State Industrial School at Rochester: buildings, repairs and equipment, appropriation for. site and buildings, appropriation for.. State Medical Library: books, serials and binding, appropriation for.... 699 1890 State moneys: banks designated as depositories, security from, state finance State Normal College: Albany, additional site for, appropriation for...... 716 2016 State printing: contractors, qualifications of, state printing law amended, § 15.. 760 2137 State Printing Board: inspectors to investigate qualifications of contractors, appoint- 760 2137 State printing law amended: qualifications of contractors, inspectors to investigate, § 15..... 760 2137 State Street Presbyterian Church of the City of Schenectady: State Water Supply Commission: establishment of, appointment of, powers and duties.... Staten Island Association of Arts and Sciences: Steam vessels: 242 478 engaging in excursions from cities of over one million inhabit- inspection of, appropriation for. Stein, Phillip: claim of, against city of New York...... Stenographers: county court, salary of, code of civil procedure amended, § 361.. Kings county, appointment, compensation, code of civil pro- surrogates' courts in certain counties, appointment and compen- lost certificates of stock, order of court relative to, 51. Stock transfers: tax on, tax law amended, article XV added. 241 474 Street railroad employees: protection of, in Kings and Queens counties, railroad law Subpoenas: issue of, by police commissioner of New York city, charter 180 377 Subscribers: lists of, unlawful taking, copying or use of, penal code amended. 441 975 spearing and hooking in certain waters, game law amended.... 343 617 62 74 Sugar beet culture: promotion and encouragement of, agricultural law amended, 759 2133 Sullivan county: deer, close season, game law amended... 315 586 fishing through the ice in certain waters of, game law amended. surrogate's court stenographer, exception as to, code of civil woodcock and grouse, close season, game law amended.. Sullivan, J. H.: materials furnished by, for armory at Whitehall, appropriation Sumner Hill, town: 700 1967 Fall Brook creek, trout, close season, game law amended....... 424 960 Sunfish: fishing through the ice for, in certain waters, game law amended. 313 584 reports from, to state board of charities, relative to children 273 524 Superintendents of the poor of the town of Oswegatchie: 170 ... 362 Supervisors: agricultural information, to be furnished to commissioner of Allegany county, proceedings of, relative to bonds, town of Supervisors-Continued: assignment of judgments obtained in court of claims by county ... clerks of boards of, in certain counties, compensation of. Essex county, acts of, relative to Schroon bridge bonds, fees of, town law amended.. Niagara county, compensation of, county law amended.. Oneida county, authorized to issue additional bonds for new attorney of, office created. 132 207 Orange county, proceedings of, authorizing issue and sale of road 39 Oswegatchie, town, authorized to issue bonds for town hall im- 50 power of, to tax dogs, county law amended. turnpikes, plankroads and bridges, acquisition of franchises in Westchester county, certificates of indebtedness to pay tempo- 120 42 consent of, for relief of Kensico cemetery. 354 may authorize towns to borrow money for highway improve- 17 publication of certain official notices by. 138 220 Supreme Court: appellate division, first department, attendants, salaries of... 746 2115 699 1874 699 1874 salaries and expenses, appropriation for. second department, confidential attendants, appointment, compensation of....... confidential clerks to justices in, appropriation for. confidential clerks to justices residing in second judicial district, confidential clerks to resident trial justices in eighth judicial dis- 699 1876 confidential clerks to resident trial justices in fifth judicial dis- 699 1876 confidential clerks to resident trial justices in sixth and seventh judicial districts, appropriation for. 699 1876 appropriation for.. 700 1945 appropriation for.. first judicial district, attendants, salaries of. justices, appellate division, second department, appropriation for. justices assigned to appellate division, expenses of, appropriation justices, salaries and expenses, appropriation for. second judicial district, not residing in Kings county, addi- 746 2115 699 1874 700 1944 699 1875 699 1874 699 1875 Supreme Court-Continued: justices serving as associate judges of court of appeals, appro- Justices supreme court, appointment of, as referees in first judi- Justices, trial, traveling and other expenses, appropriation for... Mbraries, appellate division, first department, appropriation for.. librarian, appropriation for.... second department, appropriation for. third department, appropriation for.. eighth judicial district, Buffalo, appropriation for. fifth judicial district, Utica, books, appropriation for. sixth judicial district, Binghamton, books, appropriation for. Elmira, librarian, salary, appropriation for. Monroe county, attendants, salary of. referees, appointment of, in first judicial department, compensa- reporter, appointment, duties and salary. 164 353 reporter, salary, clerical help and expenses, appropriation for. 700 1945 699 1940 700 1944 stenographers additional, third and fourth judicial districts, appropriation for.... 699 1876 eighth judicial district, duties and fees of.. 390 908 except first and second judicial districts, appropriation for.. appointment, duties and salary of, code of civil procedure salary, clerical help and expenses, appropriation for... Niagara county, surrogate, salary and compensation of. 160 351 410 945 Burrogates' courts: Erie county, court officers and attendants, code of civil pro- 93 130 Queens county, exception as to stenographer, code of civil pro- 570 1265 Richmond county, exception as to stenographer, code of civil 570 1265 stenographers of, in certain counties, appointment and compensa- 570 1265 Sullivan county, exception as to stenographer, code of civil pro- Swinburne island: quarantine station, improvements, appropriation for... Syracuse, city: armory and stable, new, erection of, appropriation for. assessment for local improvement legalized. claim of, against the state, for assessments for local improvements finance, department of, relative to.... Taxable transfers: tax law amended, article X...... Tax Commissioners: advertisement and sale of real estate for unpaid taxes, § 151.... 445 981 61 73 costs and disbursements in certiorari proceedings, § 254. exemption of property of certain pharmaceutical societies in expense of publishing notice to redeem from county tax sales, insurance corporations, franchise taxes, § 187. 94 131 mortgages, secured by real property, taxation of, article XIV.......... publication of lists of real property to be sold for unpaid taxes, redemption of real property stricken from tax rolls, § 152-a resale of real property sold for taxes, levying of taxes upon, 447 983 taxable transfers, article X. 368 827 transfers of stock, tax on, amount, how paid, etc., article XV 241 474 Tax sales: Latham, Charles S., comptroller to hear application for cancella- Attica, village, levy and collection of taxes for certain years, changing system of taxation for working highways. |