Bradt, Peter H. L.: escheat property in city of Niagara Falls, released to.. Brady, John: claim of, against city of New York... Brainard, Alfred C.: claim of, against New York city, board of estimate and apportion- Brainard, E. D., and Sons: claim of, against New York city, investigation and payment of... Brennan, James: claim of, against city of New York.... Bridges: acquisition of bridges across Delaware river, options for. extraordinary repairs of, highway law amended. Oswego canal, bridge over, at Willow street, Syracuse, appropria- over railroad tracks on Main street east, assessment for con- Brighton, town: River Bridge Company, time for completion of bridge extended.. 353 645 645 1617 676 1722 portion of, annexed to Rochester city...... Seneca Indian Council Rock commission, town board may appro- accounts of, for taxes paid, comptroller to readjust........ 756 2127 Westchester county, sanitary trunk sewer in, construction and Broome county: county judge and surrogate, salary of, county law amended...... armory, appropriation for...... Brown, James M., Post Memorial Hall Association: name changed, disposition of property.... Brown, James M., Post No. 285: incorporation of. Buffalo city: armory commission to convey certain lands and premises to..... bonds for completing the abatement of certain nuisances author- grade crossing commissioners, may award damages to estate of 664 1689 Indian burying ground on Buffam street, acquiring of, for park Leng, Mary, estate, grade crossing commissioners may award 545 1225 664 1689 Liberty street, part of, to be conveyed to the Delaware, Lacka- premises occupied as armory by Sixty-fifth Regiment, National 544 1224 public instruction, superintendent of education to appoint and re- public school teachers' retirement fund, charter amended, title storm-water drain in, construction of, bonds for. 647 1639 University of, curator of medical department, office abolished. 558 1235 111 157 ward boundaries, charter amended.... 644 1606 water works, park lands to be used as pumping station for. 111 157 Buffalo and White's Corners Plank road: railroads not to operate or lay tracks upon. Buffalo, Gardenville and Ebenezer Railway: Buffalo Southern Railway Company: extension of time to complete road... Buffalo State Hospital: buildings, repairs and improvements, appropriation for........ Building and loan associations: use of the word "savings" by, banking law amended...... fishing through the ice for, in certain waters, game law amended. Bull Run: monument to commemorate services of Fifth Regiment, New York Burke, John: Chap. Page. 671 1699 claim of, against city of Troy, hearing and determination of..... 592 1326 payment of salary of policeman of village of Caledonia.... ... 409 945 Caledonia, village: policeman, payment of part of salary, by town of Caledonia.... 409 945 Calves: slaughter and sale of, for food, agricultural law amended, § 70-e.. Canadice lake: fishing through the ice in, game law amended... 313 584 Canal debt: payment of interest on and portion of principal, appropriation 266 517 payment of interest upon for 1904, appropriation for. 711 2011 710 2010 Canal debt sinking fund: contracts for interest on deposits of, state finance law amended, contracts for interest on deposits of, state finance law amended, 372 876 Canal lands: abandoned, preferences to original owners on sales of, § 51 of Canal law amended: division and resident engineers and assistants, § 51...... Canals: agent in canal claims, appropriation for.... 700 1971 Champlain, cleaning state ditches along, appropriation for. 700 1971 143 319 improvement of, relative to locks and channel.. 740 2102 Chemung, reconstruction of slope wall in Corning, appropriation 172 365 division and resident engineers, assistants, canal law amended. 309 581 700 1971 143 319 740 2102 Gowanus, assessment of damages to real property for construction 224 448 Canals-Continued: Chap. Page. maintenance and ordinary repairs, deficiency, appropriation for.. improvement of, appropriation for.... improvement of, relative to locks and channel. state tax rate for annual contribution to canal debt sinking fund. Canandaigua lake: fishing through the ice in, game law amended.............. 699 1929 172 365 143 319 740 2102 172 385 taxation and assessments, charter amended relative to. impairment of, assessments to make good, banking law amended. 649 Keuka Lake, not to be placed in, game law amended.... fishing through the ice for, in certain waters, game law amended. 313 584 Catherine creek: excavation of, special election at Montour Falls, legalized........ muscallonge, close season, exception as to, game law amended.... 423 959 700 1981 woodcock, grouse and quail, close season, game law amended.... 317 587 Cattaraugus creek: bridge over, at Irving, improvement of, appropriation for..... Cayuga and Seneca canal: unexpended balance in enlargement fund transferred to canal Cayuga county: Fall Brook creek, trout, close season, game law amended........ Cayuga Indians: annuities, appropriation for..... Cemeteries: Kensico, relief of, may hold additional lands........... Oak Lawn cemetery, Olean, removal of remains from, land to be removal of remains from, religious corporations law amended.... Cemetery corporations: taxation of lot owners by, membership corporations law amended, Census: see enumeration...... 83 110 Central New York Institution for the Improved Instruction of support and instruction, appropriation for.... 699 1937 Central Realty Bond and Trust Company: accounts of, for taxes paid, comptroller to readjust........... 756 2127 Central Trust Company: Certiorari proceedings: accounts of, for taxes paid, comptroller to readjust.... 756 2127 unexpended balance in fund for enlargement of locks, transferred president of, approval of plans and specifications for the state 703 2001 reports to, relative to children placed in family homes, poor law 273 524 Rochester office, appropriation for. 699 1906 secretary, salary, appropriation for. 699 1995 state and alien poor bureau, salaries, expenses, appropriation for. 699 1906 699 1905 Chattanooga: New York Monuments Commission for the battlefields of Gettys- 700 1979 Chautauqua county: muscallonge, black bass, yellow bass and bullheads, fishing for, close season, exception as to, game law amended. woodcock, grouse and quail, close season, game law amended.. |