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effential rules and remarks are printed in larger characters; and the committing of thefe to memory, together with the examples, will to a learner at first, it is thought, be found fufficient. A careful perufal of the particular obfervations, afterwards, joined with the reading of the claffics, and the practice of writing and fpeaking Latin, will fuperfede the ufe of any other grammar rules. If a further exercife for the memory be wanted, beautiful paffages felected from the Claffics feem much mote proper for this purpofe, than Latin verfes about words and phrafes, however accurately compofed.'

Whatever other grammars may have formerly been taught, the perufal of this, the Author hopes, will be attended with advantage. He affures his Readers, that he hath done every thing in his power to prepare it for the public; that he hath carefully examined the method of education, and the feveral grammars made ufe of both at home and abroad; and that he communicated his own plan to many perfons of the first character for letters in this kingdom, to whom he makes his grateful acknowledgments for the attention which they paid to it, and for the many useful obfervations which they were pleased to commnnicate.


By the

Art. XI. Infernal Conferences; or, Dialogues of Devils. Listener. 12mo. 2 Vols. 6s. Keith, &c. 1772. THE Liftener explores a moft gloomy and dreadful recess, called Horrida Valiis, the Vale of Horrors; which, though on this fide Hell, he found to be frequented by infernal fpirits. Here, lying perdue, in a fnug corner of the hideous inctofure, he over-hears certain Chiefs, or Princes, of the Devils, in their conferences, relate their feveral exploits and atchievements in the feduction of mankind, with the means by which their infernal hips have, at all times, and in all parts of this earth, been able to lead their votaries into the feveral folties and crimes incident to the weakness of fome, and the wickedness of others.

The work is a kind of religious fatire, probably the performance of fome pious Antinomian Divine; who writes fomewhat in Bunyan's manner, but without the genius which could produce the celebrated Pilgrim's Progress.

As a fhort fpecimen of his abilities, and to fhow what fort of fpirit this Writer poffeffes, or is poffeffed by, we shall extract his fentiments relating to theatrical entertainments,—as expreffed by his Devil, Avaro.

M. Although thefe people [the Players] have nothing but grimace to fell, (though a folly, formerly aloft peculiar to


the metropolis, but now diffufing itself every where) they have for fix months in the year a very plentiful market; and many who would fuffer the miferable to perifh unrelieved at their gates, will liberally contribute to fupport the luxury and libertinifm of the players.' Avaro concludes this wife fpeech with obferving, that, in the days of yore, the Devil Proteus was, but now David Garrick, Eiq; is'what think you, reader? why- foreman' to the player's company, and a fast friend' to the Devil's government. A fhrewd Devil, this Avaro.'.

Difcordans, another of these infernal Princes, however, to fhew his candour, takes the contrary fide of the argument, and obferves, that the end of theatrical entertainments being to expofe vice, and promote the reformation of manners, confequently their defign was originally religious.'

In his reply to Difcordans, Avaro, ftill fhrewder than before, allows, that in the darkness of paganism, the ancients had a religious defign in exhibitions of the ftage; but, adds he, what of that? They had likewife a religious defign in paffing their children through the fire to the Devil Molech. I allow, farther, that in the days of Monkifh ignorance, thofe blinking priefts made ufe of the stage to convey their inftructions; but then it ought to be obferved, that the fame fathers were equally pious and devout in perfecuting the best of men. So then, Coufin, the one is as much authorifed by ancient practice as the other. Indeed, when you confider that the ftage is peopled by extravagant, fpendthrift gentlemen, broken tradefmen, lazy mechanics, who always were avowed enemies to moral integrity; they will appear to be a very unpromising race of reformers.'

But neither Difcordans nor Avaro feem to have done juftice to the argument, through which they have blundered like filly Devils as they were; fince nothing can be more obvious than that if theatrical entertainments were inftituted with a moral view, it was not propofed to accomplish this laudable defign by the exemplary lives, or private characters of the Actors, but by the good Leffons of the Poet, whofe compofitions they were to repeat, and enforce by animated, juft, and characteristic expreffion. Their private conduct, therefore, hath as little relation to the question concerning the fitnefs or utility of dramatic representations, as that of the clerks in our courts of law, whofe bufinefs it is to read the affidavits, hath with the truth or importance of the facts which they recite, for the information of the judges and jury.







Art. 12. The Written Word the only Rule of Chriflian Faith and Manners, and the great Duty of Individuals to fudy it. In three Difcourfes. By A. Temple, A. M. Mafter of the Free-School at Richmond, and Vicar of Eaftby, Yorkshire. 8vo. 19. 6d. Newcastle upon Tyne printed: London, fold by Wheble. 1772.

T may be prefumed, that thefe difcourfes are not unacceptable to the public, as they have already paffed through two editions. They manifeft a fpirit of piety, a becoming regard to truth and Chriftian liberty, together with a serious concern for all the most important interests of mankind, and, at the fame time, the compofition fhews the ingenuity and ability of the Author.

The first difcourfe, we are informed, was preached at a public vifitation, held at Richmond in Yorkshire, in the year 1765, and published at the request of the clergy who were prefent upon that occafion. The two following were compofed for, and preached to, a country congregation; but being on a fimilar fubject, the author apprehends, they may ftrengthen and illuftrate the main argument of the firit.

We will infert a few extracts, which may enable the reader to form fome judgment for himself, both as to their matter and their compofition, and will, we believe, be perufed with fatisfaction.

The text of the firft is in Matt. x. 34. Think not, that I am come to fend peace on earth; I came not to fend peace, but a fword. After fome fenfible remarks on the perfecutions which were railed against Christianity, the preacher thus proceeds:

This fcene, however, changed at laft, Chriftians obtained. the power, and kingdoms and empires arofe under chriftian governors. May we here look for a brighter prospect? Had Chritt now no enemies, when a large part of the known world had received the gofpel, and allowed it the evidence of a divine revelat.on? Did kings, in fact, become their nursing fathers, and queens their nurfing muthers? Alas! the names of their perfecutors were changed, but the perfecution continued with equal bitterness, and equal obftinacy.

-If heathen perfecutors flood condemned by the light of nature, what fhall we fay to the merciless chriftian, who triumphs in the agonies of an expiring brother? Let us call upon him for his authority. If he is able to produce none, let us venture to inform him of a few principles of that meek religion, which his barbarity dishonours. Let us remind him of this memorable decifion of his Lord: Be not ye called Rabbi; for one is your Master, even Chrift; and all ye are brethren and call no man Father upon earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven; neither be ye called Maiers; for one is your Mafler, even Chrift.

In fuch an audience it is needlefs to obferve the peculiar emphafis of the original word here tranflated Maler No chriftian teacher can be ignorant, that it imports Leader, Guide, Director;


and that the prohibition lies against the interpofition of human anthority, and refers the judgment of every individual to the cognizance of Chrift himself. Let us fuppofe, therefore, the great day of final account to be arrived, and the perfecuted and their perfecutors to be brought face to face before the righteous judge of all the earth. How shall the latter make their defence?-Shall they alledge their zeal and their ardour in God's caufe? Shall not the gracious Judge, who has engaged to maintain the caufe of his injured fervants, point them to thefe exprefs declarations of his word? Shall he not point them to the meeknefs and moderation of his own example, and convince them, by the feverity of his fentence, of the great folly of being wife above that which was written? While this awful fcene is before our eyes, let us turn our thoughts to that oppreffive human power, foretold by the apostle, and exercised now and for ages over fo large a majority of the chriftian world; where a temporal hierarchy domineers over the confciences of men; where religious flavery is eftablished by law; and where it is impoffible to profecute the concerns of a future life, without giving up every comfort, without incurring every mifery of this.

This is the lamentable cafe of almost all our neighbouring nations, and that it is not ours, is owing firft to the merciful providence of a good God, and under him to the noble spirit of fome few of our glorious ancestors. The flame of perfecution rode triumphantly through our land, till it was in a great measure extinguished by the blood of our Cranmers, our Ridleys, and our Latimers. The evil was not totally abolished till another age: Some mistakes in their conduct, excufable, indeed, in men of their times and education, left the monfter ftill alive; the venom fermented afresh, and wrought much forrow to their nearest fucceffors. Flames, it is true, were more feldom kindled, but fome auretches loft their lives, and many innocent men, what was equally valuable, their reputation, and every comfort of their lives. A proteftant clergy had not learned the first principle of true proteftantifm, that chriftianity is entirely perfonal, that its reward is in another world, and the trial of it at a future tribunal. Men would ftill be called mafters, and took the judgment out of the hands of their great Lord. The fting of perfecution was, however, drawn at length; but, let it be spoken with deep regret, the clergy in general were not the moft forward to promote fo defirable an event. We owe it chiefly to the mild wifdom of a great king, and the public fpirit of his patriot minifters: They refcued the ftate from civil flavery, aud to render that bleffing truly valuable, laid a foundation for religious liberty by the glorious act of Toleration.

But, my brethren, bear with me if I fpeak freely. We have ftill fome reason for apprehenfion. Some part of the old leaven ftill appears to remain and to work. Do we not ftill hear men branded with odious names, because they have obeyed the fummons of the gospel, and called no man Father upon earth; because they have read, and judged, and determined for themfelves, in compliance with the strongest obligation which can be impofed, a peremptory command

Command to receive the rule of falvation from his mouth only, who can teach it truly ?-Is not this actually precluding the judgment of our Mafter, and conftituting ourfelves judges, of what none but God can know, the fecrets of the heart? Do we not fill run a greater risk? May we not condemn, whom he has not condemned; may we not curfe, whom he hath bleffed? Let us fuppofe the imputation to be true, will any of the principles of thefe men exclude them from the kingdom? If not, how highly dangerous is our uncharitable judgment?"

Mr. Temple speaks with great refpect, and even reverence, of our firft reformers; at the fame time justly obferving, that they were but men, and that their expofitions have no greater authority, than fallible underftandings could impart. After other reflections on this part of his fubject," he adds:

Will it be faid, that this reafoning will render fubfcriptions unneceffary, and leave chriftianity expofed, by removing the bulwarks of national establishments? I will not diffemble, my fentiments. I believe I shall one day be accountable for what I now fay, or leave unfaid; and fure I am, I have no view but to ferve the cause of our common Saviour and Redeemer. I can fee no harm christianity would receive, if fewer fubfcriptions were required, nor can underfland, what fecurity any human bond can give to it. Is it not founded on the adamantine rock of God's word, which no human force can undermine; and from which the weapons of all affailants must ineffectually recoil? Are not all queftions finally to be tried by the fingle teft of feripture? And why should men be fent thither with minds loft and bewildered in human fpeculations, or prejudiced against the truth by human authority? Was not the Almighty able to unfold his own mind, or does he need the feeble aid of finite abilities to direct his infinite and incomprehenfible wifdom? What right had our ancestors to preclude our improvements and discoveries, what right have we to prefcribe to our fucceffors?'

Thus does our author, with modefty, with piety and charity, and alfo in an animated manner, plead the caufe of truth, and the authoJity of God's word, in oppofition to all human impofitions.

The two laft difcourfes are founded on the words of Philip to the Ethiopian, Underftandeft thou what thou readeft? They are compofed in the fame worthy fpirit with the former fermon: but as our prefent limits will not admit of our selecting any more paffages than the above, we must refer our Readers for farther fatisfaction to the publi cation itself.

Art. 13. Some Remarks on Mr. Hill's Review of all the Doctrines taught by Mr. John Wesley. 8vo. 4d. Bristol printed, and fold by Keith in London. 172.

Mr. Wefley apologizes for, and vindicates himself against the charge of inconfiftency: fee Art. 51. of our Catalogue for August laft. Our Author has much to fay in his own defence; and endeavours to make it appear that Mr. Hill has fadly failed in his charges; juft 100 out of ici having proved void.'. In the clofe of his Remarks he has the following pointed addrefs to his opponent. Having anfwered a fet of Queries propofed to hia by his Reviewer, he fays, Suffer me, Sir, to propofe one to you: The fame which a gentleman of Rev. Nov. 1772.

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