PRINTED FOR KINGSBURY, PARBURY, & ALLEN, LEADENHALL STREET. 1824. THE ASIATIC JOURNAL FOR JANUARY, 1824. Original Communications, SKETCH OF THE HISTORY AND ADMINISTRATION OF MARQUESS HASTINGS. (Continued from vol. xvi, p. 538.) THE military results of the Mahratta and Pindarry war have been summed up in a few words: it would require a considerable space to describe fully the political advantages which have accrued to the British Government from this last struggle for superiority on the part of the native powers of India. We must be content with exhibiting a faint outline of the recent territorial acquisitions, by which the Anglo-Indian empire has been most skilfully consolidated; for although of much larger dimensions, its line of frontier is smaller than before. With the conquest of the Poonah territory, the British possessions and authority (including some petty states, either tributary or protected) have been extended along the western coast, from the northern boundary of the province of Goa, to the mouths of the Taptee; and inland from the long-established western frontier of the Nizam, from the junction of the Wurdah and Toombudra, to the junction of the Wagoor and Taptce. Such places of Kandesh, belonging to Holkar, as fell within these bounds, were ceded by him at the treaty of MunAsiatic Journ-No. 97. dissor, which likewise transferred all the territory south of the Santpoora range of hills, and the fort of Sindwah. This territory connecting immediately with the British and Guickwar possessions on the western coast, it became an important object to render them as compact in themselves, and distinct from each other, as possible. Our means for this end were derived from the rights in Guzerat, arising out of the destruction of the Peishwa's power, and the supply of a subsidiary force for the protection of the Guickwar state. Accordingly the Guickwar Raja ceded by treaty to the British Government in perpetuity all the rights obtained from the per petual farm of the Peishwa's territories, subject to the city of Ahme dabad, as secured by the treaty of Poonah in June; and certain British districts in the vicinity of Baroda were exchanged for the Guickwar remaining share of the city of Ahme dabad, and some territory about Surat, bordering on the Company's pos sessions. To the eastward, from Nusserabad, the first new acquisition is the strong fort of Asseerghur (which Marquess Hastings was induced to Vor.. XVII. B |