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they will mould and fashion both the legislation and administration, according to the true import and meaning of that most excellent Constitution which they have framed and adopted by mutual consent, and for mutual benefit, and which they still admire and revere as the only sure palladium of their dearest rights, liberties, and privileges.

Mr. CLAIBORNE (of Tennessee) rose to offer a few remarks upon the question under debate, but more particularly to reply to some observations which had fallen from the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. HARPER.) And, notwithstanding the exhausted state of the patience of the committee, since it was his intention to occupy their time but a little while, he hoped to be favored with their kind indulgence and attention.

Some weeks ago, early in the investigation of the present subject, he had expressed an opinion favorable to the proposed amendment, and he had heard no reason to authorize a change of that opinion.

It was true that the opposition had been violent and uniform; that the most splendid eloquence had been called forth to defeat the amendment; and gentlemen, abandoning a plain system of reasoning which might tend to convince the mind, had vied with each other in exhibiting talents for declamation, and, indulging themselves in the visionary fields of fancy, had brought to the view of the committee a number of imaginary evils, well calculated to alarm timid men, and to communicate uneasiness to the people.

Thus we found that, while the gentleman from New York (Mr. WILLIAMS) feared the success of the amendment, lest it might overthrow the Government and destroy the Union, the gentlemen from South Carolina (Mr. HARPER) wished its rejection, lest it should be accompanied with all the horrors of anarchy, and throw us completely into the arms of France.

Mr. C. begged leave to call the attention of the committee to the amendment itself, and he would ask whether such dangers could be rationally apprehended from its adoption? The simple question was, whether all our foreign Ministers should receive equal salaries with those residing at London, Paris, and Madrid. Is there not strong reason for a discrimination? Have we not been told that the Courts of France, Spain, and England are the most expensive in Europe, and that in Portugal and Prussia Ministers can move with dignity, and live in affluence and ease, on much smaller salaries than those residing among the first mentioned Powers? Has this information been denied, or has an attempt been made to confute it?

But, say gentlemen, we have not a Constitutional right to adopt the amendment; that the office of Minister is created at the will of the President, and we are bound to appropriate. To avoid an unnecessary discussion, he would concede this point. But did it follow that a Minister having been created, and his salary fixed, it could not be lessened during his continuance in office? Yet this doctrine was maintained by some members, and the gentleman from South Caroli

[MARCH, 1798.

na promised to establish its authenticity so clearly that all the arguments of the worthy member from Pennsylvania (Mr. GALLATIN) should fall to the ground and be of no weight. But, sir, how was this promise complied with? Why, we were told that the Ministers having been appointed, and their salaries fixed, it would be as unconstitutional to lessen them as it would be to diminish the compensation of a federal Judge And shall this assertion alone induce the committee to embrace an opinion that will not stand the test of the smallest inquiry. We all know, said he, that the Constitution prohibits the diminution of a Judge's salary during his continuance in office; but as to the compensation of Ministers, it was silent; hence the inference is fairly deducible that it is left to Congress to fix, heighten, or lessen that compensation at their discretion. But it is unnecessary to dwell longer on this point. The arguments of the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. GALLATIN) appear to me conclusive, and remain unanswered.

But we are told, adopt the amendment and our Ministers will retire. This event would give to him no regret-not that he disliked the characters employed-they were all honorable men, and their return to America would be a valuable acquisition. But Mr. C. was opposed to this diplomatic policy; he feared it would draw closer our foreign connexions, and extend our foreign political intercourse, which, in his opinion, foreboded much evil to our common country.

France, says the gentleman from South Carolina, commenced her intrigues in America at the organization of the present Government, and he would add, that England began her career about the same period. France, we were told, had acquired a powerful party in America, and that even within the walls of this House she had her votaries, whose zeal for her cause induced them to lose sight of the interest of their own country. If this was the fact it was unknown to him; but he would say, there was some ground to fear that there were men in the United States so much attached to the interest and policy of England as to be willing to entwine the fate of America with the destinies of that tottering and corrupted monarchy. For his part, he disclaimed and despised all foreign influence, and the great wish of his heart was to see it exiled from our country; the first step towards it was, to reduce our diplomatic establishment, and, by degrees, to do it away altogether.

But, says the gentleman from South Carolina, Ministers are the guardians of our commerce; without them Consuls would be of no use, since they are unknown to the Courts of Europe. I believe, said Mr. C., this statement is not strictly accurate. The foreign Consuls in America, before they acted in their offices, produced their creden tials to our Executive, and were acknowledged. He believed a similar usage prevailed among other nations. The Consul General from France was well known in the United States, and it appears that our Consul General is known to the French Directory, and if my information be true, that

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gentleman has rendered our commercial interests considerable service.

It had been asked, Where was the necessity of having a Minister at Berlin? and the member from South Carolina has given us the answer. He tells us "that the present Prussian monarch is young, enterprising, warlike, ambitious, and just grasping the most brilliant sceptre in Europe; that he held the balance of power in his hands; that he held it with a treasury replenished by four years of peace, and with three hundred thousand of the finest troops in Europe." All this might be true, and it might further be conceded, that these troops would, the first opportunity, re. trieve the disgrace which the sans-culottes of France had brought upon them. But all this proved not the propriety of America's forming a connexion with him. She had nothing to fear, either from his power or ambition, unless she courts his favor.

Let this monarch preside at the Congress of Radstadt; let him prove the pacificator of Europe, and put an end to a war which has so much thinned the ranks of mankind; but for myself, I would wish him to lose sight of the interest of America. The friendship of Kings too often proves the bane of Republics. He said he was not well versed in history, but he would ask the learned member from South Carolina if numberless instances did not present themselves to his mind, where the friendship of Kings ultimately proved the ruin of Republics?

In tracing the historic page of ancient times, it will be found that some of the little Grecian States, when in imminent danger, had solicited the friendship of Philip, King of Macedon. He gave it; but what was the consequence? He acquired an influence in their councils which enabled him to triumph over liberty and enslave the people, and the last remains of dignity sunk in the Grecian world.

But we are told, the Prussian monarch has possessions on the Baltic, and wishes his commerce extended; and shall America make any sacrifices to gratify him in this wish? Have our merchants heretofore had any trade with this Power, and do gentlemen wish to force it? With regard to the commerce of America, he was of opinion, it was too soon in our history to see it splendid, or to turn our attention solely to its welfare.

Agriculture is the leading interest of our country, and requires our primary care. Agriculture is the favorite pursuit of man; and so long as extensive and fertile tracts of land remain unoccupied in America, so long will her citizens prefer a livelihood from the peaceful cultivation of the soil to an uncertain subsistence on the ocean.

It is necessity that occasions commerce to unfurl her sails. Thus we find, that while the flag of England is displayed in every quarter of the globe, the colors of France are seldom seen. The insular situation and contracted limits of the former, drive her citizens upon the ocean for support, while the extensive and fertile dominions of the latter afford for her inhabitants subsistence at home. The gentleman from South Carolina, although

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he acquits the friends of the amendment of the motive, declares that their doctrine would overthrow the Government and introduce tyranny. What is this dangerous doctrine, so much dreaded, so pregnant with evil? It is only this: we claim a share in the care of the public purse; we see an impropriety in giving to all our foreign Ministers equal salaries, and some members are of opinion, of which number I am one, that an extensive foreign political intercourse is inimical to the interests of America. And can such doctrine lead to the destruction of the Government, supported as it is by the strongest bulwark-the hearts of the people? It is impossible! A doctrine, too, which flows from the Constitution, and confides to the Representatives of the people a power to limit the disbursement at the Treasury Department; a power that is safely committed, since, from the great responsibility attached to the Representatives, no abuse can be apprehended. This doctrine never could endanger the Government.

The committee were told by the worthy member from South Carolina, that political, like religious fanaticism, is equally destructive to the happiness of the people, and he cautioned gentlemen against the adoption of the present amendment. And had that the appearance of fanaticism? Certainly not. Why, then, were such observations heard? Are they made to alarm the citizens, and to excite their suspicions against the gentlemen who support the amendment?

France, says the gentleman, affords an awful example of the danger of fanaticism. There, a monarchy that had lasted for fourteen centuries, was hauled to pieces in a moment, and the nobles and the priests perished in its ruins; and, in pathetic terms, he exclaims, "The brilliant throne of Louis was not far distant from the place where he bled, and the splendid administration of Neckar was soon followed by the reign of Marat." How could these observations apply to the present question? But having been made, his respect for the gentleman led him to notice them. And does my friend really lament the downfall of a monarchy that held a brave people in servitude and chains for fourteen centuries; where not only human rights, but human life, were sacrificed at the pleasure of the monarch? And does he lament the ruin of a splendid administration, which enabled the Court, the nobles, and the favorite few, to revel in luxury on the hard earnings of the yeomanry of the country; which filched from the industrious citizen one-half the produce of his labor? If such be his disposition, and such his sentiments, all that I can say is, Í envy not his feelings, and thank Heaven my partiality for the human family is too great not to rejoice at the liberation of thirty millions of people from so galling a yoke of bondage.

Fanaticism, says the member, once reigned in America; but he felicitated himself and his country that its reign was over. If the gentleman alluded to the spirit of 1776, Mr. C. believed he was mistaken; that spirit still existed, and if a time should come when liberty was in danger, it would burst forth in all its glory.

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Foreign Intercourse.

[MARCH. 1798.

Mr. C. then called the attention of the com- and the public at large, as to our own Governmittee to a country in Europe where history afforded a valuable lesson on the present subject. Switzerland, although in the neighborhood of European Princes, maintained no Ministers at their Courts; she neither courted their favor nor feared their power, and while this independency of conduct freed her from the disputes of Europe, Switzerland was respected by every nation.

Mr. C. said, if ever this Government should be shaken, the attack would come from the Executive and Senate, combined against the popular branch. Mr. C. wished not to be understood as wanting a confidence in the present Executive; the reverse was the fact; but if a period should arrive when a bold, intriguing, ambitious man, panting for uncontrolled sway, should work himself into the Presidential Chair, and two-thirds of the Senate be found wicked enough to favor his views-by means of the treaty-making powerthe Government of America may be overturned, and her liberties lost forever.

ment, and particularly its administration, than to produce any real good, or to avert any impending danger. And in proportion to this conviction on his mind should he feel himself at liberty to give his opinion, independently of any insinuations as to the purity or impurity of motives, which were so often the favorite theme of declamation on that floor.

Mr. C. said he might be told that the situation With this view, he said, he would endeavor to of Switzerland is dissimilar to America; that her direct such observations as he might make on the riches consisted in a few sheep feeding in her val- occasion, on a supposition that every member of leys. and a few cattle grazing on her mountains; that committee was actuated by similar motives and as to commerce, she had none. But Switzer--the good and welfare of his country; and that land had enjoyed the blessings of liberty and the differences of opinion which had taken place peace for several centuries, and where so much were merely as to the mode and manner of obhappiness dwells, the policy observed is entitled taining this great end, and were more the result to remembrance, and worthy to be pursued. of our free Government, and the independent and Gentlemen tell us that attempts are continually liberal manner in which they had a right to dismaking in this House to usurp the powers of the cuss all subjects which came before them, than Executive. He was not a witness to them. It from any improper motives. To suppose any appeared to him that they too frequently dele- thing short of this, he said, would be to suppose gated their powers. Look to the laws, and see the people themselves did not know their own inthe increase of influence and power in the hands terest, or that gentlemen had forfeited that responof the Executive. It was this he feared. The sibility which they owe to their constituents, or power of the Representatives was safely placed, have taken up opinions and principles hostile and and ought to be held sacred, for, as he had before foreign from those under which they were electremarked, their responsibility was too great to ed. He thought it much more proper to draw apprehend serious danger. conclusions from arguments themselves, that might be admitted in support of any measure, as the true way to understand its merits and know the line of conduct to be pursued, than to be seeking after motives, which can only end in conjecture, and tend to confound and embarrass, rather than elucidate. He said it was in his opinion a thing to be lamented, that for some time past, not only since he had the honor of a seat in that Legislature, but before, scarcely one subject of importance had come before it, but immediately the doctrine of confidence and the independent rights of the Executive, or some department of Government, was introduced, as though we had no Constitution at all-or, if one, that they possessed a very imperfect knowledge of it. Some gentlemen contending as though they have unlimited confidence in the Executive, and therefore willing to cede almost all power; and that the Executive has no check. On the contrary, others seem disposed not to give up that which may be necessary, or heretofore in practice; both of which were on the extreme, and ought not to be countenanced. Thus one extreme begets another. That we ought to have confidence in every department of our Government, to a certain degree, he said, was right, and what the people intended in the formation of the Constitution. It is not the officer, said he, individually, whom we ought to regard, but the office or department. Thus he would have as much confidence in one Executive as another, in one officer as another, in their official character, and if they violated the duties and trust reposed in them by the Constitution and laws, punish them accordingly.

Mr. R. WILLIAMS (of N. C.) said, although it had become very fashionable for gentlemen to apologize for delivering their opinions at this late stage of the debate, he should make none, but only say he should not have troubled the committee with any observations had it not been for the turn which the debate had taken, and the Constitutional principle which gentlemen on both sides seem to contend would be settled by the decision of this question, viz: whether that House had a right to withhold or control appropriations for foreign Ministers. He said, lest it should be thought that he meant to concede the principle, that it had not the right, he felt it a duty which he owed to his own opinion, as well as the interest of those whom he had the honor to represent, to state the reasons on which he should give his vote. From the best considerations which he had been able to give the question before the committee, he thought the proposed amendment ought not to obtain. It appeared to him to be a measure calculated in its effects, and from the manner in which it had been brought forward and argued, more to sound the disposition of that Legislature

It is not, said he, that a thing has been done this or that way, or by one or the other of the departments of Government, which proves that it

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is alone right to be done that way; for there are many things which may be done by either of two of the departments of Government, and yet be constitutionally right; this, he said, showed the mutual confidence which was intended to subsist between the different departments of Government, by which they might work together with that political union and harmony, so essentially necessary to promote the general good and welfare of the country, and happiness of its citizens. He said the people had placed confidence in every department of their Government, up to which he conceived it to be his duty to act, otherwise he should violate the fundamental principles of the Government, and the Constitutional rights of the people, which he was sworn, as a citizen, and a representative, to support.

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wrong, when reason would have a contrary effect, and in that proportion do you shut the door against conviction, and put reason at defiance. But this appeared to be the design of some, particularly the member from Maryland, (Mr. CRAIK.) who said he had no hopes of a reconciliation of sentiments in that House, and that it was necessary now to make a firm and decisive stand against a party within these walls, who wished to overturn the Government; to prove which he rummaged up the votes on all the important acts of that branch of the Legislature, or laws that have passed, and at once proscribes the minorities. The member from South Carolina (Mr. HARPER) had pursued the same line of conduct, and gone on to abuse and censure private as well as public characters, and was not content to confine his objects of abuse to this country, but leaps over the Atlantic and does the same there, and attacks foreign Governments. He asked, is this what the people expect to hear in their federal Legislature? Is this what we are sent together for? Does such conduct comport with the character and genius of American liberty and independence?

Mr. W. said, having made these general remarks, he would proceed to consider the amendment, in the two-fold point of view on which it had been argued: The Constitutionality and expediency. As to the first, he had no doubt but that this House had a right to restrict or withhold appropriations for foreign Ministers, and to exercise a discretion in all such cases; but that discretion ought to be exercised so as not to be a virtual violation of the Constitution: Such as to refuse to pay the President, a Judge, or other officer necessary to constitute any of the departments of Government, or to defray the expenses of the year 1798. There were cases in which this House was morally bound to appropriate. It had been said, that that House was as much bound to appropriate for foreign intercourse as for the Judiciary. He conceived the cases quite different. The Judiciary was one of the grand departments of the Government, as much so as the Legislative or Executive, and only different in its creation and duties. The people create the Legislative and Executive, and call on them to create the Judiciary; therefore, any act by either to defeat it would be a virtual violation of the Constitution.

Mr. W. said, these were his sentiments as to confidence in the different departments of the Government; and he hoped they would not be imputed to him as one of those who was willing to ascribe implicit perfection and infallibility in the administration of the Government, or sing hallelujahs to the Executive, as some gentlemen had been pleased to say. He did not believe the rights and liberties of the people were so endangered from their own Government as to be mourned over in that manner. He believed the Government competent to render them great as a nation, and happy as a people; and the only danger which he saw and apprehended was from meddling with European and foreign politics. He said, he had very early made up his opinion as to the proposed amendment; but the arguments and principles which some gentlemen had advanced against it, had almost induced him to abandon that opinion; but when he considered it would be wrong to sacrifice an opinion which he knew to be formed on pure motives, and in which not only himself and those he had the honor to represent, but the public in general were interested, he should not suffer any arguments foreign to the merits of the question, and which had been advanced merely for the purpose of crimination, to have any influence on his mind. He said, without any intention to dictate to gentlemen what observations they ought to make on any subject brought before that House, he would say he was sorry to hear the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. NICHOLAS) take the ground which he did, because he thought it extremely impolitic, at this critical juncture of our affairs, unless the occasion was more urgent. But, he said, it had been seized on with such avidity, and commented on with such severity and crimination, as almost to make that mild which otherwise, and at first, would not have ap- If we do not choose to have them, we may repeared so, and had gone further to prove the truth fuse, and our Government may still go on. But of some observations which had been made rela- it was quite different as to Judges. There is no tive to the existence of a certain fact, which he analogy in the cases. If we had no Judiciary, our was yet disposed not to believe, than anything Government could not go on; the people would since said in support of it. He meant Executive have no tribunal to determine their rights, liberpatronage. He said it was certainly more properties, or property. The case of an appropriation to show the impropriety of any measure, by reason for a treaty was also mentioned; that, he said, and argument, than by crimination; for, in pro- differed from the present case. By the sixth arportion to the violence of the attack would the re-ticle of the Constitution, a treaty, when ratified sistance be, and the exertion to persevere, though by the President and Senate, is declared to be

He said, foreign Ministers were not necessary to constitute any one of the departments of the Government; it was as complete without as with them; they are only to be employed as may be expedient.

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Foreign Intercourse.

[MARCH, 1798.

the supreme law of the land, and the Judges in tract appropriations; they say there is always a every State bound thereby. Here a law may be tendency in the popular branch of the Governmade independent of this branch of the Legisla- ment to encroach on the Executive. To prove ture, except as to the first act, that of appropria- which they go into Europe; England and France tion to enable the President to form a treaty, are particularly mentioned. He thought there which the Constitution gives this House a dis- was no necessity; nor was it policy to quote excretion in; and having made the appropriation, amples from those countries, to know how to adit had exercised all the power given by the Con- minister our own Government. As to England, stitution, unless a treaty should be made to carry he said, the people have no power or liberty but on or declare war, which expressly belongs to what has been dealt out to them by mere acts of this House. But all these were extreme cases, sovereign grace and prerogative mercy, but their and ought not to be supposed, because it was im- Government is different. As to France, it is and possible to give power that might not be abused. has been for ten years in a state of revolution. He said, after a treaty was ratified, he then He said the sources of power, and the means of thought the obligations of that House to appro- obtaining it in this country and England, were priate might be assimilated to that for a Judge. quite different. Here it was in the people; there To show more clearly that that House was mo- in the Crown. Here power was freely given to rally bound to appropriate for a treaty Constitu- the Executive by the people; there it was taken tionally made, he would state a case. Suppose a from them by usurpation, which keeps up a contreaty made, which required no money to carry stant jealousy between the governing and the it into effect, or did not require any for several governed; the one constantly on its guard, under years; how was that House to check its opera-a conviction of being in possession of what it has tion, or prevent the Judges from being bound by it, as by the Constitution they are? Or will gentlemen say, this House can only check such as require money, and not those which require none; and that after a treaty has been in operation for several years, this House can stop it? This certainly would be the effect of such a construction of the Constitution.

But it is said, for this House to refuse to appropriate for Ministers, when appointed, would be to check the other departments of Government. It might as well be said the other departments have no right to check this. Such a construction goes to do away the intended checks of the departments of Government on each other, and tends to destroy all confidence and render them independent in all their acts. He said our Government ought not to be construed as though one department was intended to destroy the other, but to aid and check it. The member from Delaware, (Mr. BAYARD,) in advocating the principle of the Executive's selecting men of certain politics to office, had talked of administering the Government by conscience; he believed such would be a new-fangled Administration; he thought the Constitution ought to be the conscience of every administrator of the Government. Mr. W. said, the bill, without the proposed amendment, was the same in principle as that first passed in the year 1790, and continued ever since; though there had been an increase of money granted, the principle was the same; where Ministers should be sent, and their grade was left to the Executive, the check which that House reserved to itself was as to the quantum of appropriation, which he thought would ever prove a sufficient one against abuse, for the Executive could make use of no more money than was given him. He said, this was one of the things which might be done either by this House, or given to the President, as was most expedient. It had been heretofore left to him, and he saw no reason for a change at this time. But some gentlemen seem very unwilling to allow that this House has the power to con

no right to; whilst the other is taking all advantages to regain what was forced from it. In this country no such jealousy exists, because all power is with the people, except what they have freely given up. He said, this principle would hold good in private life; for if the property or liberty of an individual was forced from him, he would never be contented at seeing another, or the one who had taken it from him, enjoy it, but would be constantly striving to get it back. These remarks he meant to apply as well to those who seemed to fear Executive power, as to those who feared the powers of that House. The member from New Jersey, (Mr. IMLAY,) as well as some others, had said this branch of the Government ought not to check the Executive. Mr. W. said, that this was not a correct opinion; to prove which he read a clause from Mr. Adams's defence of the American Constitution, which says, "That each of the three branches of the Government must be, in its turn, both master and servant, governing and being governed by turns." He said, although he had no great partiality for the politics contained in that author, yet he read it in order to show that even those who contended for a much stronger Executive than ours did not deny that each branch was to be a check on the other.

Mr. W. said, the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. HARPER) charged all those who advocate the powers of the House as being ignorant of the effects of the measures they advocate, and compares their speeches to those of Fox and Sheridan in the English Parliament. The gentleman ought to recollect that with as much propriety might his be compared to those of Pitt & Co. And is that an Administration which he would wish to take place in this country?—a system which had kept the nation one-half of its time involved in war-which had drenched the world with blood; a system which had involved the nation in a debt which all the world could scarcely pay, and which had reduced one-half of the people to a state of poverty and want, whilst it raised the other to a state of luxury and dissipation.

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