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the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called with the following result: Yeas, 21; nays, 3.

Gentlemen voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Brandley, Butler, Barker, Crichton, Edwards, Grimes, Guerin, Martindale, McFarland, McWirt, Moonlight, Morrill, Murdock, Palmer, Price, Rogers, Schmidt, Simons, Simpson, St. John, Wilson, J. C., and Wilson, V. P.

Gentlemen voting in the negative were: Messrs. Blair, Ely and St. John.

Gentlemen absent or not voting were: Messrs. Johnson, Judd, Martin, Matheny, O'Neil, Topping, Walker, Winter, and York.

And so, a constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed and the title was agreed to. Ordered that the Secretary inform the House thereof. Senate concurrent resolution No. 18, to amend section 1 of article 14, of the constitution, was taken up for consideration. The question being, Shall the resolution be adopted? the roll was called with the following result: Yeas, 13; nays, 11.

Gentlemen voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Blair, Brandley, Barker, Edwards, Martindale, Moonlight, Morrill, Murdock, Price, Schmidt, Simpson, Wilson, J. C., and Wilson, V. P.

Gentlemen voting in the negative were: Messrs. Butler, Crichton, Ely, Grimes, Guerin, Martindale, McFarland, Palmer, Rogers, Simons, and St. John.

Gentlemen absent or not voting were: Messrs. Johnson, Judd, Martin, Matheny, McWirt, O'Neil, Topping, Walker, Winter, and York.

And so, a constitutional majority not having voted in favor of the adoption of the resolution, the resolution was not adopted. Mr. Murdock moved that the Senate do now resolve itself into committee of the whole for the consideration of bills on the calendar.

Mr. Grimes moved to amend by inserting: "consideration of House bill No. 45, 'An act to authorize the consolidation of bridge companies organized under the laws of this state, with similar companies organized under the laws of an adjoining state,' and bills on the calendar;" which amendment prevailed, and the original motion as amended was adopted.

Mr. Moonlight in the chair.

After some time spent therein the committee arose, and through its chairman made the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee of the whole Senate have had under consideration the following bills:

House bill No. 45, "An act to authorize the consolidation of bridge companies organized under the laws of this state, with similar companies organized under the laws of an adjoining state," and I am directed to report the said bill to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed.

House bill No. 5, "An act authorizing the county commissioners of Cowley county, Kansas, to issue bonds to liquidate the indebtedness of said county," and recommend that it be passed as amended.

Senate bill No. 39, "To amend an act entitled 'An act relating to the sale of property without appraisement,' approved March 1, 1872," and recommend that it be passed.

Senate bill No. 28, "To postpone the sale of real estate for taxes of 1872," and recommend that it be rejected.

Senate bill No. 42, "To amend section 17, chapter 89, general statutes of 1868, in relation to roads and highways," and recommend that it be passed.

Senate bill No. 24, "An act to provide for the publication of all general and certain local laws," and recommend that the enacting clause be stricken out.

Senate bill No. 50, “Relating to certain offenses, and to provide for the punishment thereof," and recommend that it be passed as amended.

House bill No. 10, "An act creating a metropolitan police for cities of the first class," and recommend that it retain its place upon the calendar.

Senate bill No. 40, "To amend an act entitled 'An act amendatory of and supplementary to an act to incorporate cities of the first class, approved February 24, 1868,' approved February 7, 1871," and recommend that it be passed.

THOS. MOONLIGHT, Chairman. Mr. Wilson moved that the report of the committee of the whole Senate be agreed to.

Mr. Simons moved to amend by excepting Senate bill No. 28;

upon which a vote was had, and the amendment did not prevail. The question being upon the motion to agree, a vote was had and the motion was adopted.

Mr. Murdock asked and obtained leave of absence for Hallie Morris, for an indefinite period.

Mr. Murdock, by unanimous consent, offered Senate joint resolution No. 2, relating to the submission of the question of the relocation of the capital of the state, which was laid over under the rules.

On motion, the Senate adjourned.

GEO. C. CROWTHER, Secretary.


SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, KANSAS, February 18, 1873, 10 o'clock A. M. ( The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; President in the chair.

Roll called. The following gentlemen were present, and answered to their names: Messrs. Blair, Brandley, Butler, Barker, Crichton, Edwards, Ely, Grimes, Guerin, Martindale, McFarland, McWirt, Moonlight, Morrill, Murdock, O'Neil, Price, Rogers, Schmidt, Simons, Simpson, St. John, Walker, Wilson, J. C., Wilson, V. P., and Winter. Quorum present.

Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. F. S. McCabe.

The journal of yesterday was read and approved.

Senator Martindale presented a petition from the citizens of Greenwood county, asking protection from depredations committed by stock running at large, which was referred to the committee on agriculture.


Mr. Rogers, chairman pro tem. of the committee on corporations, made the following reports:

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee on corporations, to whom

was referred substitute for Senate bill No. 5, "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act concerning private corporations,' ” have had the same under consideration, and I am directed to report the said bill to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed.

J. W. ROGERS, Chairman pro tem.

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee on corporations, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 112, "An act to authorize the incorporation and establishment of loan and trust companies," have had the same under consideration, and I am directed to report the said bill to the Senate with the recommendation that it be referred to committee of the whole.

J. W. ROGERS, Chairman pro tem.

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee on corporations, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 117, "An act to authorize counties and cities to fund matured indebtedness," have had the same under consideration, and I am directed to report the said bill to the Senate with the recommendation that it be rejected.

J. W. ROGERS, Chairman pro tem.

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee on corporations, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 130, "An act to authorize the townships of Belle Plain, Palestine, Oxford, and Walton, in the county of Sumner, to vote bonds," have had the same under consideration, and I am directed to report the said bill to the Senate with the recommendation that it be rejected.

J. W. ROGERS, Chairman pro tem. Mr. Rogers, chairman of the committee on engrossed bills, made the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee on engrossed bills have examined Senate bill No. 39, "To amend an act entitled 'An act relating to the sale of property without appraisement,' approved March 1, 1872;" Senate bill No. 42, "To amend section 17, chapter 89, general statutes of 1868, in relation to roads and highways;" Senate bill No. 50, "Relating to certain offenses, and to provide for the punishment thereof;" Senate bill No. 40, "To amend an act entitled 'An act amendatory of and supplementary to an act to incorporate cities of the first class, approved Febru

ary 24, 1868,' approved February 7, 1871;" and find the same correctly engrossed.

J. W. ROGERS, Chairman. Mr. McFarland, chairman of the committee on judiciary, made the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee on judiciary, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 119, "An act relating to the printing and binding of the reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court, and to provide for the purchase, sale and disposal thereof," have had the same under consideration, and I am directed to report the said bill to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed.

N. C. MCFARLAND, Chairman.


Senate joint resolution No. 2, relating to the submission of the question of the relocation of the capital of the State of Kansas, was taken up and referred to the committee on federal relations.


Mr. Simons introduced Senate bill No. 139, "An act to vacate blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Drake's addition to the town of Mission, Neosho county, Kansas," which was read the first time.

Mr. O'Neil introduced "An act to vacate certain streets, alleys and public grounds," which was read the first time.

Mr. St. John introduced Senate bill No. 140, "An act to amend section six (6) of an act exempting certain property from sale upon execution or other process," which was read the first time.

Mr. St. John moved that the rules be suspended, and that bills just introduced be read the second time and referred now; which motion prevailed.

Senate bill No. 139, "An act to vacate blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Drake's addition to the town of Mission, Neosho county, Kansas," was read the second time and referred to the committee on corporations.

Senate bill No. 140, "An act to vacate certain streets and alleys and public grounds," was read the second time and referred to the committee on corporations.

Senate bill No. 141, "An act to amend section six (6) of an act exempting certain property from sale upon execution or other

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