, "The boys hain't got the sand." gradually gone on increasing in numbers and im- He found that they did not consent to his third portance until to-day we have 281 Sub-Divisions, drop, and they stopped. The President of the stretching from ocean to ocean, representing a road, as soon as he learned this state of affairs, membership of 17,000 locomotive engineers. censured the Superintendent, gave us all we [Applause. Now the question may be asked, asked, and we resumed work inside of twelve What have we been doing all these years? What hours. have we been doing for the benefit of humanity, and to claim the sympathy and respect and support of every honest man? Like all other organizations in their incipiency, many mistakes were made. Some men joined the Brotherhood, thinking it was for no other purpose than to keep up wages and to dictate to the railroad companies. I am sorry to say that at first there were many of the railway managers who thought so also; but I think I shall be able to convince you that it was a wrong impression, In 1866, at a convention held in Boston, a resolution was adopted authorizing the publication of a magazine-quite an undertaking you may suppose for locomotive engineers; and the first number was issued on the 1st of January, 1867. To-day its circulation is 16,000. In the columns of this journal are the names and numbers of each Sub-Division, and also the names of men whom we find unworthy to remain in our organization-the names of expelled members and suspended members-so that the railway managers, if they feel so disposed, can easily ascertain the character of the men they employ.

In 1867 an insurance association which pays the widows of deceased members $3000 was established, and if a member should lose an arm, hand, limb or eyesight he gets his $3000.

We now have an order of conductors, locomotive firemen, brakemen and yard masters, all banded together for the purpose of elevating their members and making better men of them I do not think that we can be called egotistical when we say we are the first. We are accused of taking part in strikes. We have had strikes and we are not ashamed of them, and under the same circumstances we would repeat them. [APplause.] I believe in putting the responsibility where it properly belongs. In relation to our strikes I will give you the facts and leave it for an unbiased mind to say where lies the responsibility. In the first place let me explain the policy of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers touching these matters. When a question comes up between the engineers and the company which they cannot settle satisfactorily, they send for the Grand Chief Engineer. After they have exhausted their own efforts, the Grand Chief Engineer proceeds to the place where the trouble exists, and it is his duty to use all honorable means to effect a peaceable settlement of the differences between the engin eers and the company. I speak from my own experience. I was elevated to this office in the month of February, 1874. I was called upon in my official capacity the first year to help adjust fifteen different cases, and in every case there was an amicable adjustment, because the officers of the roads received us, listened to our statements, and made concessions to us. We got along all right until we came to a Superintendent, who was disposed to have his own way. The men had submitted to three reductions. They had ordered another, and when the committee

We, as a Brotherhood, had nothing to do with them. We have never done anything dishonorable. When we find that a company is going to employ men outside of the Brotherhood we employ them and pay them their wages. We say to them, Come to us and we will pay you. Since 1877 everything that has come between the engineers and the companies has been amicably adjusted. I have just returned from New Orleans where I adjusted a difference satisfactory to both parties. I don't think that you can find one instance where this Brotherhood as an organization has ever exacted anything that was unjust or unfair to a railroad company; but we have the right to stand up and demand the same respect from railroad officials that they claim of us. My advice to the members of the Brotherhood is to be faithful and just in your dealings with your employer; be true to your Order; be true to those who employ you; and when you have rendered your duty feel that you are his peer.

Speaking again of the workings of the Order, he said that when a man was expelled there was still a chance for him to reform. If he, after a certain time, gave evidence of a desire to return and obey the rules of the Order, he was allowed to return; and he closed his remarks by calling on the Brethren to remember that "united we stand, divided we fall;" and "by industry we thrive." [Applause long continued.]

Gov. Oglesby was next introduced and spoke happily as follows:


MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN OF BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEURS: Even poorly qualified as I may be for running the ordinary machinery of a state, no man ever arose to address an audience less qualified than myself to discourse upon the qualities necessary to manage, to conduct, and to run a locomotive engine. I don't know when I have been more highly entertained than by the proceedings here to day; nor do I know when I have received more practical and beneficial instruction than I have from the address to which you have just listened. Your Grand Chief Engineer-now 1 am commander-in-chief myself, but this is a grander man still [laughter and applause]-in delivering his address to you, in a very careful and guarded manner, or, I think, he seemed to have some dread lest perhaps the Brethren might have announced or might here give occasion for feelings of hostility to it. Now, either the Grand Chief has misled me by the very lucid statements he has made, and this entire audience, or no living person can have any objection to the Brotherhood. [Applause.] It is pleasant to be brought face to face with a body of men like these, even on the Lord's day. It is very instructive to look into the faces of the men whose faces we rarely see. They are locked away from our sight. They

are at the head of the train. They are never ad-
dressed by the passengers. They scarcely ever
talk or speak to anybody who comes near to the
locomotive. We know the conductor. He intro-
duces himself to us at least fifty times on every
train. [Laughter,] He interferes very largely
with a great many people who are short of change.
[Langhter.] The brakemen we occasionally meet,
as they pass in and out of the car; but we never
see the engineer, the man who has in his hands
the life of every man, woman and child on a pass-
enger train; and of all the valuable merchandise
and live stock on the freight train. They appear
to be a seclusive class. The moment the train
stops the locomotive engineer disappears like a
spirit, like a waif. No body ever sees where he
goes or whither he comes (laughter], and I have
often wondered who it was running the machine.
[Laughter.] It is very pleasant, I say, to meet
such men. Of late years I scarcely ever ride on
a train without thinking of the engineer. I wonder
who the man is. Sometimes I do as all other
travelers do, cast my eye toward the locomotive
to see the man who is always on the lookout. I
consider it a very responsible position. The word
responsible scarcely covers it. I do not know
what it is that makes them so careful. I cannot
tell what it is that makes them so careful of huery store, on Fifth Street.
man life. I understand they get no extraordinary
wages compared with the risk and skilled labor.
President Clark said to me, "they are the most
interesting and useful body of men on the earth"
[applause]; and he said that none of them were
overpaid. I expect that there is a spirit of pride
in the engineer's life. Of course his own life is
somewhat in peril; but he is skilled in running
his locomotive. He could get off when no other
person on the train, excepting the brakeman or
conductor, could; when the ordinary passenger
on the train could not escape You hold a very
important relation to this public, carrying hun-
dreds and thousands every day, and how few rail-
road accidents are there; but out of the few how
many times do you hear that only the locomotive
engineer lost his life, and the passengers were
saved. [Applause.] They are a heroic body of
men. They are a courageous body of men, and
they stand at the helm until the last second of
danger before they give up their locomotive.
How many people in the ordinary ways of life
conduct themselves so unselfishly? How de-
lightful to know that there is an order of this
kind; not only that the qualifications are honesty
and integrity, but that the first motto is sobriety.
What would be the condition of a tr in of women
and children with a drunken engineer at the
helm? Whose life would be safe for a moment?
How worthy it is of you in this meeting to-day;
you advertise to the traveling public that this
Brotherhood have among its leading mottoes
perfect sobriety in the discharge of their duties."
The public should be interested in paying en-
gineers more, rather than to have their wages re-
duced a dollar. I am not in favor of low wages,
although they charge upon me that since I have
been governor I have been instrumental, to some
extent, in a conflict where wages was in the ques-

tive Graham, of Macon, after whieh the audience
was dismissed by prayer offered by Mr. Arthur.


The large number of vistitors to the local lodge of the Brotherhood, on Fifth Street, were greatly surprised at the extent and importance of the outfit shown there. There has been a sort of general knowledge in possessiou of the public that the Order had a home and headquarters in the city, but the character and appearance of it few understand.

The Order was organized here, as far back as 1863, as Division 23 of the Brotherhood of the Footboard, and existed as such for about five years. Then, August 17, 1864, the whole Organization was rehabilitated, at a meeting at Indianapolis, under the present name of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and the Lodge here was chartered under that name December 12, 1863. Formerly it had headquarters at Ninth and Monroe streets, over what is now McSherry's grocery. Afterward the Lodge was removed to the City Engineer's room in Masonic Block, which it occupied for three years. From there it came to its present hall in the third story of the building lately occupied by C. F. Hawke's crockery store, on Fifth Street. For several years the Lodge was presided over by George R. Huff, now retired from the profession, and then for about nine years by Mr. S. A. Randall. The present presiding officer (known officially as Chief Engineer) is Mr. Frank P. Clark. The membership of the Lodge is about 106.

tion. The truth about the conflict was that I was upon the side of the men; but I was not upon the side of the men to the extent they went

The Governor closed his remarks by speaking admirably of the policy of the Order as outlined admirably of the policy of the Order as outlined by Mr. Arthur, and cxpressed strongly his disapproval of the policy adopted by most strikers of attempting to prevent others by force and threats from taking the places they have vacated. At the conclusion of his remarks there was loud and continued applause.

Representative Linegan, of Alexander, made a lengthy address, and was followed by Representa


The main hall, or lodge-room proper, is 62x25 feet, with raised platforms on e ch side, having officers' stations and a general outfit of arrangements for lodge work. There is a large and commodious ante-room and a reception-room, each, as well as the hall, carpeted with elegant Brussels carpets. The ante-room and reception-room are provided with center-tables supplied with books and papers chiefly bearing in some way upon the business of the members.

The walls of the lodge-room are hung with tastefully framed pictures, between thirty and forty in all, of different styles of locomotives, and Order. A bracket shelf extends around three groups of engineers and people prominent in the sides of the hall, and is covered with all manner of devices in use on the locomotives of the present day, and all of which are of American make. For example, there are of oil-cups alone thirty different styles, some of which are valued in the market as high as $150. There is a beautiful model of a steam brake manufactured by the St. Louis American Brake Company. There are six different patterns of steam gauges, one of which is a patent article invented by Mr. Theodore Bergold, of the Springfield shops. An illuminated gauge is shown upon whose face the figures There are samples of packing, of lubricators, of are perfectly distinguishable the darkest night. signal lanterns, of conductor's caps, and a mass of things whose purpose and manner of use are alike unimaginable to the uninitiated.


A large case, with glass doors and velvet back, occupies one corner of the room, and in it are displayed a lot of highly finished implementssuch as calipers, dividers, punches, reamers, compasses, and, in fact, samples of all the appliances necessary for the construction of a locomotive. The value of the samples in this case alone is not less than $500. When all the models and tools are brought in and displayed it is said they will make a showing worth actually $30,000.

The hall is capable of seating about 325 persons,

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