Syracuse. 1892 509 Syracuse. 1892 595 Syracuse 1893 531 Syracuse... Syracuse... All. Amends charter 1885, ch. 26... 684 1795 Sections 17-19. Amends charter 1885, ch. 26.. 1893 531 Sections 24-29. 1885, ch. 26.. 1895 229 Sections 2, 3. ch. 26... 634 1793 Amends charter 685 1819 Amends charter 1885, 684 1795 1895 950 Sections 10-22. Amends charter 1885, ch. 26.... overdrawing of, by bank officers, penal code amended § 600...... 248 483 Actions: partition, parties to, code of civil procedure amended... Adjutant-General: assistant and clerks, appropriation for. 662 1684 699 1921 authorized to reopen claim of George W. Herniman for invalid authorized to sell military equipment to United States War De- 11 general expenses, appropriation for. 13 war claims, service and expenses in prosecuting, appropriation general expenses, appropriation. for.. general expenses, for inaugural ceremonies, appropriation for. naval militia vessel and launches, repairs and maintenance,. pension for members of National guard and naval militia, appro- salary, appropriation for. war records compilation of, appropriation for. Administration, letters of: foreign, authentication of, code of civil procedure amended...... 347 622 Administrators: promotion of, appropriation for. 720 2019 State college of, at Cornell University, appropriation for.. 700 1982 Agriculture, Commissioner of: agents, extra, salaries and expenses, appropriation for. 700 1960 699 1901 agricultural law, article IV., enforcement of, appropriation for.. 700 1959 700 1959 agricultural law, article XIV, enforcement of, appropriation for. 700 1960 699 1900 agricultural statistics bureau, salaries, appropriation for. Agriculture, Commissioner of-Continued: beet sugar, bounty, appropriation for.. diseases of domestic animals, enforcing law relating to, appro- priation for expenses, appropriation for. farmers institute, maintenance, appropriation for. licensing of persons in charge of milk stations, agricultural law New York assistant, salary and expenses, appropriation for. pure food, enforcing law relating to, appropriation for. San José scale, investigation and extermination of, appropriation statistics, collection and dissemination of, agricultural law supervisors, to furnish statistical information to, agricultural Agricultural Experiment Station: bacteriology, horticulture, dairy practice, appropriation for..... Geneva, appropriation for.... horticultural instruction, appropriation for. labor, appropriation for. salaries, appropriation for. Agricultural law amended: animals having tuberculosis, destruction of, compensation for, § 70-a... butter and cheese factories, § 23. calves, slaughter and sale of, for food, § 70-e. cream, selling imitation of, § 22. food adulterations, § 165. licensing of persons in charge of milk stations, § 32. statistics, collection and dissemination of, by commissioner of 243 478 sugar beet culture, promotion and encouragement of, article V.... 759 2133 Agricultural societies: appropriation for .... 699 1900 Albany: port of, harbormaster for, office abolished, navigation law 505 1163 Albany City Homeopathic Hospital: power to take and hold property, enlarged, charter amended..... 308 580 Albany county: sheriff, under-sheriff and jail employees, duties and compensation. 41 47 Albany Home School for the Deaf: support and instruction, appropriation for.... 699 1938 |