Imágenes de páginas

Card, Dr. George W., 446.

Cartier, James, explorations of, 697, 698.

Casperi, Dr., 626.

Catlin, Dr. Milton M., biographical sketch

of, 853, 854.

Cat Nation.-See Eries.

Detroit, biographical sketches of, 116-134;
local sketches of, 373-377, 745–748.
Devereux, General J. H., biographical sketch
of, 217-229.

Dickinson, John, letter of, 679.

Dobbins, Captain David Porter, 229-241.

"Catholic Historical Researches," extract from, Dodge, John, notice of, 282.
139; commended, 280.

Druids, the, mentioned, 856.

Duncanson, R. S., painter, 164.

Centenary of the Constitution of the United Duffield, D. Bethune, sketch of, 116–123.
States, preparations for the, 857.
Champlain's Map of 1632, its authenticity, 280;

the question discussed, 409.
Champlain, Samuel de, his voyages and explor-
ations, 699-701.

Champlin, John W., biographical sketch of,

Chandler, Zachariah, biography of, 271-278,
338-352, 432-444.

Charleston, briefly described, 856.
Childs, Henry, sketch of, 112-116.
Chisholm, William, biographical sketch of,

Cincinnati, art in, 488-493.

Cleveland, the municipal growth of, 69-92,

528-549, 632-648, 767-792.

Clevinger, Shobel, sculptor, 165.

Cole, Thomas, first Ohio artist, 152-154.

Edmonson, E., artist, 323.

"El Dorado" (a poem), by Consul Willshire
Butterfield, 826.

Ely, Nathaniel, records of the descendants of,
mentioned, 323.

Ennekin, John J., painter, 164.

Eries, the extermination of, by the Iroquois,

Everett, Sylvester T., 807.

Farrington, Dr. Stephen, H., mentioned, 447.
Farmer's Castle in Belpre, Ohio, 21.

Farmer, Silas, his History of Detroit,' deserv-
ing recognition, 286.

Felch, Alpheus, biographical notice of, 689-

Conger, Arthur L., biographical sketch of, Ferry, Dexter, M., notice of, 263–271.


Congressional Library Building, 282.

Cook, the Rev. Joseph, 282.

Cookman, Charles E., painter, 319.

Fifield, Dr. Greenleaf, sketch of, 448.
"Fifty Years of Wisconsin History," by Consul
Willshire Butterfield, 828-838.

Five Nations, See Iroquois.

Cooley, Thomas M., a Michigan jurist, 466- Foot, Edward, artist, 315.


Cookins, James, painter, 163.

Coshadon, Brodhead's Expedition to, 412.
Cowles, Dr. Edwin W., 446.
Cox, Kenyon, artist, 315.
Cunningham, Artemus, statement of, 33.
Cutler, Rev. Manasseh, 4, 137, 856.
Cutler, W. P., address of, mentioned, 855.

Dearborn, General Henry, letter of, 410.
DeLamater, Dr. John, biographical sketch of,

Denton, Dr. Evert, sketch of, 199.

De Soto, the expedition of, 695, 696.

Fort Laurens, location of, 720.
Foster, Marion, artist, 314.

Franklin, Benjamin, and James Wilson, letter
of, 681.

Frankenstein, brother and sister, artists, 325.
Freemasons, their first lodge in the west, 599.
Frick, H. C., sketch of, 378-380.

Gardner, Geo. W., sketch of, 776.

Gay, Dr. C. C. F., biographical notice of, 260-

Gibson, John, first secretary Indiana Territory,

Gist, Christopher, extract from his Journal,
718; an error in the extract corrected, 857.

Goodale, Major, capture of, 25, 26.
Goodwin, Dr. Erastus, notice of, 197.
Gourley, Henry I., biographical sketch of,


Gram, Dr. H. B., 625.

Grant, Lieutenant-General, special orders of,

Greene, Dr. Joseph C., sketch of, 356-359.
Greene, Major General Nathaniel, a monument
to, 723.

Griswold, C. C., artist, 320.

Gwynedd, Historical Collections Relating
thereto, mentioned, 858.

Hanna, M. A., sketch of, 49-52.

Harmon, Dr. John B., notice of, 59-69.
Harmon, Dr. William, mentioned, 445.
Harris, Dr. A. B., 450.

Harrison, William Henry, Governor of Indiana
Territory, 621.

Hartley, Colonel Thomas, letter of, 677.

Hatch, William Stanley, extracts from the diary
of, 137.

"Hasty Pudding," extract from, 600.
Heckewelder, John, letter of, 412.

Heidelberg, five hundredth anniversary of,

Indiana, volunteer regiments of, during the
rebellion, 411.

Indiana Territory, brief history of, 618-624.
Iroquois, mention of their early history,618-624.
Irvine, General William, commanded at Fort
Pitt, 600.

Itasca Lake, origin of the name of, 336-338.

Johns, Dr. David J., notice of, 448.
Jones, Thomas D., sculptor, 318.
Judicial System of Michigan, the early, 453-465.

Kansas, condensed history of, 167–173.
Kellog, Miner K., artist, 165.
Kemper, Henry, landscape painter, 164.
Kentucky, first newspaper in, 137.

Kiefer, Dr. Herman, sketch of, 381-385.
Kirtland, Dr. Jared Potter, biographical sketch
of, 190-196.

Kittridge, Dr., mentioned, 449.

Klippart, Josephine, artist, 319.

Lake, Henry, testimony of, 32.
Lake Itasca, 336-338.

Land Question in the United States, history of,
mentioned, 599.

La Salle, discovers the Ohio river, 707, 708.

Herrick, Dr. Henry J., biographical sketch of, Lawman, artist, 163.


Herrick, G. E., notice of, 250-253.

Herrick, R. R., sketch of, 641.
Hite, George, artist) 163.

"History of Ohio," by Consul Willshire But-

terfield, 695-708, 725.

Hodge, Samuel F., biographical notice of,

Howard, Nahum, testimony of, 33.

Howard, William A., biographical sketch of,

Hoyt, Dr. Daniel O., 626.

Hubbard, Bela, biography of, 572–581.
Hubbard, Gurdon S., death of, 855.

Hull, General Wm., letters of, 138, 283, 285.
Humbolt, on the discovery of America, 721 .
Huntington, John, biographical sketch of, 786.
Hutchins, Thomas, letters of, 684.

Illinois, first constitutional convention, names
of delegates to, 285.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Maryland, the Great Seal of, 598.

Neuters. See Neutrals.

Massachusetts Historical Society, election of Neutrals, a savage tribe, 702, 793, 727.

officers of, 410.

Mathews, Dr. John, 445.

Mather, Samuel H, sketch of, 45-49.
McDonald, Wilson, artist, 324.

McGraw, Thomas, biographical sketch of,


McIntosh, Dr. Donald, notice of, 197.

McMaster, on early money, 141-152.

McMillan, James, sketch of, 123-128.

Merriman, Dr. Andrew, sketch of, 446.

Metz, Dr. Charles L., 'archæological discoveries
of, 139.

New Mexico, discovery of, 659–669.

Nicolet, John, discovers the Northwest, 703-

705, 828.

Northwest Territory, early law of, 40.

O'Brien, Thomas J., biographical sketch of

Ohio, a list of histories of, 136; first newspaper
in, 408; history of, by Consul Willshire
Butterfield, 695-708, 725-731, the Bar of, 822
825; first marriage in, 409-410.
Ohio's Centennial exposition, 603.

Michigan Bar, members of the, 582-594, 810- Ohio Company (of 1787), 4.

Michigan, fifty years of, as a state, 387-403;
early judicial system of, 453-465; jurists of,

"Ohio in History," 481-484.

Ordinance of 1787, mentioned, 20; its passage,


466-480, 689-694; lumber interests of, 712- Otis, William A., biographical sketch of, 40-45.



Michigan Pioneer Collections," eighth vol.
issued, 855.

Park, James, biographical sketch of, 524-528.
Parke, Hervey C., sketch of, 653-659.

Miller, Dr. Akin C., biographical sketch of, "Pennsylvania Genealogies, Scotch, Irish and


Miller, Ellis F, artist, 319.

Miller, John N., testimony of, 32.

Mill, first one in Illinois, 138.-

Milwaukee, public library of, 858.

Miner, Dr. John, 198.

Minnesota Historical Society, Collections of,

(Vol. V.) issued, 720.

Missouri, first newspaper in, 602.

German," Hayden's mentioned, 602.
Periodical Publications, their utility, 598.
Peters, Richard, letters of, 679-680.

Pioneer Medicine on the Western Reserve, 190-

200, 444-452, 792-797.

Pioneers of the New School of Medicine, 625-

Pipe, Captain, a noted Delaware Indian, death
of, 718.

Mixer, Dr. Sylvester Frederick, sketch of, 253- Pocahontas, 732-743.

[blocks in formation]

Mound Builders, in Ohio, evidences of, 725, 726. Railway System of the west, the, 413-431.
Mygatt, Dr. Eli, notice of, 451.

Ranke, Leopold von, historian, death of, 410.

Ransom, Caroline L., artist, 322.

Ranney, Henry C., sketch of, 822-825.
Read, Thomas Buchanan, artist, 166, 314.
Rhoads, Henry, letter of, 601.

Rhode Island, first newspaper in, 720.
Richmond, Dr. B. W., 627.

Riley, James, letters of, mentioned, 138, 599.
Robinson, Charles, first governor of Kansas,

Rocheblane, Philip, capture of, 136.

Romeis, Jacob, biographical sketch of, 850-852.
Rosa, Dr. Storm, 445.

Rose, William G., notice of, 767.

Sadler, Dr. O. W., sketch of, 360–366.
Sample, Samuel, letter of, 601.

Sato, Shosuke, his history of the land question

in the United States, mentioned, 599.
Saunders, Dr. Moses, sketch of 451.

Tait, John R., artist, 164.

Tayler, Matthew B., sketch of, 54–59.
Tennessee Historical Society, mention of, 137.
Texas, the French in, 628-632.

"The Defence of the Alamo" (a poem), 709-


The East and the West relatively considered,

"The Telegraph in America," an extract from,

"The West and the War of the Rebellion,"

Tilden, Dr. Daniel, 449.

Tobacco Nation, their ancient seat, 727; driven

west by the Iroquois, 728.

Toledo Manual Training School, 323.
Topliff, I. N., sketch of, 686–688.
Trent, William, letter of, 672.
Twatchman, J. H., artist, 165.

School of Design, the Western Reserve, notice Twenty-five Years a State "-Kansas, 167–173.

of, 320.

Scott, Dr. John W., notice of, 198.

Scott, Dr. W. J., biographical sketch of, 92-94.
Scrapbooks, an antiquarian's, 670-686.
Sessions, Francis C., sketch of, 101-111.
Shawanese, the early history of, 728, 729.
Sheldon, Daniel S., death of, 409.
Sheppard, Dr. David, 627.
Slate, Valentine, an Ohio pioneer, 412.
Slavery in America, 605-617.
Smith, Oliver, testimony of, 33.
Smith, Martin M., sketch of, 404-407.
Sontag, W. L., artist, 165.
Soule, Charles, artist, 323.
Spaulding, John, testimony of, 31, 32.
Spaulding, Solomon, sketch of, 31.
Spaulding, Martha, testimony of, 33.

Spencer, P. M., sketch of, 52-54.

Spofford, A. R., librarian of congress, 411.
Stager, General Anson, biogrophical sketch of,

Standard Oil Company, its work, 787.

Stevens, Henry, bibliographer, death of, 279.
St. Martin, Alexis, perforation of the stomach
of, 411.

Swift, Dr. Isaac, notice of, 106.

Table, the story of a, 549-557.

United States, increase of population in, 1.

Vatican at Rome, the, 411.

Venen, Dr. John, notice of, 197.
Vice-Presidency, the, 173-180.
"Virginia-Carolorum," by Rev. E. D. Neill, 857.
Virginia Historical Society, "Collections," vol.
V, 410.

Voris, General A. C., biographical sketch of,

Wade, the Senator (1851-1853), 299–313.
Walcutt, William W., sculptor, 317.

Ward, Edgar M., artist, 163.

Ward, John Q. A., sculptor, 161.

Washington, George, eight tours of, 1; first
inauguration of, 135.

Watterson, Moses G., sketch of, 544-547.
Webber, T. C., artist, 164.

Webber, William L., biographical sketch of,

Webster, Daniel, mentioned by Choate, 855.
Webster, Dr. Hiram, 447.

Western Reserve School of Design, 320.

Western Congressmen, sketches of, 558-571,

White, Dr. James, biographical notice of,

Whittridge, Worthington, artist, 161.
Withington, General W. H., sketch of, 493–507.
Wilder, Marshall P., extract from address of, Witt, John Henry, artist, 317.

Wright, Aaron, testimony of, 33.

Wilder, General D. W., extract from address Wright, Rufus, artist, 322. of, 720.

Wilson, James, letter of, 673.

Wills, Mrs., of Louisiana, ode of, 136.
Winsor, Justin, lecture of, mentioned, 138.
Wisconsin, fifty years of the history of, 828-838.
Withey, Solomon L., jurist, 474-480.

Wyant, A. S., artist, 164.

Young, William, artist, 164.

Zeisberger, David, letter of, 720.

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