Hacks: license of public hacks in towns having more than three thousand .... Haggerty, Charles: claim of, against city of New York...... Chap. Page. 249 484 755 2126 Hahnemann Hospital of the City of New York: Hamilton county: hares and rabbits may be hunted with ferrets, game law amended. 422 958 bonds for iron bridge across Beaverkill river, time of payment 9 11 Harbor master for the port of Albany: office abolished, navigation law amended... Hares: 505 1163 close season in certain counties, game law amended... 422 958 .... not to be hunted with ferrets, Fulton and Hamilton counties ex- Harlem River and Port Chester Railroad Company: land in Pelham Bay park and Bronx and Pelham parkway, New lands under waters of Pelham bay, New York city, to be granted 669 1696 Hawk: destroying or robbing nests of, exception as to, game law annual report of, public health law amended, § 125...... cancer laboratory at Buffalo, maintenance, appropriation for..... 700 1964 699 1914 699 1915 bureau of pathology and bacteriology, appropriation for. 699 1915 699 1914 experts and stenographers, services and expenses, appropriation tetanus and diphtheria antitoxin, manufacture of, appropriation serum therapy in certain diseases, investigations of, appropria- 699 1915 699 1915 699 1915 Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society of the City of New York: cancellation of assessments against property of... Hebrew Infant Asylum of the City of New York: Heirs: Chap. Page. 291 554 service of certain notices upon, code of civil procedure amended.. 433 967 Helping Hand Hospital Association of Peekskill: county clerk, special deputies, acts of certain, legalized. Herkimer, town: Union free school district No. 1, organization of, issue of bonds Herniman, George W.: claim of, for invalid pension, adjutant-general authorized to re- Hessell, Oliver: claim of, against city of New York... 748 2118 Hettinger, John: compensation for injury to real property of, by city of New 624 1522 Highway law amended: highways and bridges, extraordinary repairs, § 10... 417 953 108 151 overseers in towns under money system, appointment of, § 4, 672 1701 removal of obstructions caused by snow in towns under money 672 1701 weeds and brush on highways forming town boundaries, removal 293 556 Highways: changing system of working, highway law amended.. Nassau county, macadamized, preservation of, act amended. Queens county, macadamized, preservation of, act amended. weeds and brush on, removal of, highway law amended.. special election on proposition to erect village building, legalized.. Hose companies: organization of, number of members of, village law amended.... 220 415 Hospitals: acute insane, appropriation for, construction of........... 702 1996 Albany City Homeopathic Hospital, power to take and hold prop- Aurelia Osborn Fox Memorial Hospital Society of Oneonta, appro- Hahnemann Hospital of the City of New York, assessments affect- Hahnemann Hospital, of the City of New York, lease of, changed Helping Hand Hospital Association of Peekskill, Cortlandt town Matteawan State Hospital for Insane Convicts, maintenance, 699 1925 Matteawan State Hospital for Insane Criminals, maintenance, 700 1969 New York State Hospital for the Care of Crippled and Deformed Children at West Haverstraw, appropriation for..... 699 1936 703 19:0 New York State Hospital for the Treatment of Incipient Pul- Oswego, certain lands in Oswego city appropriated to use of.. state, boards of managers of, appointment, terms, powers, insan- 490 1120 boards of visitation abolished, insanity law amended. 490 1120 702 1990 lunacy commission, appointment, terms, salaries, powers, White Plains Hospital Association, appropriation for, by town 115 167 Hotelkeepers: Chap. Page. apartment, liens of, lien law amended, § 71... trafficking in liquors, liquor tax law amended relative to.... Hotels: inspection of, where liquor is sold.... trafficking in liquors, requirements of, liquor tax law amended, bridge across, at Albany, act amended... 381 894 in Moreau, town, bonds for, legalized.. 99 139 Hudson River State Hospital: buildings, repairs and improvements, appropriation for............... partition of real property of, code of civil procedure amended.... 434 968 highways and bridges on, appropriation for..... 700 1972 schools on, repairs, improvements, supplies, appropriation for... 700 1957 Indian schools: repairs and improvements, appropriation for.... 700 1957 699 1894 truants, transportation and maintenance of, appropriation for.... 700 1957 Indians: attorney, compensation of, appropriation for. attorney, compensation of, appropriation for... provision for... Cayugas, annuities, appropriation for.. indigent, relief of, in case of epidemic, public health law amended. annuities, appropriation for..... relief of, appropriation for.. St. Regis, annuities, appropriation for. Senecas, annuities, appropriation for.... Tonawanda band of Senecas, attorney, appropriation for. Inhabitants of state: enumeration of, appropriation for.. items of enumeration of, filing of election district boundaries, act Inmates: state charitable institutions, transfer of.. Insane: acute, hospitals for, appropriation for... 702 1996 state hospitals for, extraordinary repairs at, appropriation for... 702 1996 Insanity law amended: state commissioners in lunacy, appointment, terms, salaries, 490 1120 702 1996 117 110 319 988 Insanity law amended-Continued: Chap. Page. state hospitals, boards of managers of, appointment, terms, powers visitation and inspection of certain institutions, § 7-a. Inspections: vessels, fees for, navigation law amended...... 359 814 Institute for the Deaf and Dumb in New York City: Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes in New York City: support and maintenance, appropriation for.... 699 1937 Insurance companies: casualty and credit, incorporation of, insurance law amended... reorganization of existing corporations, amendment of certifi- service of summons upon, code of civil procedure amended, town and county cooperative, incorporation of, etc. appraisers, examiners, counsel, appropriation for..... litigation, services of deputies and clerks, in office of attorney- superintendent, salary and expenses, appropriation for. Insurance law amended: 699 1916 699 1917 casualty and credit insurance, incorporation, § 70.... life insurance policies, certain provisions not to appear, in § 59.. 568 1261 569 1262 town and county cooperative insurance companies, incorporation, Lloyds associations, relative to, §§ 138, 139, 162. acquisition of site and building for town purposes, bonds for.... 482 1097 |