Imágenes de páginas

ALABAMA, reconstruction facts, 12, 21-34; claimants in
Congress, 107, 108, 182, 183; resolutions of legisla-
ture, 22; laws on freedmen, 33, 34; vote of legisla-
ture on 14th constitutional amendment, 194; made
part of third military district, 200; resolutions of
grand council of Union league of 1867, 249, 250;
orders and action of the military therein, 204-206,
319-321; abstract of new constitution of, 327; res-
toration to representation, 337, 339, 340, 341; repre-
sentatives elect from, 348; election returns in, 372.
AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION, the 14th, President John-
son's message, and Secretary Seward's report upon,
83, 84; votes adopting, 102; preliminary votes and
propositions, 103-106; text of, 192; votes of legisla-
tures upon, 194, 353; proposed substitute for, 258;
ratification of, 379.
AMNESTY, President Johnson's proclamation of, 9; Mr.
Seward's circular, 10; full pardon to certain per-
sons, 342-344; general amnesty, 344.
ANCONA, SYDENHAM E., resolution on Fenians, 113.

ment of ratification of, 6; action of insurrectionary
States, 19-24; President Johnson's telegrams re-
specting, 22, 23, 25.

APPOINTMENTS TO OFFICE, President Johnson's order re-
specting, 7.

ARKANSAS, President Johnson's telegram to Governor

Murphy, 28; claimants in Congress, 107, 108, 183;
vote of legislature on 14th amendment, 194; made
part of fourth military district, 200; Republican
platform of 1867, 250, 251; orders and action of the
military therein, 206, 321-323; new constitution of,
327; restoration to representation, 337-339; Senators
and Representatives qualified, 347, 348; vote of le-
gislature on 14th amendment, 353.

swer of, and judgment of the Senate, 266-282.
ASHBURN, GEORGE W., order on assassination of, 320.
ASHLEY, JAMES M., action on impeachment of President
Johnson, 187-189.


orders for trial and punishment of, 7; withdrawal
of reward for John H. Surratt and others, 198.
ATTORNEYS, test-oath of, votes in House on, 111, 185;
opinion of Supreme Court upon, 220-239; orders of
court on, note, 226-228.

BALTIMORE TROUBLES OF 1866, General Grant's record
upon, 297, 305, 306.

BEALE, W. H. R., application for pardon, 301, 305.
BINGHAM, JOHN A., report on immunities of citizens,

105; joint resolution for the restoration of Tennes-
see, 105, 151, 152; amendment to resolution on Presi-
dent's policy, 111; motion respecting the head-
quarters of the general commanding the armies,
178; bill to validate certain proclamations and acts
of the President, 185.

BLAIR, FRANCIS P., General, nominated for Vice Presi-

dent, 371; letter of acceptance, 369; preceding
speech, and letter to Colonel Brodhead, 380-381.
BLOCKADE, proclamations concerning, 7, 9, 13.
BOUTWELL, GEORGE S., resolution for trial of Jeff. Davis,
113; bill to prescribe test-oath for attorneys, 184.
BROOMALL, JOHN M., resolutions of, note, 111-113.
BROWNING, ORVILLE H., Secretary of the Interior, 181,
347; letter of, on General Grant, 289.
BUCHANAN, GENERAL, General Grant's telegram to, 325.
BUTLER, BENJAMIN F., amendment to reconstruction
bill, 338.

CABINET OF PRESIDENT JOHNSON, members of, 107, 181,347.
CANBY, E. R. S., Major General, telegrams forbidding

meeting of rebel legislatures, 19; orders of, in third
military district, 318, 319; order assigning, 345.
CARTTER, DAVID K., chief justice, opinions on test-oath,

CENSUS TABLES, on representation, population, &c., 125.
CHANDLER, ZACHARIAH, motion respecting Mr. Stanton's
removal, 263.

CHASE, SALMON P., Chief Justice, President Johnson's

allusions to, 135, 140; opinion on habeas corpus case,
217-220; opinion in Mississippi injuction case, 239,
240; oath as presiding officer at impeachment
trials, 271; motions proposing thanks to, 350, 368;
vote for nomination for President, 371.
CITIZENSHIP, Constitutional amendment, 102; legislation
respecting, 78.


CIVIL RIGHTS BILL, veto of, copy of, and votes upon,
CIVIL TENURE BILL, veto of, copy of, and votes upon,
CLARKE, SIDNEY, resolutions on impeachment, 190,
COLFAX, SCHUYLER, Speaker of House of Representatives,
108, 182, 347; nominated for Vice President, 366;
letter of acceptance, 366.

COLORADO, first bill for admission of, veto and votes, 81-
83; second bill, veto and votes, 160-164.
COLORED PEOPLE, Président Johnson's address to, 63; in-
terview with, 52-56; conventions of, in insurrec-
tionary States, 18, 20, 21-24.

COLORED SOLDIERS, President Johnson's address to, 49-
52; General Grant's letter on protecting, 295.
COLORED SUFFRAGE, President Johnson's telegram to
Provisional Governor Sharkey, 19, 20; President
Lincoln to Governor Hahn, note, 20; President
Johnson's allusions, 24, 49, 52-55; proposed in Dis-
trict of Columbia, 114-116; in Territories, 116, 184;
proposed in Connecticut, and vote, 120; in District
of Columbia, 114-116, 154-160; in insurrectionary
States, 192; in various loyal States, 257, 258, 353, 354.
COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, of the army, headquarters perma-
nently fixed, protest of President Johnson, and
vote upon, 178.

COMMERCIAL INTERCOURSE, President Johnson's orders
respecting, 7, 9, 13.

CONFISCATED LANDS, bill to restore, 187.

CONGRESS, resolution on duty of, to guarantee a repub-
lican form of government, 112; President John-
son's telegram to Provisional Governor Perry on
organization of 39th, 24; members of 39th Con-
gress, 107, 108, 181, 182; of 40th, 182, 183, 347; Presi-
dent Johnson's description of, "as a body hanging
upon the verge of the government," 127; other allu-
sions to, 128, 129, 135, 137, 138, 142.

CONKLING, ROSCOE, motion respecting Alabama, 341.
CONNECTICUT, election of 1865 on colored suffrage, and

election of 1866, 120; election of 1867, 259; party
platforms in 1867, 243, 244; election of 1868, 372.
Seward's certificate of ratification the anti-slave-
ry amendment, 6; President Johnson's message on
proposed amendment to, 83; votes on propositions
of amendment, 102-106; votes of legislatures on the
14th amendment, 194, 353; proposed substitute for,
258; ratification of 14th amendment, 379.
CONVENTIONS, call for, National Union, at Philadelphia,
14th August, 1866, 118; resolutions of, 240, 241; reso-
lutions of Union National of 1864, 117; of Demo-
cratic National of 1864, 118; of Pennsylvania Union
and Democratic of 1866, 123; Maryland Union,
1866, 124; call for Southern Unionists, 124, resolu
tions of, 241; of Pittsburg soldiers and sailors',
242; of Cleveland soldiers and sailors', 243; other
of 1867, 243-257; resolutions of National, of 1852,
1856, 1860, and 1864, 356-364; of 1868, 364–368.
COOK, BURTON C., bill to suspend payment of bounty to
former owners of colored volunteers, 186.
COOPER, EDMUND, telegram respecting peace proclama-
tion, 17; claimant of seat in Congress, 108; admis-
sion of, 182.

CORBETT, HENRY W., motion respecting Mr. Stanton's
suspension, 263.

COWAN, EDGAR, proposition for female suffrage, 184.
DAVIS, DAVID, Justice, opinion in Milligan case, 209-
217; endorsements of, 244, 248.

DAVIS, JEFFERSON, President Johnson's order for arrest
of, 7; resolutions for trial of, 113; President John-
son's allusions to, 135, 140.

DAVIS, TIMOTHY T., motion to table impeachment reso-
lution, 188.

DEBT, amount of, of United States, 126, 259, 374.
DEFREES, JOSEPH H., resolution on elective franchise,

DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL PLATFORM of 1864, 118; address of
Democratic Congressmen, 119, 120; platform of
Pennsylvania in 1866, 123; sundry other, of 1867,
244, 246, 247; National platforms of 1852, 1856, 1860,
and 1864, 356-364; of 1868, 367, and vote for Presi
dent in, 371.

DIRECT TAXES, proposed constitutional amendment on,

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, President Johnson on proposed

suffrage in, 52; bill on suffrage, 114-116; bill to
regulate the elective franchise in, veto of, copy
of, and votes upon, 154-160; bill for the further se-
curity of equal rights in, 351.

DIXON, JAMES, proposition for intelligence-test for suf-
frage, 184; amendment to resolution on Mr. Stan-
ton's removal, 262.

DOOLITTLE, JAMES R., amendment to reconstruction bill,
338; vote for nomination for President, 371.
DOUGLASS, FREDERICK, President Johnson's interview,

DRAKE, CHARLES D., motion respecting Mr. Stanton's
removal, 263; amendment to Arkansas bill, 337.
EDMUNDS, GEORGE F., resolution on removal of Mr. Stan-
ton, 262; on confirming General Schofield, 264.
ELECTIONS of 1866, returns of, 120; of 1867, 259; of 1860,
1864, 1866, and 1867, 372.

ELECTIVE FRANCHISE, resolution concerning, in the
States, 110; in District of Columbia, 114-116, 154-
160; in Territories, 116, 117, 184; in the insurrec-
tionary States, 192; President Lincoln upon, note,
24; President Johnson upon, 19, 20, 24, 49, 52-55,
154-159; proposed female, and intelligence-suf-
frage, 184.

ELECTORAL COLLEGE of 1864, and vote in, 372; of 1868, 372;
act respecting counting votes in, 378; veto of, by
President Johnson, and votes on re-passage, 379.
ELIOT, THOMAS D., bill to repeal power to pardon by pro-
clamation, 183.

EWING, THOMAS JR., proposed resolution of, at soldiers
and sailors' convention, 369; vote for nomination
for President, 371.

EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS, General Grant's testimony
upon, 296.

FEMALE SUFFRAGE, proposition for, in Senate and House,
and votes, 184; former in New Jersey, note, 258;
proposition in Kansas and Wisconsin, 258; votes
upon, 353.

FARNSWORTH, JOHN F., motion respecting Florida, 341.
FERRY, ORRIS S., amendment to the Arkansas bill, 340.
FIELD, STEPHEN F., Justice, opinion in test-oath cases,
220-228; vote for nomination for President, 371.
FINANCIAL LEGISLATION, on 5.20's, 10.40's, "greenbacks,"
&c., 354.

FIVE-TWENTY BONDS, act authorizing, 354.
FLORIDA, provisional governor appointed, 12; General
Gillmore's order annulling acting Governor Alli-
son's call of rebel legislature, 24; reconstruction
steps in, 24, 25; Freedmen's code, 38-41; claimants
in Congress, 107, 108; made part of third military
district, 200; orders and action of the military
therein, 201-206, 319-321; new constitution of, 328,
329; restoration to representation, 337, 341; vote of
legislature on 14th amendment, 353; Senators and
Representatives from, 348.

FORNEY, JOHN W., 107, 182, 347; allusions of President
Johnson to, 61.

FOSTER J. G., General, Grant's order to, on order 44,
308; report of, note, 309.

on adopting, 102; votes of legislatures on ratifying,
191-194,352,353; certificate of Mr. Seward respecting,
379; concurrent resolution of Congress upon, 380.
FREEDMEN'S BUREAU, President Johnson's veto of first,
copy of, and votes on passing and repassing, 68-
74; veto of second, copy of, votes on passing and
repassing, 147-151; number of rations issued by, to
April 1, 1866, note, 69; bill to continue, 349; whole
expenditures of, note, 349; additional bill, 378.
FRELINGHUYSEN, FREDERICK T., bill to restore confiscated
property, 187; motion respecting General Scho-
field's confirmation, 264.

FUNDING BILL, the, 382.

GEORGIA, General Gillmore's order annulling Governor
Brown's call for a meeting of the rebel legislature,
20; reconstruction steps in, 20, 21; laws on freed-
mén, 32, 33; claimants in Congress, 107, 108, 182;
vote of legislature on 14th amendment, 194; made
part of third military district, 200; orders and ac-
tion of the military therein, 204-206, 319-321; new
constitution of, 330, 331; restoration to representa-
tion, 337; Representatives elect from, 348; ratifica-
tion of 14th amendment, 380.

GRANT, ULYSSES S., General, LETTERS OF, to Secretary
Stanton and President Johnson on taking the
War Office ad interim, 261, 262; to and from Presi-
dent Johnson respecting his retirement from the
War Office, 282-293; on removal of Sheridan and
Stanton, 306-308; to Hon.E. B. Washburne on slavery
and reconstruction, 294; to Hon. I. N. Morris on
being a candidate for office, 295; on results of
peace on any terms," and filling the armies, 295;
on protecting colored soldiers, 296; on going to
Mexico, 296; on Baltimore troubles of 1866, 297;


on martial law in Texas, 298; on order 44, 308; to
Generals Foster, Sheridan, Pope, Meade, Órd, and
Governor Throckmorton, respecting reconstruc-
tion matters, 308-314; accepting nomination for
President, 365.

GRANT, ULYSSES S., General, ORDERS OF, for protection of
loyal persons, 122; for suppression of disloyal news-
papers, 123; and revocation of the same, 199; as-
signing commanders to military districts, 200; dis-
allowing State and local elections in Alabama, 204;
respecting return of slaves from camps, 293; use of
colored persons in the army, 293; organization of
negro regiments, 294; establishment and control of
camps for freedmen, 294; orders and telegrams re-
specting reconstruction, 308-314; on reappointing
removed civil officers in the rebel States, 314; tele-
gram to General Buchanan, 325.

GRANT, ULYSSES S., REPORTS OF, on condition of insur-
rectionary States, 67, 68; terms of Lee's surrender,
120, 121, and views upon, 299; law fixing headquar-
ters of, 178; testimony on exchange of prisoners,
296; testimony on reconstruction, 298-306; testi-
mony on Baltimore troubles, 305, 306; on applica-
tions of Lee and others for benefit of amnesty,
301-305; report of, as Secretary of War ad interim,

"GREENBACKS," law limiting amount of, 355.
GRIFFIN, CHARLES, General, jury order of, 323; order
respecting, 344.

HABEAS CORPUS, annulling suspension of, in certain
States, 15, resolution on, 112; bill respecting, 116;
opinions of Supreme Court on, 210-220.

HALE, ROBERT S., amendment to suffrage bill, 114.
HALPINE, CHARLES G., President Johnson's interview
with, 141-143.

HANCOCK, WINFIELD S., General, orders respecting, 306-
308, 345; orders of, 324; vote for nomination for
President, 371.

HENDERSON, JAMES H. D., resolution on treason, 109.
HENDERSON, JOHN B., motion respecting General Scho-

field's confirmation, 264; amendment to Arkansas
bill, 339; motion proposing thanks to Chief Justice
Chase, 350.

HENDRICKS, THOMAS A., amendment to Arkansas bill, 339;
vote for nomination for President, 371.
HILL, RALPH, resolution on test-oath, 110.
HOLDEN, WILLIAM W., appointed provisional governor
of North Carolina, 11; President Johnson's tele-
gram to, respecting rebel debt, 19; defeated for
governor at election, 19; call of, for meeting of
Tegislature of North Carolina, 319.

HOLMAN, WILLIAM S., motion to table impeachment re-
solutions, 190.

HOMESTEAD ACT, bill extending, 116, 186.
HOWARD O. O., Major General, orders of, 12, 13.
HUMPHREYS, BENJAMIN G., Governor of Mississippi, pro-
clamation of, 322; removal of, 323.
Congress, 187-190; subsequent votes, and articles,
answer, and judgment of the Senate, 264-282.
INSURRECTIONARY STATES, proclamations concerning, 7,
9, 11, 13-17, 194; reconstruction steps in, 18-28; laws
on freedmen, 29-44; President Johnson's mes
sages concerning, 64-67, 166-172, 178-180; General
Grant's report, 67, 68; votes in Congress upon, note,
72, 183, 184; reports, propositions, and laws, 102-
106, 166-172, 178-180, 335-337; claimants for seats
in Congress, 107, 108, 181-183; Senators and Repre-
sentatives from, 347, 348.

JENKINS, CHARLES J., Governor, threatened removal of,
311; actual removal, 320.

JOHNSON, ANDREW, inauguration of, 44; Cabinet of, 107,
181, 347.

of Indiana, 44-47; Nashville speech of June 9,
1864, note, 46, 47; to Virginia refugees, 47, 48; with
George L. Stearns, 48, 49; to colored soldiers, Oc-
tober 10, 1865, 49-51; with Senator Dixon, 51, 52;
with colored delegation respecting suffrage, and
reply of, 52-55; with committee of the Virginia
legislature, 56-58; speech of February 22, 1866, 58-
63; speech to colored people of District of Colum-
bia, 63; on receiving proceedings of Philadelphia
convention, 127-129; in New York, 129-134; in
Cleveland, 134-136; in St. Louis, 136-141; with
Charles G. Halpine, 141-143.

requesting his resignation, 261; appointing Gen.
U. S. Grant Secretary of War ad interim, 261; ap-
pointing Lorenzo Thomas Secretary of War ad
interim, 266; correspondence with General Grant
on his retiring from the War Office, 282-293.
JOHNSON, ANDREW, MESSAGES OF-First annual, 64-66;
second annual, 143–147; special, on the condition

of the insurrectionary States, 66, 67; veto of first
Freedmen's bureau bill, 68-72; of second, 147-149;
veto of civil rights bill, 74-78; veto of first Colo-
rado bill, 81, 82; of second, 160-163; on proposed
constitutional amendment, 83; on restoring Ten-
nessee to her relations to the Union, 152-154; veto
of the District of Columbia suffrage bill, 154-159;
veto of the Nebraska bill, 164, 165; veto of the
military reconstruction bill, 166-172; veto of the
civil tenure bill, 173-176; accompanying the ap-
proval of an army appropriation bill, 178; veto of
the supplemental reconstruction bill, 178-180;
message accompanying the approval of a recon-
struction appropriation bill, 181; message an-
nouncing to the Senate the removal of Mr. Stan-
ton, 262; veto of electoral college bill, 378-379.
194-208; on commercial intercourse and blockade,
7, 9, 13; for trial and punishment of Abraham
Lincoln's assassins, 7; for arrest of Jefferson Da-
vis, Clement C. Clay, and others, 7; and withdrawal
of, note, 198; for release of Clement C. Clay, note, 8;
recognizing Governor Pierpoint's administration in
Virginia, 8; respecting rebel cruisers receiving
hospitality in foreign ports, 9; of amnesty, 9, 10;
appointing provisional governors in North Caro-
lína, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, Alabama, South
Carolina, and Florida, 11, 12; respecting freedmen,
12, 13; for return of property to pardoned persons,
13; respecting the State of Tennessee, 13, 14; pass-
ports for paroled prisoners, 14; paroling certain
State prisoners, 14; withdrawing martial law from
Kentucky, 15; annulling the suspension of the
habeas corpus, 15; announcing that the rebellion
had ended in certain States named, 15, 16; that
civil authority exists throughout the whole of the
United States, 194-196; President Johnson's inter-
pretation thereof, note, 17; in relation to appoint-
ments to office, 17; in relation to trials by military
courts and commissions, 17; forbidding the inva-
sion of Canada by the Fenians, 17, 18; respecting
merchant vessels in certain ports of Japan, 196,
197; respecting Maximilian's decree of July 9,
1866, 196; respecting suspension of tonnage and
impost duties of Hawaiian vessels, 197; declaring
Nebraska a State in the Union, 198; withdrawing
reward for John H. Surratt, and others, 198; con-
cerning release of convicts, 198, 199; assigning
commanders to military districts, 199, 200, 306-308,
344-346; order suspending Secretary Stanton, 261;
order removing Secretary Stanton, 265; order ap-
pointing General Lorenzo Thomas ad interim, 266;
order to General Grant respecting orders issued
by Secretary Stanton, 284; orders respecting Bal-
timore troubles in 1866, 297; orders respecting
Sheridan, Thomas, Hancock, 306-308; proclama-
tion enjoining obedience to the Constitution and
the laws, 342; extending full pardon to certain per-
sons engaged in the rebellion, 342, 343; of general
amnesty, 344; order respecting transaction of
public business, 344; correcting an error of date
in previous proclamation, 344; order establishing
a new military division, 346; proclamation respect-
ing the ratification of 14th amendment by Florida
and North Carolina, 379.

JOHNSON, ANDREW, proposed impeachment of, 187-190;
subsequent votes, articles, answer, and judgment
of the Senate, 264-282.

and Johnson, on repudiating rebel debt of North
Carolina and Georgia, 19, 20, 21; to Prov. Gov.
Sharkey on colored suffrage, 19, 20; to Prov. Gov.
Perry on ratifying anti-slavery amendment, &c.,
22, 23, 24; to Prov. Gov. Marvin on ratifying anti-
slavery amendment, 25; to Gov. Brownlow on en-
forcing election laws, 27, 199; to Gov. Murphy, of
Arkansas, 28; to Prov. Gov. Throckmorton, of
Texas, 199; to Montgomery Blair, 199; to ex-Gov.
Parsons, of Alabama, on Alabama's withdrawal of
ratification of 14th amendment, note, 352.
JOHNSON, ANDREW, thanks of House to, 113; sundry re-
solutions on, 111, 112, 187-190, 364, 368.
JOHNSON, ANDREW, validating certain proclamations and
acts of, 185.

JOHNSON, JAMES, Prov. Gov. of Georgia, 12; telegrams
from and to, 20, 21.

JOHNSTON, JOSEPH E., General, agreement with General
Sherman, 121, 122.

various propositions of, 102-106.

JUDICIAL OPINIONS, on habeas corpus, 210-220; on test-oath,
220-239; on military reconstruction bill, 239, 240.
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, report on proposed impeachment,
183, 189.

[ocr errors]

JULIAN, GEORGE W., homestead bills of, 116, 186.
KANSAS, votes on proposed constitutional amend-
ments, 354.
KELLEY, WILLIAM D., suffrage bill of, 114.
KELSO, JOHN R., resolutions on impeachment, 187, 188.
KENTUCKY, withdrawal of martial law, 15; resolutions
of 1798, 254-256.
LEBLOND, FRANCIS C., motion on disbanding, militia of
certain States, 178.
LEE, R. E., terms of surrender, 120, 121; application
of, for benefit of amnesty proclamation, and action
thereon, 305; General Grant on, 301-305.
LEGAL-TENDERS, act authorizing the, 345.
LEGISLATURES, votes on 14th constitutional amendment,
194, 353.
LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, orders for trial and punishment of
assassins of, 7; letter to Gov. Hahn on colored
suffrage, note, 20; telegram to General Weitzel, 26;
withdrawal of reward for alleged assassins of, 198;
vote for, in 1864, 372.


347, 348.
LOAN, BENJAMIN F., resolution on impeachment, 187,
LONGYEAR, JOHN W., resolutions of, 111-113.
LOUISIANA, J. M. Wells elected governor, 28; pardon of
Mayor Monroe, 28, 29; legislation on freedmen, 43,
44; claimants in Congress, 107, 108, 183; new con-
stitution of, 329, 330; restoration to representation,
337; representatives elect from, 348.
MARTIAL LAW, General Grant on declaring, in Texas,
298; General Sheridan's report upon, note, 298.
MCDOWELL, IRVIN, order assigning to and relieving from
command of fourth military district, 346; action
of, 323.

MARVIN, WILLIAM, appointed provisional governor of
Florida, 12; claimant of seat in Senate, 107.
MARYLAND, unconditional Union platform, 124; legisla-
ture, on 14th amendment, 194; Republican plat-
form and calls of 1867, 245; memorial to Congress
of Republican members of the legislature, note,
246; sundry facts respecting, 259; new constitution
of, 326.
McCLELLAN, GEORGE B., vote of, for President, in 1864,
MCCULLOCH, HUGH, Secretary of the Treasury, 107, 181,
347; letter of, on General Grant, 289.
MCPHERSON, EDWARD, clerk of House, 108, 182, 347; tele-
grams concerning, 24.

MEADE, GEORGE G., General, telegrams to and from
Grant, 313, 314; removal of Gov. Jenkins, of Geor-
gia, 320; telegram on test-oath, 320; order assign-
ing, 346.
MEXICO, relations of United States and France to, 146,
147; General Grant and the proposed mission to,
MICHIGAN, Votes in, on constitutional amendments, 353.
MILITARY COURTS, effect of peace proclamation upon,
note, 17; order in relation to, 17.
MILITARY RECONSTRUCTION BILL, 191,192; supplements, 192,
193, 335-337; orders thereunder, 199-208; 316-325;
345, 346.


orders respecting, 178, 201.

MILLER, SAMUEL F., Justice, opinion on test-oath cases,

MILLIGAN CASE, opinion of Supreme Court, 210-220.
MINNESOTA, vote on proposed constitutional amend-
ment, 354.

MISSISSIPPI, rebel legislature forbidden to assemble, 19;
reconstruction steps in, 19, 20; on colored suffrage
in, 19, 20; laws on freedmen, 29-32; claimants in
Congress, 107, 108; made part of fourth military
district, 200; orders and action of the military
therein, 321-323; new constitution of, 334.
MORRILL, LOT M., amendments to suffrage bill, 115.
NATIONAL PLATFORMS of 1852, 1856, 1860, and 1864, 356-364;
of 1868, 364–368.

NEBRASKA, election in, on State government, &c., 120;
veto of, and votes upon, bill to admit, 164-166; pro-
clamation of President Johnson, of admission of,

NEW HAMPSHIRE, election in 1866, 120; in 1867, 259; in
1868, 372.

NEW JERSEY, Vote of legislature on ratifying 14th amend-
ment, 194; on withdrawing the ratification, 353.
NEW YORK, new constitution of, 326.
NEW ORLEANS RIOTS, President Johnson's allusions to,

NOELL, THOMAS E., bill to authorize female suffrage, 184.
NORTH CAROLINA, provisional governor appointed, 11;
reconstruction steps, 18, 19; claimants for seats in
Congress, 107, 108, 183; convention of colored

ple, 18; laws on freedmen, 29; platform of Repub- |
lican State convention, 251, 252; made part of sec-
ond military district, 200; orders and action of the
military therein, 201-204, 317-319; new constitution
of, 332; restoration to representation, 337; Repre-
sentatives elect from, 348; vote of legislature on
14th amendment, 353.

ОнIо, legislature on 14th amendment, 194; votes on
withdrawal of, 353; resolutions of Democratic con-
vention of 1867, 247, 248; votes on proposed amend-
ment to State constitution, 353.

ORD, EDWARD O. C., Major General, assignment of, to
and from the command of fourth military district,
200, 345; orders of, 206, 321-323.

ORDER NO. 44, facts concerning, 122, 308.

SCHOFIELD, JOHN M., Major General, orders of, 200, 201;
confirmation of, as Secretary of War, 264, 347; ac-
tion of, in reconstructing Virginia, 316, 317.
SCHURZ, CARL, General, resolutions of, at Chicago Con-
vention, 360.

CLAIMANTS, 107, 108, 181, 182, 347.
SEWARD, WILLIAM H., Secretary of State, 107, 181, 347; cer-
tificate of ratification of anti-slavery amendment, 6;
telegrams to provisional governors, 21, 23, 24, 25,
199; report on transmission of 14th constitutional
amendment, 83, 84; letter of, on General Grant's
onversation with President Johnson, 290; certifi-
tate of ratification of 14th constitutional amend-
ment, 379.

ORDERS, MILITARY, 36-38; 41, 42; 122, 123, 124; 199-208; SEYMOUR, HORATIO, nominated for President, 371; speech

OREGON, election of 1866, 120; of 1868, 372.

PARDONED REBELS, order for return of property to, 13;
President Johnson's allusions to, 139.
PARSONS, LEWIS E., provisional governor of Alabama, 12;
claimant of seat as Senator, 107; telegram to Pres-
ident Johnson respecting 14th amendment, and re-
ply, note, 352.

PEASE, E. M., appointed governor of Texas, 323.
PENNSYLVANIA, resolutions of Union and Democratic
State conventions of 1866, 123.

PERRY, BENJAMIN F., provisional governor of South
Carolina, 12; telegrams to and from, 22, 23, 24; claim-
ant of seat as Senator, 107.
PHILLIPS, WENDELL, President Johnson's allusions to, 61,
135, 140.

PICKETT, GEORGE E., General, application for clemency,
301, 305; General Grant upon, 305.
PIERPOINT, FRANCIS H., recognized as Governor of Vir-
ginia, 8; superseded, 317.

PLATFORMS of 1864, Union and Democratic, 117, 118;
State platforms of 1866, 123, 124, 240-243; of 1867,
243-253; national platforms of 1852, 1856, 1860, and
1864, 356-364; of 1868, 364–368.

POPE, JOHN, Major General, orders of, 204-206; telegrams
to and from Grant, 310-313; orders and action of, in
third military district, 319, 320; order relieving, 346.
194-208, 342-346, 379.

PUBLIC DEBT, resolution respecting inviolability of, 109;
proposed constitutional amendment respecting, 102,
103, 191; amount of, 126, 259, 374; President John-
son's allusions to, 141, 146.

PUBLIC LANDS, proposed legislation on, 116, 186.
RANDALL, ALEXANDER W., Postmaster General, 181, 387;
letter of, on General Grant, 289.

RANDALL, SAMUEL J., resolution on public debt, 109.
REBEL CRUISERS, proclamation concerning, 9.

REBEL DEBT, propositions to repudiate, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28,
102, 106, 109, 191.

REBELLION SUPPRESSED, proclamation announcing the,
15, 16, 194-196.

REBELS PARDONED, order for return of property to, 13.
RECONSTRUCTION, majority and minority of committe on,

84-101; votes upon propositions of, note, 72, 102-106;
reconstruction bill, ("military,") veto of, copy of,
and votes upon, 166-173; supplementary reconstruc-
tion bill, veto of, copy of, and votes upon, 178-181;
General Grant's views upon, 294, 298-306; supple-
mental measures, July, 1867, March and July, 1868,
and orders connected therewith, 335-341; President
Johnson's orders referring to, 199, 200, 345, 346, 379.

CONGRESSES, 166-173, 178-181, 335-341; votes of legis-
latures thereon, 194, 353, 380.
REPRESENTATION, proposed constitutional amendment
on, 102-105, 191; census tables on, 125.
Johnson's allusions to, 57-66, 71, 72, 82, 130, 144, 153,
172; concurrent resolution upon, note, 72; majority
and minority reports upon, 84-101; bills and propo-
sitions relating to, 102-106; resolution concerning,
109; joint resolution regulating, 184; bills prescrib-
ing terms of, 191, 192, 335-337.

ANTS, 108, 109, 181, 182; in Fortieth, 182, 183, 347, 348.
REPUBLICAN NATIONAL PLATFORMS of 1856, 1860, and 1864,
356-364; of 1868, 364, 365, and vote in, for Vice Pres-
ident, 366.

ROBINSON, WILLIAM E., motion to table impeachment
resolution, 190.

RHODE ISLAND, election of 1866, 120; of 1867, 259; of 1868,

SCHENK, ROBERT C., propositions on representation, 104,
105; on Fenian resolution, 114; on suffrage in Dis-
trict of Columbia, 115; on suspending payment for
slaves drafted or volunteered, 186 187.

on accepting, 381.

SHARKEY, WILLIAM L., provisional governor of Missis-
sippi, 12; action as, 19, 20; claimant as Senator, 107.
SHERIDAN, PHILIP H., Major General, orders under mili-
tary reconstruction bill, 206, 207; report on condi-
tion of Texas, note, 298; letters and orders on re-
moval of, 306-308, 345; orders and telegrams of, and
to, on reconstruction, 308-310.

SHERMAN, JOHN, motion respecting Georgia, 340.
SHERMAN, WILLIAM T., General, agreement with General
Johnston, 121, 122.

SICKLES, DANIEL E., Major General, order setting aside
South Carolina code, 36-38; orders under military
reconstruction bill, 202-204, 317; order relieving, 345.
SLAVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION, General Grant's views upon,
293, 298-304.

SLAVES, to suspend payment of, 186, 187; General Grant's
orders respecting, 293, 294.

SOUTH CAROLINA, provisional governor appointed, 12;
telegrams to and from, 22, 23, 24, and note; recon-
struction steps in, 22-24; General Gillmore's order
annulling Governor Magrath's call for a rebel legis-
lature, 22; laws on freedmen, and General Sickles's
order thereon, 34-37; claimants in Congress, 107,
108, 182; made part of second military district, 200;
platform of Charleston Republicans, 1867, 252, 253;
orders and action of the military therein, 200-204,
317-319; new constitution of, 332, 333; restoration
to representation, 337; Representatives elect from,
SPALDING, RUFUS P., motion to table impeachment reso-
lution, 188; subsequent resolution, 265.
STANBERY, HENRY, Attorney General, 181; of President's
counsel, 271; rejected on re-nomination, 347.
STANTON, EDWIN M., Secretary of War, 107, 181; request


for resignation of, and reply, 261; order of suspen-
sion, and Senate vote upon, 261, 262; order of re-
moval, and Senate vote upon, 262, 263; letters to
General Grant and to President Johnson, 261, 262;
letter announcing that he had relinquished charge
of the War Department, and order to General
Townsend, 203; President Johnson's order respect-
ing orders of, 284; General Grant's letter to Presi-
dent Johnson on removal of, 306–308; vote of thanks
to, 350; of censure of, 368.

STATE PRISONERS released, 199, 200.
STEARNS, GEORGE L., President Johnson's interview
with, 48, 49.
STEVENS, THADDEUS, allusions of President Johnson to,
61, 135, 137, 140; resolutions on representation, note,
72; propositions from Reconstruction Committee,
103-105; resolution on test-oath for lawyers, 111;
motion not to recognize the North Carolina State
government, 113; report and action in favor of im-
peachment, 265, 266.

STEWART, WILLIAM M., motion respecting General Scho-
field's confirmation, 264.
SUFFRAGE, in District of Columbia, 114-116; veto of bill
regulating, copy of, and votes on passing and re-
passing, 154-160; in Territories, 116, 117, 184; vote
in Connecticut, 120; votes in Michigan, Ohio, Kan-
sas, and Minnesota, 353; President Lincoln upon,
note, 20; President Johnson upon, 19, 20, 24, 49, 52-
55, 154-159; proposed female and intelligence-suff-
rage, 184; in the insurrectionary States, 192, 194,

SUMNER, CHARLES, allusions of President Johnson to, 61,


SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES, opinions on habeas cor-
pus, 209-220; test-oaths, 220-234; Mississippi in-
junction case, 239, 240; proposed legislation re-
specting, 350.

SURRATT, JOHN H., reward for arrest of, withdrawn, 198.
SWAYNE, WAGER, General, orders of, 204, 206, 319: order
relieving, 346.

TABER, STEPHEN, amendment of homestead act, 116.
TARIFFS, votes on all, since 1816, 126.
TEN-FORTY BONDS, act authorizing the, 354.

TENNESSEE, President Johnson's proclamation respect-
ing suppression of insurrection in, 13; franchise
acts in, 27, 28, and President Johnson's telegram to
Governor Brownlow respecting, 27, 199; legisla-
tion on freedmen, 42, 43; joint resolution restor-
ing the relations of, to the Union, 105, 152; message
of President Johnson in approval of, 152, 153; ad-
mission of Senators and Representatives, 181, 182;
Governor Brownlow's proclamation respecting a
State guard, 208; legislature on 14th amendment,
194; Republican and "Conservative" platforms of
1867, 248, 249.

TENURE-OF-OFFICE ACT, 176; veto of, and votes upon,

TERRITORIES, elective franchise in, 116, 184.
TERRY, General, order relative to vagrant laws of Vir-
ginia, 41, 42.

TEST-OATH, action of North Carolina requesting repeal
of, 19; of Mississippi, 20; votes in House on, 110,
111, 184; copy of, note, 193; opinions of Supreme
Court on, 220-240.

TEXAS, provisional governor appointed, 12; action of
convention, 18; laws on freedmen, 43; claimants
of seats in Congress, 184; legislature on 14th
amendment, 194; resolutions of convention of,
325; important military order in, 356.
THOMAS, GEORGE H,, Major Generai, various orders re-
specting, 200, 306, 307, 344; telegram of, declining
brevet, 346.

THOMAS, LORENZO, letter of authority as Secretary of
War ad interim, 266; acceptance of, 263.
THORNTON, ANTHONY, resolution on elective franchise,110.
THROCKMORTON, J. W., Governor, Grant's telegram to, 310.
TOWNSEND, E. D., General, order of Secretary Stanton
to, 264.

TREASON, resolution on punishment of, 109.

TRIMBLE, LAWRENCE S., motion to table bill respecting
confiscated lands, 187.

TRUMBULL, LYMAN, motion respecting Alabama, 341.
VIRGINA, order to re-establish authority in, 8, 9; call
for meeting of rebel legislature and Mr. Lincoln's
telegram forbidding, 25; legislation in, 26, 27;
freedmen's code, and General Terry's order set-
ting aside, 41, 42; claimants for seats in Congress,
107, 108; republican platform of 1867, 253, 254; Vir-
ginia resolutions of 1798, 256, 257; order creating it
the first military district, 200; orders and action of
the military therein, 200, 316, 317; Henry H. Wells
appointed governor, 317; new constitution of, 333.
VOORHEES, DANIEL W., resolution endorsing President
Johnson's policy, 111.

WELLES, GIDEON, Secretary of the Navy, 107, 181, 347;
letter of, on General Grant, 290.

WELLS, HENRY H., appointed governor of Virginia, 317.
WEST VIRGINIA BILL, votes on, 116; election of 1866, 120.
WHIPPING OF THE PERSON, order prohibiting in Virginia,
200, 201; elsewhere, 201.
WILLEY, WAITMAN T., amendment to suffrage bill, 115,
116; motion on confirming General Schofield, 264.
WILLIAMS, GEORGE H., motion respecting certain con-
stitutions, 340, 341.
WILLIAMS, THOMAS, resolution on withdrawing military
force, 111; bill to restore confiscated lands, 187;
proposition relative to Supreme Court, 350.
WILSON, HENRY, motion respecting Secretary Stanton's
removal, 263; motion respecting Alabama, 340; vote
of, for Vice President, 366.

WILSON, JAMES F., proposition relative to rebel debt,
106; resolution on representation, 109, 110; amend-
ment to suffrage bill, 114; report on impeachment,
188, 189.

WOODBRIDGE, FREDERICK E., motion respecting Alabama,


WYLIE, ANDREW, Justice, opinion on test-oath, 236-239.
YATES, RICHARD, motion respecting Secretary Stanton's
removal, 263.

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