Imágenes de páginas
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Davidson, Roy E., grand chief engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive

Engineers, 1112 Engineers Building, Cleveland, Ohio----

Gilbert, H. E., international president, Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen & Enginemen, 318 Keith Building, Cleveland, Ohio; ac-
companied by Harold C. Heiss, general counsel, Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen & Enginemen, 318 Keith Building, Cleveland,
Ohio; and S. C. Phillips, assistant to the president, Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen & Enginemen__.

Hall, Paul, president, Seafarers International Union of North Amer-
ica, AFL-CIO, 675 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y___.
Homer, Winfield M., Labor Bureau of the Middle West, 1001 Con-
necticut Avenue NW., Washington, D.C____

Lewis, Hon. John P., member, Council of Economic Advisers, Execu-

tive Offices of the President, Washington, D.C.; accompanied by

William Capron and David Lusher, staff members, Council of

Economic Advisers..

Loomis, Daniel, president, Association of American Railroads, Trans-
portation Building, Washington, D.C----

Luna, C., president, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1370 Ontario
Street, Cleveland, Ohio; accompanied by Truit Meredith, sched-
ule statistician___.

Malin, Max, economic counsel, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers,

1250 Federal Bar Building, Washington, D.C.--.

Meany, George, president, AFL-CIO, 815 16th Street NW., Wash-

ington, D.C.............

Schoene, Lester P., general counsel, Railway Labor Executives' Asso-

ciation, Schoene & Kramer, attorneys at law, 1625 K Street NW..

Washington, D.C.; accompanied by William J. Mahoney, Mulhol-

land, Robie & Hickey, attorneys at law, Tower Building, Washing-

ton, D.C----




87, 416


Statement of-Continued

Wolfe, J. E., chairman, National Railway Labor Conference, room
474, Union Station Building, 517 West Adams Street, Chicago, Ill.;
accompanied by Howard Nietzert, general counsel, Carriers Confer-
ence Committee___

Zimmerman, A. F., assistant grand chief engineer, Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen & Engineers, 1112 Engineers Building, Cleve-
land, Ohio---


Hon. W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor, Department of Labor, Wash-
ington, D.C.; accompanied by Francis A. O'Neill, Jr., Chairman of the
National Mediation Board; and James J. Reynolds, Assistant Secre-
tary of Labor__

Daniel Loomis, president, Association of American Railroads, Transporta-

tion Building, Washington, D.C..

J. E. Wolfe, chairman, National Railway Labor Conference, room 474,
Union Station Building, 517 West Adams Street, Chicago, Ill-

Hon. John P. Lewis, member, Council of Economic Advisers, Executive
Offices of the President, Washington, D.C.; accompanied by William
Capron and David Lusher, staff members, Council of Economic

Daniel Loomis, president, Association of American Railroads, Transporta-
tion Building, Washington, D.C_____

Hon. Laurence K. Walrath, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission,
Washington, D.C.; accompanied by Vernon V. Baker, Director, Bureau
of Finance; Robert W. Ginnane, General Counsel; and Robert T.
Wallace, legislative counsel.......


90, 64

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Homer, Winfield M., economic adviser, Railway Labor Executives Asso-
ciation (memorandum) ----


Loomis, Daniel L., president, Association of American Railroads, Trans-
portation Building, Washington, D.C. (supporting memorandum) ___.

Supplementary surrebuttal statement of the operating organizations in

reply to carriers rebuttal statement_


Supplemental rebuttal statement for the carriers__


Wirtz, Hon. W. Willard, Secretary of Labor, Department of Labor,
Washington, D.C. (letter dated July 26, 1963) –


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