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doubt they would prove interesting to the Brothers at large.

sides of the Fox River, which divides the city into North and South Kaukauna. The waters of the Fox form one of the greatest water-powers in the world, with power enough to supply all the manufacturing interests in the New England States.

engineers and firemen admit that they ought to study and explore the science of heat energy in its rudiments and high- To give you an idea where we are situer forms, the sooner will they advance in ated I now attempt this article, hoping their profession and contribute to its the Brothers will forgive all short-comprogress. I am aware that there is a ings, for I am more at home on the rightgreat antipathy to knowledge obtained hand side of an engine than writing for from books among a certain class of men or editing a magazine or newspaper. who contend that knowledge obtained Our Division is located in the city of from experience is much more valuable. Kaukauna, Wis., which contains about It is a loss of time and perhaps at the ex-3,000 inhabitants, and is situated on both pense of many failures, if we arrive at the same principles that others have reached before us by whose experience we might have profited. When we have acquired the knowledge of the work done by others we are prepared to pick up the thread where they dropped it, and make further progress. And if we meet with failures they will contribute to advancement instead of demonstrating a fact that has already been acknowledged and which it was within our power to know. In conclusion, I would say that I know that full justice has not been done this subject, and I hope some of our more able Brothers will take it up and do full justice to so important a subject as smoke-consuming. Yours.


Ledyard Division No. 249 is located in South Kaukauna, which, before its incorporation with Kaukauna as a city some three months ago, was known by the name of Ledyard, from which our Division took its name. It was, strictly speaking, a railroad town, and is only about five years old, owing its birth and growth to the energy and enterprise of the railroad company.

The company have utilized the waters of the Fox at this place and built a fine mill race and run the whole machinery of their plant by water power, and have also Kaukauna, May 9, 1885. sold water privileges to a number of other MESSRS. EDITORS: As each month manufacturing interests, so that the poprolls around I look eagerly forward for ulation of South Kaukauna alone reaches the coming of our JOURNAL, and after from 1,800 to 2,000, and possesses quite a perusing the solid mater it contains, I in- | number of substantial, well-stocked stores variably look over the list of Divisions, and many substantial residences. This old and new, to notice the growth of our Brotherhood. In doing so, thoughts often arise as to the geographical situation of the place where the Division is located, and its connection with the railroad system of our country, and I imagine that a great many of the members of our Order think and feel likewise. Would Would it not be a good idea for some Brother in each of our Divisions to write an article to this effect in the JOURNAL, for I have no

part of the city has increased so much during the last two years that all the lots are taken up, and some parties are talking of laying out a new addition.

The Chicago & Northwestern Railway runs through Kaukauna proper, or North Kaukauna, which is one of the oldest towns in the state, and is an Indian name signifying the stoppage of the fish; while Ledyard, or South Kaukauna, is on the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Rail

way, 113 miles northwest of Milwaukee, neatly furnished, and plenty large enough to accomodate all that attend in a general way; and should any unusual business transpire, like our dance of last February, we have a master mechanic who will do all he possibly can to assist us. Mr. John Hickey, our master mechanic, is one of nature's noblemen, and takes a deep interest in the welfare of all his employes. He also takes great pride in keeping his rolling stock in first-class shape, and seems to work on the old adage that a stitch in time saves nine, in which he is ably assisted by our persevering foreman, Mr. Frank Slater.

and contains the repair shops and general plant of the M., L. S. & W.Ry., which now controls from 500 to 600 miles of road; its main line being from Milwaukee to Ashland on Lake Superior (and one of the termini of the N. P. R. R.), and with its several branches taps the finest lumber regions of the northwest; and within the past year has tapped some of the richest iron mines in the country. To give you an idea of the company's faith in the mines, they are building, and expect to have finished by July next, one of the finest and most substantial ore docks in America. Heretofore the ores of Wisconsin and Michigan have been handled by the Chicago & Northwestern and the Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Railways, with their docks at Marquette and Escanaba. But ere long they will have an ambitious and vigorous rival and competitor in the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western, with

their docks at Ashland.

South Kankauna being our headquarters, and more of our men laying here than on any other part of the road, about a year ago the idea was agitated to start a Division of the B. of L. E., for the simple reason that very few of us could attend No. 66, the nearest Division. After a month or so of agitation it was finally decided to apply for a charter, which was granted, and Ledyard Division No. 249 was duly organized by Brother McRhine, C. E. of Cream City Division No. 66. Since which time the course of this Division has been onward and upward, and musters to-day upward of 30 members, all of whom take a deep interest in the welfare of the Brotherhood at large; and while we have such Brothers as P. J. Hayes, R. Fitzgerald, M Donahue, P. Carny, and a number of others I might mention, there need be no fear of No. 249 ever trailing the colors or principles of our noble Order in the mud.

Our machine, blacksmith, car shops, storeroom, and offices are solid and substantial, being built of stone, as is also our round house, which forms a complete circle with room for 36 engines, and, with the shops, is illuminated with electric lights (also generated with steam) when occasion requires.

The company own some 52 engines of nearly all kinds, but the majority are of Rhode Island pattern, while its cars number into the thousands; and up to the present time, taking the ratio of mileage into consideration, they are doing as well, if not better, than any road in the northwest.

Now a word in behalf of the officials of the road. They are all of them, from the president down, gentlemen, and ready to minister to the needs of the employees; in proof of which I will cite a little incident which occurred but a short time ago. There was a meeting comprised of men from all the departments to ascertain the best mode of starting a library for the benefit of railroad employees in the city. After two or three meetings, through the influence of our master mechanic and superintendent, the library was started, the company furnishing the library rooms and lights free, together with numberless papers, magazines, and drawings; also Our hall, though small, is convenient and chequers and chess boards, and have, I

understand, promised a number of bound give you all a little of my valuable advice, books for the library.

Hoping I have not trespassed too much on the space of our valuable JOURNAL, nor upon the patience of its many readers, I remain, Yours,

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CHARLESTON, S. C., May 6, 1885. MESSRS. EDITORS: There is one thing I cannot account for, and that is why our Brethren are so hard to get together in their Division room. I assure you that if there were a Division here nothing but business on the road could keep me away from its meetings; but my Division is in Savannah, Ga., and I am running between Charleston, S. C., and Augusta, Ga., consequently it is impossible for me to attend meetings. I met Brother R., of my Division, this morning, and he told me that a candidate was initiated last Sunday, and out of forty-five or fifty members there were only eleven present. Now, I think this a shame. Just to think, only eleven members out of forty-five or fifty, and at least twenty-five of that number in Savannah on that day. I would like to see Division 256 second to none in the country, and see no reason why it should not be. Let our Brothers turn out strong and have good meetings; it is only every other Sunday, we might afford to devote two evenings out of thirty to our obligations. Yours fraternally,



ELMIRA, May 23, 1885. MESSRS. EDITORS: There is naught on this terrestrial sphere more beautiful than a well regulated and happy home. Man is a sociable and submissive creature when properly managed. Therefore it is necessary to his happiness to have a haven of rest where, after his day's work is finished, he may find peace and comfort. Home, sweet home! The word should be music to his longing ears, rest to his tired soul. And now, dear sisters, I would like to

which, if taken in the spirit in which it is given, will surely bring most astonishing results. A man is but a grown up boy. He must, from the first, be trained in the way he should go. Be firm; lead him with a hand of iron covered with a white plush glove. When first you embark upon the turbulent sea of matrimonial life paddle out with the firm determination to be both captain and first mate, or sink the ship. Do not forget to be "firm." Always hold a tight rein. You can never tell just when the horse-no, I mean the man—is going to cut up a dash. Be vigilant; the reward of vigilance is safety. When your husband builds the fire tell him, for heaven sake, not to mash that stove all into scrap iron. Men are so rough! Then when the room is warm go down and ask him how on earth he got those ashes all over the carpet. Tell him the room looks as though a donation party had just passed though it. Find fault; find all you can. Do not allow him to sauce you back. Be firm! Give him to understand that, although he may run a locomotive, he can not run you. If your bread is heavy, and the steak like a piece of rubber, tell him that it is plenty good enough for him. Do not allow him to find fault. Shut down on it at once. If he will persist, and is determined to find fault, get up on your dignity; lay down the moral law in the most emphatic manner in which you are capable. Remember you are captain and first mate. If you can not subdue him by your eloquence, then cry. If that will not fetch him, pout. Do not be afraid to pout. If he will not yield in one day, keep up the pouting two days, or a week; he will have to give up if you will only be "firm." Always make him own that he is in the fault. Then when the enemy has surrendered and peace is once more declared ask him for a nice present. Give him to understand that a present will always be

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required to effectually dispel the matrimonial gloom, and to clear the atmosphere of domestic strife and restore it to its former brightness and glory. If your husband comes home from his trip and complains of being tired, tell him your head is just ready to split, every nerve in your body is dancing a jig. dancing a jig. Tell him you have not sat down all day, but have worked like a slave. Complain yourself. Do not let him get the start of you. What has he done? Only been having a nice ride. They make an awful fuss about running an engine! But, oh, pshaw! it is just as easy as falling off a log. Any of us could do it, if we only had the chance. All you have to do is to just sit on that nice, soft cushion; remonstrate with the fireman about flirting too much; see that he keeps up a brisk fire, and that the flues are full of water. Then, of course, he has to look ahead for cows and things on the track; and, in case of danger, pull her back a notch, reverse the crown-sheet, turn down the headlight, and jump! Don't forget to jump! By the way, in case of extreme danger, the fireman should always be instructed to ring the whistle-no, the bell, and toot the whistle just as loud as ever he can. Now I would like to know what there is about that to make a man come home with a face longer than the moral law, and say, "I am tired"? But they will, and we must not encourage them in it. Do not allow any domestic duty to stand in the way of your intellectual and physical growth. If you have children send them to the neighbors. Do not bother to sweep and dust every day, but keep the shades down. What if the dust be half an inch deep, it will not be noticed when the rooms are dark-then you will have more time to attend the rink. Do not neglect the skating rink. That is the only place in the world where you may, by a system of exercise, develop the muscular orga nization; drink from the fountain of

amusement and knowledge at the same time. If your heart longs for logical lore you may glide around on the arm of a lawyer; or if it be thoughts divine with which you wish to store your mind, there you will find the minister, whose hands are outstretched, ever ready to clasp yours, and to impart to you rich gems from his inexhaustible fountain of wisdom. There you have your choice from all grades and professions. So do not fail to attend the rink. But do not, on any account, allow your husband to go; for, while it is very beneficial to women, its dangers to men are legions; for men are so clumsy. A woman will fall like a rubber ball, or thistle down; but a man will go down just like a chunk of lead. If he does not mash himself like a soft pumpkin, he is sure to break a bone; and it is easier to nurse nine small children through the measles than to nurse one man with the skin rubbed off his shin-bone; and also men are so susceptible and so uncertain. Some are like a flea-you have a lively chase to catch him; but having once got your thumb upon him, you are all right as long as you hold it on him hard; but just raise your thumb the least bit and, where is he then?

Oh, my dear sisters, I would like to spin off yards and yards of advice to you; but I feel in my bones that it no use, for I do not believe the editor will ever allow this to see the light of day; but if he does, remember this: That you are Captain, Chief Cook and First Mate; and always "Be Firm!" T. E. N.

DETROIT, June 8, 1885. MESSRS EDITORS: I have watched with pleasure the past year the rapid growth of the Brotherhood, as you have laid it before your many readers in your valuable JOURNAL, and one cannot help but feel proud that he is a member of an Association that is so rapidly advancing in public favor. To-day the Brother

hood is at peace with the world, and many who were its enemies in years past, and who fought us with a bitter hatred, have passed from public favor, or joined with our many friends who wish us God speed in our mission of good. No one man despised us more, or did more or brought more pressure to bear than the late Master Mechanic of the M. C. R. R. Mr. S. B. Edgerley sought to destroy the Brotherhood, but at last his career has come to an end. Even the Michigan Central R. R. has no further use for him, He was retired to private life a short time ago, and the many who were compelled by their loyalty to the Brotherhood and his hatred of the Association to seek homes elsewhere will be pleased to know that, at last, he has received his just reward.

derived to the Brotherhood were such an action to be taken. The rapid growth of Divisions will add to the Delegates, and I fear that some of our many friendly railroad officers will be compelled to refuse, when they would be pleased to grant, favors, if we continue in the future as in the past. I hope this subject will be discussed by the Brotherhood and brought to the notice of the Delegates at our next Annual. I am glad to see the ladies contributing once more to the columns of the JOURNAL, and I hope that the few who have done so nobly in the past will give courage to the many in the future. Messrs. Editors, the question has often been asked me, when actting as agent for the JOURNAL, by young engineers and old firemen, why we did not have more instruction in the columns of the JOURNAL as to the locomotive, what to do in case of accident, etc., etc. Now, do you not think, if you were to devote a few columns each month to instruction, etc., from well known authority, that it would benefit the circulation of the JOURNAL? For it is a well-known fact that, day by day, we are dropping by the wayside, young and inexperienced men are taking our places, and they are seeking knowledge where it can be obtained; and if they thought that they might find much that would benefit them they would hail the JOURNAL as their best friend.

As the time draws near for the holding of the Convention, Brothers are tendering their advice, and much of it is worthy of thought. I, too, have a little to donate. The B. of L. E. is growing rapidly, and to-day we have nearly three hundred Divisions, and in the course of a few years will number perhaps five hundred. Do you not think it a good idea, when the Convention meets at New Orleans, to select some one of the many railroad centers, say Chicago or St. Louis, for the permanent holding of our Annual Convention. Chicago, with its four Divisions of the Brotherhood and its trunk lines reaching out to all parts of No. 1 is prospering. We have added the world, offers, perhaps, greater in- a nice library to our Division; our ducements than any other city, and it is friends have contributed about two hunthe very heart of loyalty to the Brother-dred choice volumes. In case of sickhood. I have always contended that ness and disability a Brother can send to our Conventions, held as they have been in the past, in different parts of the country, were of much good to the Brothers in the locality where held, but we were nothing then in comparison to what we will be in a few years. I think much time, trouble and wealth might be saved and the same amount of good be

the Division and procure a book that,
while he is confined to his house, may
assist him in passing the time away. The
new beginners can find there all that
they, in a measure, would wish to
know; for we have many choice books,
from our most noted authors, on steam,
the locomotive, etc.

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