El mito de Sísifo

Alianza Editorial, 2004 M10 25 - 181 páginas
La aparición casi simultánea -en 1942- de EL MITO DE SÍSIFO y «El extranjero» reveló al público el talento literario, la sensibilidad ética y la capacida de reflexión teórica de Albert Camus (1913-1960), para quien narrativa, teatro, ensayo y periodismo fueron medios alternativos para indagar sobre la complejidad, la ambigüedad y la riqueza de la condición humana y para plantear y debatir los grandes problemas morales de nuestra época. La obra se compone de cuatro capítulos y un apéndice («La esperanza y lo absurdo en la obra de Franz Kafka») que estudian, desde enfoques cercanos al existencialismo, esa «sensibilidad absurda» que parece dominar gran parte del siglo xx.

Acerca del autor (2004)

Born in 1913 in Algeria, Albert Camus was a French novelist, dramatist, and essayist. He was deeply affected by the plight of the French during the Nazi occupation of World War II, who were subject to the military's arbitrary whims. He explored the existential human condition in such works as L'Etranger (The Outsider, 1942) and Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The Myth of Sisyphus, 1942), which propagated the philosophical notion of the "absurd" that was being given dramatic expression by other Theatre of the Absurd dramatists of the 1950s and 1960s. Camus also wrote a number of plays, including Caligula (1944). Much of his work was translated into English. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. Camus died in an automobile accident in 1960.